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'NATIONALIST' RAPISTS VERSUS RULE OF LAW: FOR THE TIME BEING LATTER WINS Salute to Supreme Court of India and Jammu & Kashmir High Court that the gang of rapists and killers of 8 year old innocent girl has been convicted. If both these... more
Le difficili relazioni tra India e Pakistan sono causate da una serie di problemi storici e politici scaturiti a partire dal 1947, come la disputa del Kashmir, la discriminazione dei musulmani indiani e i contrasti economici e... more
Mirza Ghalib once sarcastically suggested in a couplet that his poetry was meant only to placate a whim, and so must not be judged on its skill. Songs of Light, Ayaz Rasool Nazki’s debut venture into English poetry, appears to be inspired... more
The suicidal terrorist attack on 44 CRPF convoy has raised many of questions relating to peace in the region
Special Issue of HIMALAYA volume 38.2, edited by Megan Adamson Sijapati and Jacqueline H. Fewkes.. Open access issue; full issue  available through link here.
The Object of the Month for June 2018 is the tinted lithograph, Ancient Temple, Pundruttun, by Mrs H. Clark, which is currently on display at The South Asia Collection. It was printed by J. Needham on behalf of Day & Son as part of a set... more
Pakistan considers Kashmir as a disputed territory and an “unfinished agenda of partition”. Over last seventy years since independence, on several occasions Pakistan has remained engaged with India in negotiations over Kashmir using the... more
Kashmir is no more a place or the word. We have been ‘trained’ to read it as the Kashmir issue. Moreover writing on or about Kashmir is no more an academic pursuit but a political activism which is evaluated in academic discourse from the... more
Disaster diplomacy investigates how and why disaster-related activities do and do not influence conflict and cooperation. Studies into the topic so far have tended to develop the theory, analyse a specific case study in space and time, or... more
DG reported tour of Swat with objective to attend the inter provincial Tourism Conference and meeting with PAITHOM for arranging training program for developing skilled Human Resource for the Sector in AJK. Report writing is one of the... more
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a severe disabling and demyelinating disease of the nervous system. Its etiology involves profound genetic component. The latest contender known to have been correlated with MS is protein tyrosine phosphatase... more
This study aims to highlight and understand the perceptions of Pakistan " s educated youth about the Kashmir dispute by analysing responses taken from university students in March and April 2016. The study is not only an attempt to gauge... more
The organisers are now accepting panel and paper submissions for this conference. They invite proposals for panels and papers from scholars and practitioners involved with but not limited to politics and international relations, history,... more
For the time being SFs have done their bit in restoring the law and order in the State, as expected, despite tremendous odds – both at the operational and at the political leadership level. Sustaining such improvement, however, lies... more
We need to rethink what we say about others, lest it deepens mistrust
The short story by Amit Kumar is a tale of a small village in Kashmir and its ethos of communal harmony and how the uncertainty of what is to come can sometimes create fissures in long-standing relationships.
In recent decades, extermination of the ‘Young Kashmir’ is a policy of Government which the strategists think is an apt method of plucking away the seeds of discontent.
Since the earliest months of its existence, Pakistan has sought to seize Kashmir through the use of state proxies. That first dalliance with so-called ‘irregulars’ as tools of statecraft led to the first war between India and Pakistan in... more
To read this piece you might want to place yourself in the last few days of Ramazan because that is when it was written and slated for publication. Since internet is always slow in Kashmir, it reached Raiot desk as people were gearing to... more
The turmoil in Kashmir (2016) came up as a very major one during last many decades. While the grim situations have occurred earlier also, the one being witnessed are as serious as the one witnessed after the arrest of Sheikh Abdullah in... more
The Uri attack has exposed India’s vulnerabilities once again, as it has clear evidence of negligence and complacency. After the Pathankot Air Force Base attack, the Government at the highest level had promised that there would be a... more
Encyclopedia of Kashmiri Pandit Culture and Heritage by C L Kaul Book Review February 2011 Prabuddha Bharata
Lecture presented at Saivism and the Tantric Traditions. A symposium in Honour of Alexis G.J.S. Sanderson. Toronto, 28 March 2015. A revised version of this lecture has been published under the title: A Buddhist Foundation in... more
Ce papier traite de la "disaster diplomacy", concept désignant le fait que deux États initialement rivaux peuvent se rapprocher à la suite d'une catastrophe naturelle. Nous amenons un certain nombre de critiques dont l'insuffisance de la... more
« Les dames ne comprenaient pas que je fusse décidée à suivre mon mari. C’était folie qu’une femme s’avisât d’une telle aventure ; courir les grands chemins ! passe encore s’ils avaient été suffisamment frayés. Assurément vous n’en... more
In India more than 95% of medicinal plants used in preparing medicines are harvested from wild. Medicinal plants are of great importance in healthcare of mankind in rural societies of Jammu & Kashmir and can become a leading producer of... more
The last decade has marked the purported end of several conflicts in South Asia: the 2003 ceasefire along the Indo–Pak border in Jammu and Kashmir, the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement ending the civil war between Maoist insurgents and... more
1. Nomadism and the classification of social groups In my earlier work on the Bakkarwal, a nomadic pastoral group that migrates from the Jammu region into the Kashmir Valley every summer, I examined the particular difficulties they have... more
Trust-based informal credit forms an important basis for capital and commodity circulation in the bazaars of South Asia, comprising promissory payments settled according to vernacular timelines and practices. These systems are also... more
In the context of intractable conflicts, women face the consequences of deaths and disappearances of their husbands at various levels. However, this may not be known or understood by each of those who share opinions about national safety... more
The relevance of undertaking a historiographic analysis in the context of historically disputed territory of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) cannot be denied in the wake of revocation of Article 370 and 35A by India on August 5,... more
ABSTRACT This article analyzes Indian occupation of Kashmir as a legal, social, and spatial process of asserting power through borders and jurisdictional claims, produced and reproduced through constitutional processes and legal... more