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In Great Britain, gypsum karst is widespread in the Late Permian (Zechstein) gypsum of north-eastern England. Here and offshore, a well-developed palacokarst with large breccia pipes was formed by dissolution of the underlying Permian... more
Grouting is a procedure in which grout is injected into different kinds of spaces. This procedure has had broad applications in modern civil engineering, especially in karst terrains, for nearly 200 years. Ingredients for the preparation... more
Tracer techniques were used to study infiltration losses into a dry wadi bed. In order not to be fully dependent on rarely occurring natural flood events, an artificial flash flood was studied in a small arid stream channel, Nahal... more
Using artificial tracer tests, this study confirms the presence of a single basal aquifer feeding the springs in the wide and complex hydrogeological boundary of the Sibillini Mountains of central Italy. The tracer was introduced into the... more
Krasno polje is one of the less typical karst poljes within the Dinaric Mountains. It is situated within Velebit Mountain. Our research utilized morphographic, morphostructural and morphometric analysis of the polje to present its mor... more
The vulnerability of four European aquifers with different hydrogeological and climatic characteristics was evaluated using the COP method. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by determination coefficients to measure which... more
An understanding of what influences sinkhole formation and the ability to accurately predict sinkhole hazards is critical to environmental management efforts in the karst lands of southeastern Minnesota. Based on the distribution of... more
Sixteen karst áreas, developed in limestone that ranges in age from Cretaceous to Pleistocene, are known to exist in Costa Rica. Whereas their geologic setting is known as a result of regional stratigraphic reconnaissance, detailed... more
Karst environments are characterized by distinctive landforms related to dissolution and a dominant subsurface drainage. The direct connection between the surface and the underlying high permeability aquifers makes karst aquifers... more
The article deals with the archaeological material from the archaeological excavations made in 2010 inside the Štanjel castle. The excavated cellar was probably part of a bigger building inside which were the living and the working area.... more
TAZA cave I is located on the national coast road, linking the town of Bejaia and Jijel. And composed by an archaeological deposit of middle Paleolithic and Epi-paleolithic. This study concerns a morphotechnological analysis stone... more
Significance of hydrological variability in karst is presented, which also discusses factors inducing such variability and consequences it may cause. Groundwater flow in karst aquifers is often characterized by strong variability of flow... more
Este artigo propõe uma avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa do valor geopatrimonial de nascentes cársicas localizadas no bordo do Maciço Calcário Estremenho (MCE). Primeiro, identificaram-se as nascentes cársicas perenes principais, sendo... more
About food processing in Bronze and Iron Age in Karst region, Slovenia
Hypogenic speleogenesis is the formation of solution-enlarged permeability structures by waters ascending to a cave-forming zone from below in leaky confined conditions, where deeper groundwaters in regional or intermediate flow systems... more
Tuban sudah memiliki dua korporasi semen level multinasional, ditambah puluhan industri menengah ke bawah baik yang legal maupun ilegal, yang setiap harinya merusak kawasan karst. Selain karst tentu vegetasi alami berupa hutan yang telah... more
Sinkholes usually have a higher probability of occurrence and a greater genetic diversity in evaporite terrains than in carbonate karst areas. This is because evaporites have a higher solubility and, commonly, a lower mechanical strength.... more
A comprehensive analysis of the increased pressure on karst landscapes due to expansive economic and urban development is presented with the aim of evaluating changes in land use and their deleterious effects on karst relief forms. The... more
Abstract In carbonate massifs, flow patterns are condi-tioned by karstification processes which develop a conduit network and preserve low permeability microfractured blocks. The Sierra de las Nieves karst massif (southern Spain) is... more
Gypsum dissolves relatively quickly and gypsum karst can evolve on a rapid time scale that may be accelerated by human induced change, often resulting in severe subsidence damage. The area close to Inandık stream in Central Anato-lia,... more
The remote Indian Ocean island of Rodrigues, while largely of volcanic origin, also contains a large body of eolian calcarenite with over thirty surveyed caves and many other karst features. Little is known, however, regarding the age... more
Collapse dolines are closed karst depressions of various size and morphology, which can be found all over the Slovenian karst. A collapse of cave chamber roofs is the basic mechanism of their formation. Limited dimensions of cave chambers... more
Dolines are regularly referred as diagnostic karst landforms, as their formation is usually attributed to chemical weathering or dissolution, which is the most typical karst process. In this paper, we re-evaluate the formation of the two... more