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This paper discusses the dynamics of the gang-crime-terrorism continuum and its relationship to ”generations of warfare” within the contemporary spectrum of conflict. The focus is to explore the potential for gang-terrorist interaction in... more
This article will briefly summarize the country’s current state of affairs both in general (politics, economics, society, etc.) and religious terms. We will then highlight case studies of positive examples of Christian life among the... more
On 16 July 2019, “Los Angeles-Based” members of MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha 13) were named by the United States Attorney for the Central District of California in a Federal racketeering case for a series of brutal murders in the Los Angeles... more
Los educadores y los educandos, ahora sí, tienen en esta obra la información y las opiniones que les pueden ayudar —sobre todo a las nuevas generaciones de salvadoreños y salvadoreñas— a concebir opiniones novedosas y más justas para la... more
This short paper reviews the networked leadership structure of Mara Salvatrucha 13 (MS-13).
Traditional street gangs have focused on a narrow slice of violence. Primarily turf-oriented, they operate under loose leadership, with ill-defined roles and a focus on loyalty and turf protections. These "first generation" or "turf"... more
The last three decades Central America has been living on the terror of violence. The crime led by the gangs has been seen as a potential insurgency and as a cause of political instability. The way we understand the gangs’ role in the... more
An MS-13 leader in El Salvador—Armando Eliú Melgar Díaz (a.k.a. “Blue” or “Clipper”)—has been indicted on terrorism charges for his role as the Corredor (Leader) of the gang’s United States East Coast Program. The indictment, by the... more
After nearly a hundred years of debate and analysis, the gang concept remains hotly contested within the social sciences. Once thought to be an exclusively American phenomenon, the study of gangs has become increasingly global over the... more
En El Salvador el fenómeno de las Maras, estructuras sociales que efectúan numerosos actos delincuenciales conectados con diversas formas de violencia, ha sido una temática de investigación desde su surgimiento desde la década de 1990. No... more
LAS PANDILLAS transnacionales se han convertido en una real preocupación a través del hemisferio Occidental. Las pandillas criminales callejeras han evolucionado hasta el punto de crear amenazas a la seguridad pública y privada tanto en... more
Questo libro racconta una città e la sua struttura spaziale condizionata dalla dimensione della violenza. La città in questione è la capitale del Guatemala, paese centroamericano la cui storia affonda le radici in un passato di divisioni... more
This chapter explores the ways in which space shapes the territoriality of urban street gang members as well as the ways in which a gang exploits the local landscape. It begins by providing a brief overview of the classic works on the... more
Transnational gangs are a concern throughout the Western Hemisphere. Criminal street gangs have evolved to pose significant security and public safety threats in individual neighborhoods, metropolitan areas, nations, and across borders.... more
El Barrio 18 y la Mara Salvatrucha, proliferan en contextos donde la producción de la violencia se agudiza. Las pandillas pertenecen a una realidad dominante de muerte y optan por reproducir relaciones injustas de poder. Estos conjuntos... more
This essay briefly recounts the evolution of the gangs that occupy failed communities and states, further discusses and updates lie model of third generation street gangs discussed in an earlier Journal of Gang Research article--typically... more
The focus of this dissertation is on the reintegration of youth gang members in Honduras. The aim of this qualitative research is to broaden the knowledge of reintegration processes and programs in one specific country in Central America,... more
Three nations in Central America’s Northern Triangle have implemented an integrated, multinational task force to combat the threat from gangs (maras and pandillas) in the region. The task force or la Fuerza Trinacional contra las Maras y... more
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) as a street gang—as well as a group with prison gang attributes in Central America—has greatly evolved over the course of the last four decades. Starting out as a Los Angeles 'stoner gang' (Mara Salvatrucha... more
Transnational organized crime resides at the heart of nearly every major threat confronting the Americas today. These organizations systematically degrade democratic institutions and the rule of law, stunting economic growth and stifling... more
An analysis of North American national defense policies and their implications on transnational and border security. Issues of migration and organized crime are also touched upon in the literature, providing readers with an greater,... more
Transnational organized crime is a pressing global security issue. Mexico is currently embroiled in a protracted drug war. Mexican drug cartels and allied gangs (actually poly-crime organizations) are currently challenging states and... more
Esta publicación resume la investigación que llevamos a cabo sobre violencia, y derecho a la educación en el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras) por encargo de Save the Children. La violencia estructural,... more
"Cruces, Rifles y Volcanes": Violencia contra mujeres y niñas en El Salvador, es el capítulo 1, del tomo II (1-54) del libro De Género y Guerra: nuevos enfoques en los conflictos armados", coordinado por Carlos Mauricio Lopez y Rocío... more
This book is a compilation of field reports from a team of citizen security experts working in the Americas. Their most recent research, presented in this report, evaluates specific instances of citizen participation in local security... more
Salvadoran maras (gangs) have adapted to the COVID-19 outbreak by enforcing social control in the form of domestic quarantine (cuarentena domiciliar), curfews, and social distancing. The major maras, i.e. MS-13, and the Sureños and... more
This publication adds to the recent years of dialogue regarding defense and security issues in the Caribbean. Bobea et al. present their analysis in the context of this diverse, complex, and dynamic region, shedding new light on the... more
This dissertation was submitted as part of my master's degree in Conflict, Security and Development at King's College London in August 2014. This thesis won an Honourable Mention as runner up in the master's degree category at the 4th... more
This primer provides policing, law enforcement, and homeland security professionals a general, yet comprehensive, overview concerning the transnational street (and in some international locales-prison) gang Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13 or... more
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) is a well-known and extremely violent street, and in Central America, prison gang with an estimated transnational membership of 50,000 to 70,000 individuals. Essentially a transnational gang network, MS-13... more
Contemporary warfare is no longer the sole domain of adults and state forces. Children are increasingly involved in conflicts waged by nonstate actors: guerillas, terrorists, jihadi bands, gangs, criminals, and warlords. These groups... more
The proliferation of irregular armed actors which defy simplistic definition has caught public and academic attention alike, not least in the pages of this journal. To move the debate on non-state armed groups (NSAGs) forward, this... more
This short paper reviews the networked organization structure of La Línea.  La Línea, an enforcer gang, is influential in the contested and lucrative region of the Ciudad Juárez "plaza" adjacent to El Paso, Texas.
This paper provides an in-depth examination of the evolution of street gangs and narcotrafficking groups in Honduras under the regime of Juan Orlando Hernandez, and new government strategy and organizations to combat it, including the... more
According to much contemporary literature on the illicit global economy, there is a convergence between different groups involved in transnational organized crimes such as drug trafficking, smuggling of migrants and trafficking in... more
Criminal cartels and Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) rely on corruption to enable their pursuit of criminal profit and power. Indeed, Mexico’s cartels emerged from the seeds of corrupt police profiting from the narcotics... more
Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) – commonly called drug cartels – are challenging states and their institutions in increasingly brutal and profound ways. This is seen dramatically in Mexico's drug wars and the expanding reach of... more
El objetivo de este artículo es aportar al debate sobre la construcción social y mediática de las pandillas en El Salvador, a través del estudio de las narrativas periodísticas que se desprenden de tres medios escritos durante el año... more
Third generation street gangs are a crime and security problem in many global cities, internationally linked ethnic Diasporas, and cross-border regions where insecurity and criminal non-state actors reign. Widely known as third generation... more
This working paper assesses the potential for employing humanitarian diplomacy to mitigate the humanitarian crisis stem- ming from conflicts between criminal cartels, gangs, and the state in Mexico and Central America’s Northern Triangle.... more
Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs builds upon the third generation street gang (3Gen Gang) theory first articulated in a series of papers by John P. Sullivan in 1997. From that foundation, Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Robert J. Bunker,... more
The nature of conflict and crime is changing. Technology allows groups to spread their influence without regard to geographic limitations. A shift from hierarchies to network organizational forms is also occurring. As a consequence... more
Gangs dominate the intersection between crime and war. Traditionally viewed as criminal enterprises of varying degrees of sophistication and reach, some gangs have evolved into potentially more dangerous and destabilizing actors. In many... more