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This article explores the central role of formalisation in the history and functioning of international economic law (IEL). IEL, in constituting and managing a 'modern' world economy, has relied on what we call 'the dream of formality'.... more
Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada awal abad dua puluh satu ini telah menyebabkan terjadinya hubungan dunia tanpa batas. Salah satu produk dari meningkatnya intensitas teknologi informasi adalah perdagangan elektronik (e- commerce)... more
Dewasa ini, perkembangan bisnis perbankan syariah semakin mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Semakin pesatnya aktivitas perbankan syariah tersebut juga akan berdampak pada timbulnya sengkta di antara para pihak. Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 49... more
""The emergence of China as a significant economic force in Latin America has sparked both optimism and alarm. Recent books and articles depict China as a rising imperial power scouring the globe for natural resources and as a competitive... more
In this book, I have tried to establish two points. Firstly, that there is a strong relationship between law and development. Even with all of its different manifestations and meanings, development is almost impossible without the... more
Seiring meningkatnya arus lalu lintas orang yang masuk dan keluar wilayah Indonesia, maka semakin meningkat pula tingkat kejahatan keimigrasian yang terjadi. Pemalsuan paspor sebagai kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan cara mengganti,... more
Local Space, Global Life engages with the expansive, ground-level and intertwined operations of international law and the development project by discussing the current international focus on local jurisdictions. Since the mid-1980s, and... more
The post-1991 Ethiopian ruling elites attempted to implement dual projects of economic transformation and democratization under the political arrangement of ethno-linguistic federalism. As Bach (2011) observes, the ruling TPLF/EPRDF party... more
Puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas penyerataannya sehingga Tim Dosen Politeknik Imigrasi dapat menulis sebuah buku yang berjudul ‘Sebuah Pendekatan Multidisipliner-Dinamika Keimigrasian di Indonesia’ yang merupakan kumpulan... more
This master’s thesis explores the encounters between international law, development and postcolonial studies. I focus in particular on how critical international legal scholarship has re-described international law and development using... more
This chapter considers the relationship between the rule of law and the rise of capitalism. It offers a mapping of the two most prominent theoretical traditions which have sought to understand this relationship, namely those associated... more
Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be... more
LLM Subject - 2020 - Kent Law School. Feel free to use it with due acknowledgment. About the Subject: Law has always been central to debates about international development but this is becoming increasingly and markedly the case. In... more
Pengaturan keabsahan kontrak elektronik di Indonesia diatur dalam berbagai regulasi. Namun praktiknya, perbedaan tersebut berpotensi menimbulkan konflik dan ketidakpastian hukum di antara para pihak. Rumusan masalah yang diteliti adalah... more
El número de actores involucrados en el comercio en vía pública de la Ciudad de México, teje formas particulares de redes sociales entre comerciantes formales e informales, autoridades y organizaciones. En el desarrollo cotidiano del... more
This Article explores international judicial education and training, which are commonly associated with rule of law initiatives and development projects. Judicial education programs address everything from leadership competencies and... more
"Within the context of the regulation of natural resources, the local community has emerged in recent times with an increasingly crucial role. Local participation in sustainable development processes is presented as an alternative to... more
Antitrust policy nominally plays an instrumental public interest role. The generally accepted notion is that it is a government instrument designed to intervene in relatively unregulated markets in order to preserve rivalry among... more
As part of the gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) results and book series, a book was published CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON NON-TRADE CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW, Climate Change, Sustainable... more
This article puts forward two main arguments. First, it highlights the relation between different phases of neoliberalism in Morocco together with the specific methods and techniques of urban government that were deployed in efforts to... more
Is it far-fetched to construe a link between SDG 4 on quality education and private international law? Only at first sight. SDG 4, it is assumed here, is closely linked to the right to education. Ensuring the right to education will often... more
Twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall ‘rule of law’ has become a routine part of framing and legitimizing multilateral and bilateral interventions in developing and fragile states. Its conceptual and operational use now... more
Development and finance go hand in hand. It is difficult for a country to develop without finance. However, what is the new perception of development? Clearly it seems to encompass more than just economic figures. And what is the role of... more
This paper explores the shift in the human rights movement regarding the interaction between criminal justice - whether international(ized) or nationalized – and truth commissions. Once regarded as mutually exclusive institutions, focused... more
The heightened attention to Africa-China relations is prompted by the growing investment, trade, and aid between African countries and China. Such ventures are being both embraced, on the one hand, and met with scepticism, on the other... more
Paradigma atau cara pandang terhadap masalah imigrasi bukan sebatas pada perpindahan penduduk antar negara yang hanya dilihat dari unsur pergerakan tetapi juga meliputi segala aspek yang menyertainya baik secara regional maupun global.... more
This report presents the research findings of the Justice Delivered Locally (JDL) initiative of Solomon Islands Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, which was supported by the World Bank's Justice for the Poor (J4P) program. The... more
Urban designers and urban planners should never uncritically rely on policy prescriptions purportedly derived from neoclassical economic theory concerning their respective disciplines or specialized praxis. Although neoclassical... more
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
A presente dissertação analisa a relação entre direito e experimentalismo institucional por meio de um estudo sobre o surgimento de políticas públicas de capital semente no Brasil. A partir de uma pesquisa empírica sobre a colaboração... more
The PDP (GIZ) has released the publication “Cairo’s Informal Areas Between Urban Challenges and Hidden Potentials. Facts. Voices. Visions.” Published in July 2009, the book provides a comprehensive look at development in the informal... more
This article analyzes Professor Ronald Gilson's theory of " simultaneity " in engineering a venture capital market in the context of China. Based on both quantitative and qualitative data collected by the author, this article analyzes how... more
The omission to define the term “investment” in the IC- SID Convention is one of the most critical decisions that has led to inconsistent jurisprudence and the resulting debate regarding the propriety of the ICSID Convention and... more
It has been generally thought that having natural resource endowments play key role in the economic and political development of states due to the privilege that they are leading to their owner states since they can increase wealth and... more
No presente trabalho, apresento a alienação de controle societário como proposta de modelo mais adequado para a punição do crime empresarial. Tal modelo seria alternativo: i) ao modelo jurídico-penal existente, o qual se mostra incapaz de... more
Giving the poor legal title to the lands they occupy extra-legally (informally) has been widely promoted by the World Bank and by best-selling author Hernando de Soto as a means of addressing both poverty and the scarcity of affordable... more
Feel free to use the syllabus with due acknowledgment, and please let us know if you are using it for your course or teaching for our own information. About the Subject: Both trade and human rights have come to be understood as key... more
This article will seek to operationalize and measure rule of law primarily relying on the “Rule of Law Checklist,” developed by the Venice Commission, composed of the following five elements: (1) Legality; (2) Legal certainty; (3)... more
Brazil is currently discussing the introduction of a nationwide Fixed Book Price (" FBP ") policy, thus providing context for a discussion of its welfare benefits. There is a rift between the reasons for implementing FBP regimes, and... more
For around fifteen years now, anthropology has been engaged in the study of neoliberalism. What contribution does the discipline have to make to a debate largely monopolized by economics and political science? To answer this question, the... more
This chapter utilizes the concrete example of large-scale land acquisitions to provide a critical reading of South-South relationships. In particular, in the face of a diffused rhetoric which defines BRICS as the representatives and... more
This paper will criticize the current characterization of customary international law analysis as falling into two competing analytical methods, specifically, the “traditional” and “modern” methods. Following Koskennieni, Roberts,... more
For over half a century now, the world has experienced a radical advancement in the area of science and technology. It is indeed an era of unfathomable borderless electronic transactions and communications. This digital development has... more
Indonesia bukan negara pihak Konvensi Tahun 1951. Tidak ada hak dan kewajiban yang melekat pada Indonesia untuk menangani masalah pengungsi dan pencari suaka. Keberadaan mereka akan mengakibatkan perubahan budaya di masyarakat. Metode... more