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This short paper, shows how executive coaching draws on psychotherapy, and offers insights into using psychodynamic and systems theory in coaching practice. To cite this paper: Western, S. (2006) Look Who’s Talking, Coaching at Work.... more
Many people use the turn of the year as restart, i. e. they want to leave old things behind, let go of habits and try new things or pursue goals with discipline. So it would be a great moment to add one more point to the list of projects... more
This article aims to understand the essence of life coaching through the perspective of Buddhism in psychotherapy and counseling. The term “psychotherapy and Buddhist counseling” is a combination between concepts of both Buddhism and the... more
During the pre-Christmas period a question arises, which is indeed also relevant during the rest of the year, but which gets increasingly explosive in this special period of time: How neurotic is our society? It seems as if modern society... more
This study examines the impact of an evidence-based coaching intervention in a Qatari government preparatory (middle) school. The study sample consisted of 40 male students aged between 13 and 16 years (mean age 14.2). The sample was... more
Overview, process, and specific tools or techniques for starting and running an internal coaching program.
While coaching is establishing itself as an effective human development approach, there is limited understanding of the dynamics of coaching in the context of oppression. This paper summarises a study that examined the use of coaching as... more
Memory reconsolidation is currently the only mechanism known to neuroscience that can edit or erase existing emotional learnings. This paper explores the application of memory reconsolidation in developmental coaching as illustrated in... more
This review is an update on Botham’s (2013) review of clinical supervision in child protection but with two clear differences: the focus of this paper is primarily on safeguarding supervision and explores the views of frontline nurses... more
Rečenica: „Sve ti je to na nervnoj bazi!“ i termin „psihosomatska bolest“ danas se često upotrebljavaju u svakodnevnom govoru, ali se činjenica da somatska bolest ide uz neki psihički uticaj ne koristi dovoljno u lečenju. Svaka somatska... more
O caderno de ferramentas de coaching são determinados instrumentos utilizados com o indivíduo visando a realização de alguma tarefa ou atingir determinado resultado. As ferramentas de coaching são a base da atuação do coach que, as... more
Soul Guide Coaching, Chapter 6 of Coaching and Mentoring a critical text Sage Pub (2012), describes the Soul Guide discourse of coaching, this is one of four discourses that underpins coaching practice today. It discusses a coaching... more
Sting, the singer-songwriter, says that silence between notes can be more important than the notes themselves. Sting cites the opening bars of Beethoven’s fifth symphony (da-da-da---daaaaaa------------da-da-da---daaaaa). Here the portent... more
Most people wish for vulnerability, intimacy and authenticity in relationship, but at the same time struggle with that. No matter if we talk about couples’ relationships, relationships to friends or even relationships to colleagues.... more
Have you ever tried to no longer be angry and to create especially your relationship in a harmonious way? In search for happiness and satisfaction many people wish for a harmonious relationship with their partner. The purpose of creating... more
Aus genealogischer Perspektive gehen die sozial- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge dieses Bandes der These nach, dass der »Psychoboom« als eine der strukturellen Veränderungen »nach dem Boom« in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland... more
This chapter sets out to identify what kinds of models of supervision are appropriate to coaches. In undertaking this objective, models and lessons from the supervision of counsellors and psychotherapists will be explored. There are... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que a metodologia “Roda da Vida”, quando utilizada de maneira correta e com a devida autoavaliação pode trazer resultados satisfatórios em poucos meses, pois o mesmo exige tão somente do usuário... more
W artykule zostały przedstawione wybrane wątki współczesnej kultury indywidualizmu, w szczególności związane z dyskursem terapeutycznym w ujęciu nawiązującym do koncepcji Małgorzaty Jacyno. Treści pojawiające się w internetowych... more
Let us face it. It is the hardest and painful part of a relationship.

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How do we define coaching and mentoring? What are the differences between them? What are the processes involved? Even though coaching and mentoring have a long history in different professions and countries around the world, no universal... more
Mindfuck - Beyni Becermek (Petra Bock) Remembering the Latin proverb ‘’Verba volant, scripta manent – söz gider yazı kalır’’ in Turkish; I am going to introduce the book to you which I evaluated that is really... more
This study explores the advantages and disadvantages of being a professional coach with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The abundant literature on ADHD is reviewed and looked at in light of international and national... more
This article aims to understand the essence of life coaching through the perspective of Buddhism in psychotherapy and counseling. The term “psychotherapy and Buddhist counseling” is a combination between concepts of both Buddhism and the... more
- Cómo ser un buen coach , aprende los puntos claves que debes trabajar para convertirte en un experto en la motivación...
Bob Panic is a global leading Business Systems and Technology Solutions Architect. Big Data, Cloud solutions, Change and Transformation are all part of the service.+61 424 1-2 603 or
Self Confidence is closely related to self esteem. It is an external behavior that stems from a high self esteem.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of life coaching sessions on the entrepreneurs’ behavior. The exploratory research used a qualitative method and we used the in-depth interview. For interpreting the results, we... more
Ako su emocije konj bez jahača, odvešće nas tamo gde ne želimo da budemo. Kako držati uzde sopstvenih emocija u svojim rukama? "Neutralizacija-regulator psihe"
The tasks of the work were to develop methodological principles for restoring the psychological health of the individual, to work out the technologies of social and psychological rehabilitation and to determine the resource modalities... more
Shani Orgad and I were thrilled to contribute to this special issue edited by Mehita Iqani. Examining women’s magazines and lifestyle coaching, the article explores how positivity imperatives in contemporary culture call forth a happy,... more
We internalise the idea of having unlimited aspirations, following the social injunction ‘you can become whatever you desire’. This short essay explores how these positivistic mantras, paradoxically undermine us rather than empower us.... more
It is often difficult for parents to discipline their adolescents. Adolescents at a private school were used to establish their feelings about parental styles. Various forms of literature were also used to confirm the findings.... more
This multi-methods study, informed by the principles of action research, presents an evidencebased model for group coaching for wellbeing. The model is primarily based on psychological wellbeing and positive psychology theories, and it... more
Un libro polifónico, que no se debate entre la ficción y la realidad, aunque algunas veces nos valemos de la fuerza heurística de lo inverosímil – del como sí para apuntar algunas cosas en este “canto coral” cuya voz principal es... more
The influence of heredity on one's personality in terms of their 'Thinking Styles' or 'Inborn Attitudes' is better understood through the 'FITS Personality Types Assessment. This simple and useful tool is based on the works of a famous... more
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
A través de la realización de procesos de coaching, y del mismo proceso de coaching por el que yo he pasado he advertido que un cambio no se da, por mucho que lo pueda desear alguien, si existe una creencia que no da lugar al cambio, y... more