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Abstract—Surface crack detection is useful in structural engineering. Early detection of surface crack can prevent damages and disasters. If the surface cracks are detected early, we can avoid costly repairs to the structures and damages... more
The goal of this paper is to offer a unified analysis of the morphological structure of spatial adpositions and spatial case markers in three languages: English, Spanish, and Finnish. This analysis combines Distributed Morphology... more
We report on the crystal improvement of semi-polar (112¯2) gallium nitride epitaxy layer on m-plane (101¯0) sapphire substrate by changing the flux rate at a fixed V/III ratio. The high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) analysis... more
Fraxinus L. is one of the 24 genera in Oleaceae family and comprises 43 species that are distributed in northern hemisphere. Two species: F. excelsior L. and F. angustifolia Vahl. are reported from Iran. These species are very similar on... more
This volume presents nine chapters dealing with emotionally loaded morphology over four continents. The collection is the result of a workshop on “morphology and emotions” (MorphEm) held by the first author at Dynamique du Langage (CNRS)... more
Loanwords are very influential in language learning because learners have a tendency to pronounce or write target language’s words based on the corresponding loanwords in their first languages. For that reason, research on English... more
Mukesh Kumar, Yuvana S. Priya, Virendra Mathur, Harendra Kumar, and Vadamalai Elangovan (2016) The ultrastructural hair morphology of 09 insectivorous bats such as Pipistrellus coromandra, P. ceylonicus, Scotophilus kuhlii, S. heathii,... more
This study was allocated to synthesis BixZn1−xO (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.06) nanoparticles. In addition, to study the microstructural properties, crystal imperfections and the morphology for these samples.
In this study the kinship terms of Kurmali has been explored from both linguistic and anthropological point of view. Kurmali is an Indo-Aryan language which has not been studied to a great extent. This paper explores the area of kinship... more
Some structural similarities between English and the Polynesian language Tokelau are investigated, especially regarding the multifunctionality of linguistic forms. Observations are made with respect to the relative distribution of overt... more
Tarsonemus caucasicus Sharonov & Mitrofanov (Acari: Tarsonemidae) is re-described and illustrated, on the base of newly recorded material from Apulia (Italy), where it was found affecting laboratory cultures of fungi. The morphology and... more
Nanocrystalline nickel coatings deposited on a copper base material from DES made of choline chloride and ethylene glycol in 1:2 molar ratio containing 1 mol dm−3 NiCl2⋅6H2O were modified through post-deposition heat treatment at the... more
A three-dimensional (3D) theoretical morphospace of gomphonemoid and cymbelloid diatoms was skeletonized using concepts from extended Reeb graph analysis and Morse theory. The resultant skeleton tree was matched to a cladogram of the same... more
A number of basic forms in the gomphonemoid–cymbelloid diatom lineages were generated using three-dimensional (3D) parametric equations. The same boundary intervals and differentials for the parameters were used for all forms. From this,... more