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This book shows how scholarly studies of prejudice, identity formation, and genocide studies can shed light on global examples of religious hatred. The book is divided into four parts, focusing respectively on: theories of prejudice and... more
In 1900, the German Empire was extremely shaken by a violent crime. To the east of the country , in the province of West Prussia in the town of Chojnice (Ger. Konitz), a junior high school student, Ernst Winter, was murdered. The... more
The article asserts that modern antisemitism is intrinsically linked to hatred towards the city. It is shown that antiurbanism isn`t just a phenomenon of the past but still exist in antisemitic propaganda.
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more
Book review. Monographs "Anthropology and ethnology during World War II. The activities of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the light of new source materials" edited by Małgorzata Maj. (Full text... more
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
The study is devoted to French antisemitism from the time of its very emergence. It presents the main stages through which it passed, the factors that influenced its development until the late 19th century when the definition "violent"... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
A call for papers is now open for the forthcoming issue of JCA. Please submit your manuscript to The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019. All submissions are subjected to a blind peer review... more
My story on how one experienced Racism, Discrimination in Université Libre de Brussels. Hate continues because we stay quiet, shy away from denoucing it, speaking it or being compromised. Racism and hate or discrimination should never be... more
Criminal law is fragmentary. Nevertheless, it must be his claim to punish equal injustice the same, greater injustice more and lesser injustice less. Otherwise his evaluations threaten to lose traceability and acceptance. The sentencing... more
Ist Antisemitismus eine Form des Rassismus oder handelt es sich um zwei völlig verschiedene Phänomene? Und gibt es Analogien zur Islamfeindlichkeit oder ist dieser Vergleich abwegig? Der Aufsatz zeichnet die international geführte... more
En 1240, le duc de Bretagne expulse tous les juifs du duché. Cet épisode peu connu signe la fin de la présence d’une communauté juive en Bretagne au Moyen Âge. Elle s’explique par la conjugaison du fanatisme religieux et la volonté... more
Conceptualizing Mass Violence draws attention to the conspicuous inability to inhibit mass violence in myriad forms and considers the plausible reasons for doing so. Focusing on postcolonial perspective, the volume seeks to popularize and... more
T his report has been initiated by the rise of extremist right political parties and movements of various guises in Greece and in other EU member states, which has been recorded after the European Parliament elections in May 2014.... more
Of all the keywords frequently included in the modern lexicon of antisemitism, “anti-Zionism” may be the most resistant to conceptual analysis. In this essay, I offer a methodological critique of this predominant approach before proposing... more
Il libro delinea la storia di Radio Vaticana, dalla sua origine alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Seguendo il triplice filone della diplomazia, della propaganda, dell’apostolato, emerge così, da una prospettiva inedita, il... more
David Nirenberg’s Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition is an impressive scholarly accomplishment that matches a dauntingly large subject matter with a vast vault of personal knowledge. At 474 pages and 13 chapters covering more than 3000... more
Der 'III. Weg' ist eine elitäre und straff organisierte Neonazi-Vereinigung, die 2013 gegründet wurde.
Inscindibile dalle vicende della Germania nazista, la musica scandì l'ascesa e il crollo del regime hitleriano, assumendo un ruolo di preminenza assoluta su tutte le arti. Que-sto libro ne indaga l'intimo intreccio con la politica tedesca... more
In this paper we take issue with both the new antisemitism thesis and its most ardent critics. We argue that a correlation exists between antisemitism and anti-Israelism, but the correlation varies widely in strength by social context. It... more
My article that was featured in the NY Times in September 2014, is more relevant now than ever with escalating anti-Semitism in Europe and on US campuses. Time and again, Jews are persecuted and terrorized. Being Jewish myself, I often... more
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is one of the most well-known and influential thinkers of the twenty/early twenty-first centuries, particularly within alternative spiritual circles. He was the founder of Anthroposophy, a spiritual world view... more
The project of "Czulent" organization in Cracow of 2015 - the analisis of the school books and theirs attitude toward Polish minorites, religions and especially Antisemitism and islamophobia.
Der 2004 verstorbene Judaistik-Professor Hyam Maccoby liefert in seinem Werk eine „anthropologische“ (Maccoby 2019, 177) Analyse der Entstehung des Antisemitismus. Der anthropologische Zugang, so Maccoby, befasst sich mit Mythen und... more
The goal of the paper is to stimulate discussion about literary antisemitism in modern Slovak literature exemplified by one of its most notable writers, František Švantner (1912-1950). In line with the research trends in the Czech and... more
In 1952, Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible – a fictionalised staging of the 1692 Salem witch trials. As an allegory of McCarthyite anti-communist hysteria in 1950s America, the play could itself be considered a form of sublimation:... more
Το κείμενο αυτό αποτελεί την αρχική μορφή της συνεισφοράς του γράφοντος στην έκθεση "Ρατσισμός και διακρίσεις στην Ελλάδα σήμερα" (Γαζάκης-Συρρή-Τάκης, 2014).
Basierend auf einem umfangreichen Quellenstudium zeigt der Band, wie die Rechtsstellung des wissenschaftlichen Personals an der Universität Wien von 1848 bis 1938 theoretisch und praktisch ausgestaltet war. Dabei werden sowohl... more
At the Berlin Sports Stadium in 1933, in front of 20,000 supporters, the cross was denounced as 'a ridiculous debilitating remnant of Judaism, unacceptable to National Socialists.' Nazis believed that it was un-aryan to let Jesus take... more
Le qualificatif de « raciste » est de plus en plus répandu, que ce soit pour qualifier le Front national, un ministre du gouvernement Sarkozy (Hortefeux, Besson), un politicien (Georges Frèche, Manuel Valls), un romancier (Michel... more
‘Iudaeos (Aduersus -)’, in: Augustinus-Lexikon, Band III, Fasc. 5/6, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2008 [= June 2009], 792-796;