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The entertainment education (EE) approach shows that entertainment storylines influence people's attitudes, opinions, and behavior, and this occurs, among others, when it comes to health and disease. In the case of TV shows and movies... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Nuestra huella en el mundo ha traspasado todas las fronteras, no hay ni un solo continente que no haya sido poblado por nosotros los seres humanos, hemos logrado cambiar casi todas las cosas de la tierra, la hemos adaptado a nuestro... more
Greetings: The 7th edition of Visual Communication: Images with Messages is available at a drastically reduced price for students and others at $35: with a color print version available for $100: more
Esistono certamente diversi modi di studiare il rapporto tra geografia e fiction; questo libro lo fa da un punto di vista del tutto particolare che mette in primo piano la territorializzazione configurativa in quanto ambito della... more
The history of the scienze fiction cinema from the "experimental joke" Le Voyage dans la lune of George Melies, across masterpieces like 2001 A Space Odissey and Star Wars to the colossal Avatar (the most expensive production in the... more
A brief history exploring the development of the practice of adapting literary texts into films.
Perception of the architectural space in the phenomenal world is through different senses. However, in the films, this perception is through the faculty of vision only and in the order of the vision of the director and the... more
Consumers frequently consume hedonic products together with other consumers and derive value from this shared experience. This article investigates the impact of shared consumption, a type of social influence that determines the enjoyment... more
The unprecedented economic growth and immigration that Ireland experienced between 1995 and 2007 did not only challenge national but also ethnic, social, and gender identities. The contributions to this volume explore how films tackle... more
Manuel Martínez Maldonado Jamás habría soñado William Shakespeare que "Romeo y Julieta"1 (1597), una de sus obras más famosas (posiblemente la más famosa) fuera a constituir una de las obras maestras del teatro musical, 460 años... more
As part of a larger research project sponsored by the Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía, the author reports an exploratory study on film consumption habits in Guadalajara. Three surveys were conducted among people at video-clubs and... more
The purpose of this article is to describe a set of photographs of Eliane Lage (1928–), a movie actress featured in Caiçara, Ângela, Sinhá Moça and Ravina – the first three produced by Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz (1950-1954), and... more
I am not the type of person who daydreams about epic scenarios like saving people from an exploding building, but our main character Walter Mitty is. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a comedy adventure film about experiencing the beauty... more
Producer: Wilmer Duarte (Wilo) Proposal to reconceptualize the script: "La Sombra del Caminante". Colombian Film of 2004, directed by Ciro Guerra, Filmmaker. This work aims to give a new vision to the art direction of this film.... more
Como se relacionam Direito e poder nos Estados democráticos? "... O fundamento do poder liga-se à pergunta do porquê a autoridade deve ser respeitada. Nos Estados democráticos não se trata de afirmar a autoridade do mais forte. É... more
Review Unsur Naratif dan miss en scene, Bohemian Rhapsody, Durasi dan Lighting.
This non fiction novel is an attempt to understand the cicumstances of the suicide of Marilyn Monroe through an imaginary reconstitution of her relationship with Ralph Greenson, her psychoanalist. Ce "roman" est une fiction documentaire... more
Songs are the art of speaking I have been using songs to teach English and Polish for a long time. Personally I firmly believe in the power of good music as well as in the power of well-written lyrics. Songs may help with teaching... more
Me gustan las películas que están construidas con muchas capas, las que me enseñan y estimulan sensitivamente. Parasite tuvo un plan meticulosamente diseñado, cada elemento de la película ha sido una decisión y sus consecuencias altamente... more
Si le court-métrage est souvent présenté comme une voie d'entrée dans les carrières du cinéma, il est aussi un lieu au sein duquel s'éprouvent, comme dans un modèle réduit, les contraintes plus générales de la production... more
Este estudo tem como objetivo principal verificar em que medida elementos trazidos pela performance “Selvagem”, apresentada no filme Rutan, podem sugerir critérios limitativos à liberdade na performance artística. Utilizando metodologia... more
One of the most memorable days of my life was when motion picture director and editor Robert Wise spent the afternoon with me going over the rough cut of one of my films. That day I learned so much more than I ever imagined...I learned... more
Nel suo film "The Trial" del 1962 il regista Orson Welles interpreta con sorprendente penetrazione intuitiva l'omonimo romanzo di Kafka, riproducendone le architetture esheriane e "l'angoscia senza forma". Un incubo del giovane Welles... more
Subject under the report is related with Film Industry. This report is kind of superficial examination about this sector in the 3th year of the university. Thanks for reading.
The film industry is one of the biggest contributors to the entertainment industry and also it is characterized with its unpredictability in success and Failure. Film Industry has always amused everyone with its unpredictable success and... more
As was written in the syllabus of Psychology 350 class, this course was planned to introduce a background of forensic psychology to undergraduate students interested in how psychological knowledge can be applied in criminal cases and... more