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Although USLE and RUSLE have been adjusted and validated for use in Uruguay, soil mass losses should be expressed in terms of soil productivity or land value losses, in order to guide management decision-making, and assess its impact in... more
This paper addresses sale as a specific case of real property transfer. Special emphasis is on the administrative procedure and legal framework of such property transactions in Slovenia. The article is concentrated on the rural land sale... more
This empirical study focuses on competition between local governments as they strive to attract companies through the auction of land use rights. In the literature on competition between local governments, the focus has tended to be... more
En Afrique sub-saharienne, la croissance urbaine ne se traduit pas seulement par l’émergence de mégalopoles de plusieurs millions d’habitants mais aussi par la densification du maillage des villes secondaires. Dans ce contexte, le soutien... more
Food security is a high priority issue on the Chinese political agenda. China’s food security is challenged by several anthropogenic, sociopolitical and policy factors, including: population growth; urbanization and industrialization;... more
Kunz B. Ignacio (2011). Mercado de Suelo en la Zona Conurbada de Querétaro. Gobierno del Estado de Querétaro, Querétaro.

Análisis descriptivo de la estructura y dinámica del mercado de suelo en la ciudad de Querétaro en el 2009.
... існуватиме і багато випадків «квазі-довірчої» власності, коли фізичні і юридичні особи акумулюватимуть сільськогосподарські землі в інтересах інших осіб в «тіньовому» режимі, коли номінальний характер власності та відносини між... more
"The land administration system in the Philippines can be aptly described into two words: multiple and complex. The whole system has been governed by multiple laws, regulations, processes and standards, and has been managed by multiple... more
In the face of an estimated one billion people living in inadequate housing conditions in developing countries the need for scaling up housing supply has become an urgent focus of policy debate. To this end the expansion of the role of... more
In this paper I show that decline in tax revenue from Early Medieval Iraq was mainly due to the fall in soil output. I demonstrate that the fall in soil output, political administration, land tenure and the methods of tax assessment were... more
Cette étude porte sur les économies de plantation de la région de Guinée Forestière (République de Guinée). Elle interroge la place du foncier rural dans les trajectoires d’autonomisation socio-économique des jeunes dans un contexte de... more
... which took off especially after 1982, began to integrate the neighborhood into the economic and cultural circuits of the emerging global city. ... of citywide and global economic trends in the neighborhood gentrification market, it... more
Este estudio analiza la relación entre la tenencia de títulos de propiedad (registrados) y los mercados inmobiliarios en zonas de la ciudad que tuvieron un origen informal y/o ilegal. Al hacerlo plantea cuestionamientos a los presupuestos... more
SUMMARY Introduction of geoinformation technologies for building up a modern land management system in Georgia goes back to mid-1990s. This has been stimulated by start of land reform resulting in privatization of over 3 million... more
Economic theories of systems of cities explain why production and consumption activities are concentrated in a number of urban areas of different sizes and industrial composition rather than uniformly distributed in space. These theories... more
This paper reconstructs the organization and development of factor markets in early medieval Iraq. It shows that from the late Sasanian period on, and accelerating in the early Islamic period, there was a relatively unrestricted... more
This essay engages with the commodification of land in an urban periphery of India. It argues against the tendency to reduce commodification of land to “primitive accumulation” or “accumulation by dispossession.” It presents an... more
En este artículo analizamos la expansión de la frontera agrícola en el municipio de Sevilla (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) a partir del establecimiento de un mercado de tierra, que sumado al desarrollo de la colonización antioqueña entre... more
This rapid evidence assessment (REA) seeks to address the question of which policies and interventions or approaches have been successful in fostering compliance with legitimate land tenure rights and what impact these strategies have had... more
Markets for labour, land and capital play important roles in the longterm evolution of economies. In the course of recent centuries, the exchange of land, labour and capital by way of the market – whereby prices are mainly determined... more