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The Arabic dialect of the Jews in Baghdad (JB) presents some surprising similarities with Levantine dialects, and specifically with the Arabic dialect of the Jews in Aleppo (JA). These similarities, which are rarely found in the vast... more
This chapter focuses on the Iraqi Kurdish response to the rapid and devastating advance of ISIS. Of course, the Iraqi Kurdish response to the ISIS advance has been a multifaceted, complex, and evolving one that includes military strategy,... more
Irak Türkmenleri denildiği zaman hafızamızda ilk olarak Kerkük ve Musul canlanır. Fakat Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun dağılmasından sonra maalesef Türkler için hüznün ve acının adeta merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu acılar dokunaklı bir şekilde... more
The purpose of the present paper is to give first notes on the yet-undiscovered qǝltu-dialects spoken in the towns of Ṣīnīya, Bēǧi, and Širqāṭ near Tikrīt. With the exception of the very few notes on the dialect of Bēǧi in Jastrow (1994,... more
In order to meet their needs and perceptions, the children's early words have their origin Mama and Papa are acquired by German-born preschool children, who are commuting between Iraq and Germany. The study will be primarly contrastive in... more
This paper introduces the heretofore undescribed urban dialect of Kbēse west of the Euphrates. The dialect is spoken in the oasis of Kbēse, a subdistrict of the district of Hīt, which so far remained unknown to linguists in the field of... more
This paper investigates the naming conventions in the gilit dialects of southern Iraq. The paper will first of all shed light on some previous studies which dealt with proper names in this southern dialect area. Particular attention will... more
The purposes of this paper are threefold. The first and the most general purpose is to provide an update of Ingham's analysis of the southern lexical features that is based on data gathered more than forty years ago (Ingham 1973). On this... more
The question of what is the difference between borrowing and code-switching has attracted the attention of scholars far and wide and gave at the same time rise to a plethora of publications in order to draw a boundary between these two... more
This paper tackles consonant cluster in Spoken Iraqi Arabic. Consonant cluster refers to a sequence of two or three consonant sounds in a single word. Spoken Iraqi Arabic shows such sequence, particularly that of two consonant sounds.... more
Abstract: For many years now, the interest of linguistic research in greeting behaviors is growing exponentially (Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1977, Bach & Harnish 1979, Berg 1991, Ebsworth, Bodman & Carpenter 1996, Duranti 1992a, 1997, Bustorf 2005,... more
This paper deals with the vowel system in Iraqi Arabic and in Classical and Modern Standard Arabic. It shows within the framework of the optimality theory the indispensability of the vowel system for the Classical and Modern Standard... more
The emergence of ISIS in 2014 brought back to centre stage a series of very old and very troubling questions about the integrity and viability of the Iraqi state. However, most analysts have framed recent events in terms of their... more
Abstract: Mit Jodeln werden in diesem Aufsatz Naturjodelformen gemeint, die in der südirakischen Region als eine Kommunikationsform von Mensch zu Mensch oder von Mensch zu Tier, als Teil eines Volksliedes oder als eine schamanische... more
The Jewish dialect of Baghdad (JB) presents dozens of different types of grams which precede the verb and add a specific semantic essence to it. These grams, which are also referred to here as preverbal particles, can be roughly divided... more
EXPLORING THE CONVENTIONALIZED DIRECTIONAL GREETINGS WITH ''WHERE'' IN THE SOUTHEASTERN GILIT DIALECTS AREA. Qasim Hassan University of Basra Abstract: Many studies have shown that in some cultures questions like 'Where are you... more
This chapter seeks to re-interpret Iraqi politics after the US-led intervention of 2003 by examining the alternative discourses of democracy emanating from within Re-Colonial Iraq. It details the complex public sphere of the post-Saddam... more
The fact that Iraqi nominal sentences are expressed without a verbal element has led the author to examine the status of the copula (be) in English. The aim is to reach at an explanation as to why Iraqi does not use a copula while English... more
The objective of this paper is to explore the quranic words that are almost no longer used by educated people such as Arabic teachers, university professors or even by intellectual peoples, but they are still very common in everyday... more
Das Lehrbuch vermittelt den Dialekt der irakischen Hauptstadt, den heute junge gebildete Menschen sprechen. Als Umgangssprache des kulturellen und administrativen Zentrums des Landes wird dieser Dialekt im gesamten Irak nicht nur... more
This article considers the significant role which the Society of Jesus had in the Iraqi secondary and higher education systems in the period 1932--1968. The Jesuits' Baghdad based school and university formed a part of the substantial... more
The Jewish dialect of Baghdad employs a particular construction to mark constituents of the clause as arguments. This construction typically marks the argument twice—once by the morpheme l- and once by a pronominal suffix that agrees with... more
The notion of superstitions, myths and other supernatural powers has been extensively viewed and interpreted in terms of cognitive and socio-cultural deficits. This study is about illusions and beliefs as a socio-cultural phenomenon. It... more
This chapter offers a bold critique of the notion that Baathist rule in Iraq was a product of a culture of authoritarianism in Iraq. It is important to acknowledge from the start that while this chapter does offer a more nuanced view of... more
The primary aim of this paper is to explore the functions of the word /fard/ in Iraqi and Khuzestani Arabic. The study is based on the analysis of various text corpora and the elicitation of further examples from native speakers of the... more