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Orientation: Coaching is sometimes used in organisations to assist and support people when they are promoted into senior leadership positions. These coaching interventions are not optimally designed.Research purpose: The objective of this... more
ABSTRACT Lean Six Sigma Executive Overview (Case Study) Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define,... more
This short paper, shows how executive coaching draws on psychotherapy, and offers insights into using psychodynamic and systems theory in coaching practice. To cite this paper: Western, S. (2006) Look Who’s Talking, Coaching at Work.... more
Required from elligible coachees prior to the 1st. meeting and discussion of the goals and objectives for the coaching program. Should allow 5 days after completed material arrives, as to analyze the information and draw the basic... more
Meta-analytic results have established that workplace coaching is effective, however, little is known about the determinants of coaching effectiveness. This paper reports an inclusive systematic literature review, covering the... more
This chapter provides an overview of how coaching can be used within the higher education sector. It considers a variety of methods and approaches to coaching and discusses the potential impact it might have on education at this level. It... more
Purpose – This paper aims to offer a theoretical foundation for a testable framework of executive coaching effectiveness and to share key findings from the research study in executive coaching effectiveness based on the theoretical... more
Leadership is everywhere: it has a dominant and privileged place in our society; it is constantly in our news, politics, businesses, films, books and magazines. Leadership is part of our social narrative, predominantly as a mythological... more
Psychological and Religious Dimensions of Personal Transformation: Psychodynamic approaches to the Ignatian Exercises by Martin J. Egan Ignatius of Loyola has been recognised by modern psychologists as the innovator of Christian... more
We are delighted to share our new book to be published in March 2018 :The book aims to: • Allow leadership to speak with different voices • Liberate leadership from how it is portrayed in the dominant academic and popular literature.... more
This paper reviews different options for helping people faced with a difficult decision. This can be a particularly challenging context, where the standard solution focused (SF) approach of leaping into the future may not be instantly... more
Make Rain is a business book that helps salespeople, professionals and entrepreneurs sell more in a shorter space of time. The book looks at the mindset and practice of Rainmakers, the top 20 percent of individuals who seem to bring in... more
The GROW model was developed some thirty years ago by the late Sir John Whitmore, with his colleagues. It was publicised through his book ‘Coaching for Performance’ and, since the book has been translated into 19 languages, GROW has... more
The cognitive mental functions give humans a particular advantage in terms of creative solution development. Humans are constantly engaging in a process of internal dialogue across a variety of subject areas. Mental distress may be at... more
Nowadays, organizations present an environment leading people to greater competitiveness and individual performance in the workplace. In order to better serve its interests and objectives, business community use different forms of support... more
Triple Impact Coaching: Use-of-Self in the Coaching Process (Patwell, Whitfield Seashore 2006) is in its 11th year of publication. In celebration of this milestone, we will hear from the author and 24 multi-generational Canadian leaders... more
This chapter deals with the concept of values as an essential point of reference for coaching, mentoring and professional developmental dialogues. Values give individuals a fundamental orientation for their work and their life in general.... more
This paper deals with the contribution of positive psychology to coaching psychology in the organizational contexts. First, the current situation of coaching in the world of work is outlined. Many are the “savage” applications of... more
Whether acting as independent (external) or in-house (internal) coaches, all face the challenge of building their skills, knowledge, credibility and self-confidence, as well as creating or reshaping a sense of professional identity. So,... more
Научно-практическое пособие для подготовки и повышения квалификации в сфере обучения и развития, корпоративного образования, развития руководящих кадров. Книга написана на основе исследований, обобщает современный опыт обучения и... more
Istotą podjęcia tematu podejścia systemowego w coachingu była, z jednej strony, chęć pokazania konkretnych zastosowań oraz zaproszenie do zmia- ny perspektywy w pracy coachingowej, z drugiej zaś wskazanie, że coaching, choć jako dziedzina... more
Welcome to the world of Coaching. Today, organizations need to be equipped to cope up with fast-paced disruptions and employees expectations. Investing in learning & development strategy and creating a coaching culture for employees is... more
Propone como idea fuerza del libro que es fundamental en las empresas contar con " talento líder " , el que implica, " capacidad de ejercer brillantemente las tareas directivas " , lo que engloba competencias, conocimientos, actitudes y... more
Executive coaching is now seen in many organisations, both private and public, as an essential professional development intervention. While in the recent past, coaches may have been engaged by individual senior managers, it is... more
"This master thesis deals with “the meeting” and what it means to meet in a coaching­related context. Based on the dialogue philosophy and the protreptic... more
This essay takes a psychoanalytic perspective to reflect on Covid-19 as master signifier of contagion. It explores our relation with nature and control. Covid19 is an intrusion of a traumatic Real into our lifeworlds. The Real... more
Overview, process, and specific tools or techniques for starting and running an internal coaching program.
Memory reconsolidation is currently the only mechanism known to neuroscience that can edit or erase existing emotional learnings. This paper explores the application of memory reconsolidation in developmental coaching as illustrated in... more
Talent Liberation is a value adding people management philosophy. It is a new form of experiential learning, based on the natural order of things and offering great potential for impact and added value for organisations - be they... more
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję modelu zawierającego siedem wartości telicznych, opisujących postawę coacha, tworzących warunki sprzyjające skutecznemu procesowi rozwoju klienta oraz odpowiadających im siedem wartości autotelicznych,... more
Se puede definir al coaching ejecutivo como un proceso de desarrollo basado en un contrato formal uno a uno entre el coach y un participante o coachee que generalmente ostenta un nivel gerencial en una organización, con el fin de lograr... more
This review is an update on Botham’s (2013) review of clinical supervision in child protection but with two clear differences: the focus of this paper is primarily on safeguarding supervision and explores the views of frontline nurses... more
This presentation is taken from Coaching and Mentoring a critical text, (Western S 2012 Sage) it gives a taster of the books content; 1) The historical development of coaching 2) The four discourses that underpin coaching 3) A... more
Dada la propia naturaleza humana y la dinámica de relaciones entre personas es habitual que surjan conflictos, ya sea por meras diferencias de estilos o modos de ser o por diferencias de intereses. Por eso el aprendizaje central es ser... more
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję sześciu najważniejszych ontologicznych założeń charakteryzujących coachingowe podejście w pracy z klientem (od dotyczących natury działań człowieka, aż po rozwój rozumiany jako wzrost samoświadomości).... more
The article is a manager's guide to radical change programmes and explains why change is often so difficult to manage successfully. Based on practical experience and supported by relevant theory, it provides a definition of types of... more
Sind Führungskräfte anders? Dies Frage stellte sich mir als erstes als ich mit Peter Plöger über einen Gastbeitrag in diesem Buch sprach. Ich coache seit 1996 Führungskräfte aus der mittleren und obersten Führungsebene zu den... more
Istotą podjęcia tematu podejścia systemowego w coachingu była, z jednej strony, chęć pokazania konkretnych zastosowań oraz zaproszenie do zmiany perspektywy w pracy coachingowej, z drugiej zaś wskazanie, że coaching, choć jako dziedzina... more
The late American Historian, Barbara Tuchman-. II concluded that nothing much has changed. Yet, now, with the fate of the planet potentially hanging in the balance, we need wise leaders. And coaching, if done well, can foster the... more
Complex Situations in Coaching is a collection of 20 typical yet under-discussed issues in coaching, ranging from value conflicts, multiple agendas, power dynamics, emotion management, to the role of money, etc. Organized into 10... more
Ethics form the very foundation of professional coaching. In order to become a recognized profession, not only does coaching need a set of professional standards, definitions or a credentialing system, but also strong ethical guidelines.... more
This paper utilises personal experience and psychoanalytic theory to reflect on the two-way dynamic of projections between leaders and followers. It identifies 5 key areas that stimulate projection, 1. The Institution and Context 2.... more
This paper proposes a new approach in management development, “Shadow Dialogue” in the context of executive coaching. The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung long advocated the need for dialogue and interaction with both the personal and... more