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Dietary variation in males and females can shape the expression of offspring life histories and physiology. However, the relative contributions of maternal and paternal dietary variation to phenotypic expression of latter generations is... more
Reproduction is one of the most energetically demanding life-history stages. As a result, breeding individuals often experience trade-offs, where energy is diverted away from maintenance (cell repair, immune function) toward reproduction.... more
The degree to which vertebrate herbivores exploitatively compete for the same food plant may depend on the level of compensatory plant growth. Such compensation is higher when there is reduced density‐dependent competition in plants after... more
Using a life-table approach, pairs of exephippial sibs of Daphnia pulex were surveyed for sources of variation in life-history traits, and daphnids derived from diapausing and subitaneous eggs were assessed for differences in variance for... more
Selection pressures due to parasitism play an important role in driving the evolution of life history traits of birds in general and of behaviour at the nest in particular. Eggshell bacterial load has been shown to predict hatching... more
Marine reserves are rapidly becoming an important tool for protection and recovery of depleted marine populations. However, the relative value of reserves to particular species is strongly dependent on its life history and behavior. We... more
The juvenile life history and age composition of Klamath River fall chinook salmon (Oncorhvnchus tshawvtscha) were determined for adult populations returning to major spawning tributaries from 1984 to 1986. Three juvenile life histories... more
By estimating probabilistic reaction norms for age and size at maturation, we show that maturation schedules of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Labrador and Newfoundland shifted toward earlier ages and smaller sizes during the late 1980s... more
This study aims to examine the biography of pantomime figures named  Jemek Supardi, who is known as the maestro of Indonesian pantomime, which includes: life history, way of thinking and his roles in developing pantomime in Indonesia.... more
Calyptrate flies include about 22,000 extant species currently classified into Hippoboscoidea (tsetse, louse, and bat flies), the muscoid grade (house flies and relatives) and the Oestroidea (blow flies, bot flies, flesh flies, and... more
We track the strategic choices of Rhode Island Coalition against Domestic Violence (RICADV), a statewide collective actor working in one media market to expand opportunities to promote its mission. We reconstruct an organizational life... more
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto de Biociências do Campus de Rio Claro, Universidade Estadual Paulista, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular). ... PROGRAMA DE... more
Several primate species form expectations based on others’ outcomes, responding negatively when their outcomes differ from their partners’. The function and evolutionary pathway of this behavior are unknown, in part because all of the... more
Summary1. Little is known about the predators of insect eggs in fresh waters. This study describes aspects of the life history of a scathophagid fly (Acanthocnema sp.), whose larvae are predators of aquatic insect eggs.2. Because the... more
The present study describes the morphology of Oplophoridae and Bresiliidae larvae collected during the cruise of the RV Thalassa in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean in 1999. The larvae were caught by oblique hauls from the surface to 200... more
Patterns of actuarial senescence can be highly variable among species. Previous comparative analyses revealed that both age at the onset of senescence and rates of senescence are linked to the species’ position along the fast-slow... more
The rhesus macaque population at Cayo Santiago increases annually and is in urgent need of control. In-depth assessmentsof the colony's population genetic and pedigree structures provide a starting point for improving the colony's... more
A survey on the genus Exallonyx Kieffer, 1904 (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupidae) was conducted in northern Iran. The specimens were collected using Malaise traps during 2010-2011. The genus Exallonyx and six species were collected and... more
Recent research has shown that low genetic variation in individuals can increase susceptibility to infection and group living may exacerbate pathogen transmission. In the eusocial diploid termites, cycles of outbreeding and inbreeding... more