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The paper proposes to engage with two postwar British novels Kingfishers Catch Fire (1953) by Rumer Godden and The Kashmir Shawl(2011) by Rosie Thomas and explore the politics of representing colonialism and its demise in the context of... more
In this article, I analyze social media responses by Hindu men to the Indian government's August 2019 revocation of Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution that codified Jammu & Kashmir's special status. Kashmir has been under... more
Ali Ahmed, PhD (JNU), PhD (Cantab.), is a former infantry officer and has been an academic and a UN official. He blogs at and tweets at @aliahd66. I have compiled here my occasional long form writings on... more
My PP presentation for
General Diplomatic Studies and Practice #GDSP
Department of International Studies #CISD
on #CoerciveDiplomacy
#US #Libya
#India #Pakistan
Ex Brigadier Sadiq Khan Satti Military Cross March 2017 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15472.76806 Projects: Military History of India Pakistan Bangladesh Nepal Iran Afghanistan Burma Central Asian Republics China and Turkey , Military... more
Pakistan pays a heavy price for its claim to Kashmir; in military spending, in domestic instability, and in exclusion from Indian markets and the transit trade with Central Asia. A more coherent Kashmir policy could be constructed at much... more
Kashmir es mucho más que el ámbito de discusión y el espacio de confrontación entre India y Pakistán. Comprende una región que, aunque ahora está físicamente dividida y empobrecida, tiene una enorme importancia por los innumerables... more
The recent terrorist attack in the Pulwama district of Jammu & Kashmir and subsequent events show once again how volatile the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is and how it threatens peace not only in that state but also in the entire... more
The root cause of instability and hostility in South Asia stems from the unresolved nature of the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. It has led to two major wars and several near misses in the past. Since the independence... more
In these papers I will explore, through the lens of social power structures, the material and ideological structures and aims that frame the Belt and Road Initiative, precisely its flagship project China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. In the... more
Another tension between India and Pakistan pertains to the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. India had become quite close to the Kabul government under Karzai and Ghani. However, it seems clueless on how to deal with the current... more
Intimate Connections dissects ideas, feelings, and practices around love, marriage, and respectability in the remote high mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan in northern Pakistan. It offers insightful perspectives from the emotional lives of... more
These are the first four pages of the book providing brief introduction about the book. This is the basic book for learning the Arabic Language in easiest way. Especially prepared for Children and beginners. U can get this book now in... more
Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia deliciosa) is grown widely in New Zealand, Italy, USA, China, Japan, Australia, France,Pakistan,Iran, Kashmir, Chile and Spain.
Translation and historical introduction to the sayings of the 14th century Kashmiri Shaiva mystic poetess, Lal Ded
How do societies come to terms with dispossession, loss, nomadic existence, and protracted displacement? What does it mean to be a refugee in one’s own state? Centring on these questions, the current volume seeks to explore the lives of... more
International relations must distance itself from its Eurocentric and masculine moorings if it is to address its increasing irrelevance in the modern world and become more "international" and truly inclusive. The theoretical position of... more
comparative analysis on national and Kashmiri newspapers on the kashmir dispute
To address the question as to why women should be in the peace process in the particular context of conflict situation of Jammu and Kashmir, it may be pertinent first of all to refer to the question as to where women are located in the... more
The claims of the Government that security situation are questionable as the murders of Rahul Bhat and Riyaz Ahmad tell us.
The Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan remains at the core of one of the most intractable conflicts in modern history. This article provides a plausibility probe into the dynamics of this South Asian rivalry that is conceptually... more
The Musharraf formula refers to the resolution formula of the Kashmir conflict which was reportedly agreed upon during the one-to-one backchannel dialogue between Mr. Tariq Aziz, the former civil servant and close aide of the then... more
There is a Kashmir that tourists know about: the one with houseboats, carpets, the one called the Paradise on Earth. There is another Kashmir the world knows through the newspapers, that of militants, a place embroiled in the Indo-Pak... more
Ethnic insurgencies have received less scholarly attention than colonial or ideological insurgencies—even as they have become the predominant form of insurgency following the decolonization process and then the end of the Cold War. In... more
The Obama administration considered Pakistan “the most dangerous country in the world” and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff worried about insurgents there gaining control of nuclear weapons. So understanding Pakistan really matters. In... more
Günümüzde insanlığın uğraştığı çatışmaların çözülmesi için pek çok seçenek olmasına rağmen sürdürülmesi için iki araç yeterlidir; din ve milliyetçilik. Maalesef bu iki aracın, tarafları gün geçtikçe birbirinden uzaklaştırdığı yerlerden... more
Terrorism has rightly come to occupy the centrestage in contemporary world. India, located in the immediate neighbourhood of Pakistan, the hotbed of global terrorism, has been at the receiving end since the 1980s. A hitherto hidden aspect... more
In this article, I translate a section from Muhammad Din Fauq's famous book Tarikh-i-Aqwam-i-Kashmir (1934) where he writes about an important scholarly class Ganais who have contributed to the intellectual life and spiritual culture of... more
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India recently compared his country’s cross-border response against terrorists in Pakistan— following the attack in Uri in Indian-administered Kashmir—to Israel’s pre-emptive and retaliatory raids across... more
This article is self-consciously framed as a hypothesis, a suggestion of how we might go about the work of understanding Kalhaṇa’s Rājataraṅgiṇī (RT), as well as certain other works of Kashmirian Sanskrit. I propose that Kalhaṇa’s poem be... more