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In this article, I analyze social media responses by Hindu men to the Indian government's August 2019 revocation of Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution that codified Jammu & Kashmir's special status. Kashmir has been under... more
Pakistan’s declared steps are a smokescreen. It has no real or tangible leverage over India to force it to reverse its decision on Kashmir. What it can do, and will desperately try to do is to foment trouble inside Jammu and Kashmir,... more
The paper examines and analyses the history of Jammu and Kashmir (after this J&K) and the Article 370 of the Constitution of India in light of recent changes brought about in Article 370 by the Government of India. The paper discusses the... more
Since 1947, Kashmiris are demanding freedom from Indian occupation. They have adopted numerous approaches to gain independence from Indian subjugation, including nonviolent resistance, election boycotts and international arbitration.... more
This letter-paper questions the legitimacy of Article 371 of Indian Constitution after the revoking of Article 370 by the Bharatiya Janata Party (5 August 2019). The paper traces the history of all the Indian federal States, which are... more
Brief history of the historical and legal (or illegal) basis for kashmir having joined India
Article 370 and Article 35A of the Indian Constitution have persistently caught up in controversy, not only in India but throughout the world. It stipulated autonomy to the state of J and Kin a nation like India, which though has a... more
This newspaper article analyses the common minimum programme as it has been adopted by the coalition partners in J&K - the BJP and PDP.
Published in Rising Kashmir, March 3, 2015
Recently, Indian Supreme Court is seized of a matter relating to special status of the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Certain petitions have been filed to challenge the constitutionality of Article 370 of India Constitution as well as Article... more
The Indian government says that the removal of Kashmir's autonomy is for development, but it should be seen as embedded in a structure of neocolonialism based on fundamentalist Hindu ethnonationalism or Hindutva and fueled by... more
In August 2019, the populist Modi government, after getting re-elected in a massive landslide, rescinded the semi-autonomous status (constitutionally guaranteed under Article 370) of the disputed Muslim-majority region of Jammu and... more
धारा 370 का गला घोंट कर आरएसएस/भाजपा शासकों ने सरदार पटेल को किया शर्मसार: समकालीन सरकारी दस्तावेज़ों में निहित सच आरएसएस के बौद्घिक शिविरों (वैचारिक प्रशिक्षण शिविरों) में गढ़े जाने वाले "सत्य" में से एक यह भी है कि भारत पर अनुच्छेद 370... more
Kaul, Nitasha. 2021. "Coloniality and/as Development in Kashmir: Econonationalism". Feminist Review 128 (1): 114-131. doi:10.1177/01417789211016490 This article identifies the colonial imperative of 'we must develop them, with or without... more
On 5th August 2019, India imposed a complete communication blockade in Kashmir including telephones, mobiles, and Internet services. Kashmiris living across the world were unable to communicate with families back in Kashmir. We conducted... more
A study of how the apex court of India, the Supreme Court functioned in the three most important cases of 2019, which interestingly figure prominently in the manifesto of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the political party leading the... more "The story of Indian democracy written in blood and betrayal BJP thinks it is going to Indianise... more
On 5 August, India abrogated Article 370 from its constitution through presidential order. The erasure of the Article ceased the autonomous status of Indian held Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) and bifurcated the Muslim-majority state into two... more
आरएसअस/भाजपा के नए 'देश-भक्त' डॉ श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी की जंग-ए-आज़ादी से ग़द्दारी की दास्तान देश की आरएसएस/भाजपा शासक टोली ने अगस्त 5, 2019 को भारत की संविधान सभा दुवारा सर्वसम्मति से भारतीय संविधान में शामिल की गयी धारा 370 का गलाघोंट... more
LL.M dissertation thesis was written on this topic. Empirical Research was done to analyse the Special Resident Laws of the State of J&K vide article 370 of the Indian Constitution and the issues faced by the population of West Pakistani... more
BY GUILLOTINING ARTICLE 370 RSS-BJP RULERS HAVE SHAMED SARDAR PATEL A PEEP INTO THE CONTEMPORARY DOCUMENTS [Narendra Modi and Amit Shah were surely chosen by the RSS to rule India for formers’ inexhaustible commitment to the Hindutva... more
Strategic journalism operates from a democratic perspective. It aims to facilitate public debate on problems that matter to a democratic society. It also seeks practical engagements in public discussion...
LL.M dissertation thesis was written on this topic. Empirical Research was done to analyse the Special Resident Laws of the State of J&K vide article 370 of the Indian Constitution and the issues faced by the population of West... more
the cadre policy has been changed so that more talented administrative officers can increase the efficiency of the above projects. This is not the first time that such a bifurcation has taken place. We have seen this earlier when States... more
This is a newspaper article that I wrote on account of Mental Health Day for a regional daily. This article captures the tensions after the removal of Jammu and Kashmir's special constitutional status and the burgeoning impact on mental... more
Since 1947, Kashmiris are demanding freedom from Indian occupation. They have adopted numerous approaches to gain independence from Indian subjugation, including nonviolent resistance, election boycotts and international arbitration.... more
Pakistans Regierung bedient sich im Kaschmir-Konflikt mit Indien jihadistischer Rhetorik und droht mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen.
In this paper I want to propose a third way forward, that sidesteps identity-politics altogether. I want to suggest that if politics is all about governance and then it must be all about statecraft rather than identity-politics. Let us... more