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This article deals with Zhang Guangyu's (1900-1965) very own, anti-KMT, satirical illustrated version of the chinese classic Journey to the West, setting it up in a wartime corrupt China.
The approach of allegorical interpretation was widely used by Chinese traditional scholars in novel studies. However, since the rise of modern Chinese scholarship at the beginning of the 20th century, the long-prevailing allegoresis... more
1930年,海伦· M·海耶斯(Helen M. Hayes, 1906-1987)将明代小说《西游记》节译为英文,题为《佛徒天路历程》(The Buddhist Pilgrim’s Progress),作为英国汉学家克莱默-宾(Lancelot Alfred Cranmer-Byng, 1872-1945)主编的《东方智慧丛书》(The Wisdom of the East... more
明清迄今,不少論者如李卓吾、汪象旭、傅述先、張靜二等人,提出以五行相生剋的視野詮釋取經團隊的內部關係,卻鮮少碰觸人物與食物之間的互動討論。Roland Barthes提醒:「它(食物)也是溝通的系統、成群的圖像,以及用途、情境與行爲的規矩。」因此,本文試圖論析悟空與桃子的五行相生剋之展演,並以第1-7、46、82回爲主要觀察,深掘兩者在《西遊記》中的敘事作用與重複意義。... more
Due to various reasons, this review of Prof. Anthony Yu's major translation of the classical Chinese novel "Xiyou ji" could only be published posthumously.
This paper reads the final chapters of Xiyouji as an extended allegorical commentary of the Heart Sūtra. The “metaphysics” of the empty scriptures and “materiality” of the fragmented scriptures in Chapters 98 and 99 correspond to the... more
学界通常将明代小说《西游记》的最早英译文归于1895 年美国来华传教士吴板桥(Samuel I. Woodbridge)翻译的《金角龙王,又称皇帝游地府》(The Golden-Horned Dragon King, or The Emperor's Visit to the Spirit World)。本文论证该译文的底本既非前辈学者所认为的卫三畏编辑的汉语读本,也非《西游记》,而是江苏南通僮子戏唱本“十三本半巫书”之三《袁天罡卖卦斩老龙... more
Abstract Perspectivism as a cosmology according to which all beings perceive themselves as humans, has been discussed mainly in connection with the Amazonian region, for the term perspectivism stems from Eduardo Viveiros de Castro who... more
Chinese American Literature without Borders bridges comparative literature and American studies by using an intercultural and bilingual approach to Chinese American literature. It looks both ways at the United States and China to reveal... more
ÖZ: MS. XV. Yu zyılda, Çin'in, Ming Hanedanlıg ı do neminde, Wu Cheng'en tarafından kaleme alınan "Batı'ya Yolculuk; Xi Youji" romanı klasik Çin edebiyatının en o nemli ve en bilinen eserlerinden biridir. Klasik Çin edebiyatında son... more
This book employs actor-network theory (ANT) to explore the making of the English translation of a work of Chinese canonical fiction, Journey to the West, demonstrating how ANT, as applied to Translation Studies, can contribute to a... more
Identification of Ancient unknown Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites of Varanasi and Sarnath on the basis of Xuanzang’s Travelogue
Japan has long been captivated by the fantastic episodes from Saiyūki, or Journey to the West. This supernatural tale, first published in novel form during the Ming Dynasty in China, tells the story of a Buddhist Monk and his four... more
This thesis is about adaptations of two legends from the Ming Dynasty within Japanese popular culture, with specific focus on the way they have been influenced by, and impacted in turn, gender roles in contemporary Japan. I am looking... more
This paper examines the Chinese novel the Journey to the West 西游记.  It examines the role of laughter, arguing that the ridiculous of attachment is shown through the absurdity of human life.
This paper applies actor–network theory (ANT) to study the non-human agents that participate in the translation and publication process of Monkey, an English translation of the Chinese classic Xi You Ji. The materials used consist mainly... more
The canonization of literary classics is a complex process that is not necessarily based solely on aesthetic excellence; it can also be led by ideological interests. Depending on which set of criteria we use to define literary classics,... more
This article examines the way Patricia Chao and Gerald Vizenor have used the narrative structure and characters of the Chinese classic early novel _Journey to the West_ in their American novels. Vizenor sees the Monkey King character (Sun... more