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Un type d'enceinte méconnu du Néolithique européen : l'enceinte à pseudo-fossé, in : M. Gandelin , V. Ard, J. Vaquer et L. Jallot (dir.) Les sites ceinturés de la Préhistoire récente. Nouvelles données, nouvelles approches, nouvelles... more
Research into the development of LBK villages rarely focuses on those features that can be interpreted as sunken-floored buildings. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the presence of this type of feature and to analyse its... more
The spatial analysis of the Neolithic village of Bischoffsheim led to the development of a new model of internal organisation of the Linear Pottery culture settlements based on a series of precisely dated houses and on a Bayesian... more
The exceptional preservation of an archaeological level at the site of Jablines (Seine-et-Marne, France) opens new organization of household activities analysis prospects in the Danubian tradition of settlements (group of Villeneuve-Saint... more
In September 2008 the Odyssey program started as a joint effort of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, the National Centre for Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The main aim of this... more
‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland Ivo van Wijk, Luc Amkreutz en Piet van de Velde Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of... more
At Talheim 34 individuals of all age classes had been killed in a surprise attack and buried in a pit. Traces of an opposition are missing among the skeletal remains. Decorated sherds date the massacre to the very end of the Linear... more
This monograph is the first of a series on the Linear Pottery settlement at Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes “Les Fontinettes”, Dept. Aisne, Reg. Picardie. The entirely excavated settlement with 38 houses, 40 pits, and a slash-and-burn field existed... more
Der Überblick zur Vorgeschichte und Römerzeit Westhofens (Landkreis Alzey-Worms) beinhaltet bisher unveröffentlichte Funde und Beobachtungen. Unter den wahrscheinlich jungsteinzeitlichen Lesefunden sticht – neben dem bekannten großen... more
This volume is dedicated to the 60th birthday anniversary of Igor Vasilyevich Manzura, leading Moldovan archaeologist and specialist in prehistory of South-Eastern Europe, Professor of the High Anthropological School University, member... more
The aim of this article is to deepen the discussion on the nature and mechanisms of culture change based on the analysis of newly acquired materials from the Targowisko settlement region. Three groups of materials were acquired (from... more
This paper has two starting points that will eventually converge in our argumentation. One focuses on the early 6th millennium cal BC Starčevo settlement at Alsónyék in the Sárköz region of south-western Hungary. While no houses with a... more
Published in: Proceedings of the 8th World  Salt Symposium, (urednik R.M. Geertman, Elsevier Science B.V.), Amsterdam 2000, vol. 2, 1139-1144. ISBN: 0-444-50065-0
Excavations in the Bandkeramik settlement of Olteni, located on the right bank of the Olt River in Transylvania, brought to light several fragments of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic representations. The torso of a presumed pregnant woman... more
Variabilité inter-habitats des faunes rubanées. Une nouvelle hypothèse / Inter-settlement variability of faunal assemblages in the Lbk. A new hypothesis? The faunal assemblages of the Lbk shows significant inter-settlement variability... more
This paper is concerned with the impact of ancient DNA data on our models of the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in central Europe. Beginning with a brief overview of how genetic data have been received by archaeologists working in this... more
The aim of this article is to deepen the discussion on the nature and mechanisms of culture change based on the analysis of newly acquired materials from the Targowisko settlement region. Three groups of materials were acquired (from... more
The early Neolithic enclosure of Herxheim near Landau: Architecture, backfilling processes and duration of use Download link: English version of the part concerning Herxheim is out... more
One of the rapid climate change (RCC) events, which had lesser impact on the environmental conditions of the Northern Hemisphere but had stronger impact on the micro regional scale, is 7.1 ka BP event. Cooler and wetter conditions at its... more
Der linearbandkeramische Fundplatz Eschlipp-Ebermannstadt, Lkr. Forchheim liegt in der Mittelgebirgszone der nördlichen Frankenalb. Die besondere Lage und große Anzahl an Silices, welche über 36 Jahre lang aufgesammelt wurden, führten zu... more
New insights into Diemarden: Geomagnetic prospection in a linear pottery settlement. – A section of the large LBK settlement east of Diemarden (Göttingen District) was investigated by geomagnetic prospection. Within the relatively small... more
In the years 2006-2011, at the site Więckowice 4, rescue excavations were carried out in the eastern part of an extensive (over 15 ha) multicultural zone. The most numerous are the remains of the LBK settlement from the "music note"... more
A Hungarian in Poland. On an Early Neolithic Figurine from Kosina 62 near Łańcut in Southeastern Poland. – The figurine from Kosina represents the first find of an anthropomorphic sculpture in the style of the Alföld-LBK in the zone north... more
PhD dissertation pubished in 2011 as: Siedlungen der Bandkeramik bei Königshoven. Rheinische Ausgrabungen 64 (Darmstadt 2011).
Sites Cieszacin Wielki 41, Jankowice 9 and Pawłosiów 55 are located in south-eastern Poland, within the area of Podkarpackie Voivodeship, on south of Jarosław city. In terms of geomorphology, it is the area of the Sandomierz Basin.... more