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The critical and fictional oeuvre of Théophile Gautier offers one of the most nuanced accounts of the idiosyncratic character of French Romanticism. In this paper, I explore Gautier's layered description of the artist's interiority during... more
In March 2020, the World Health Organization officially announced the COVID-19 outbreak as a global Pandemic (WHO, 2020). During this time, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) introduced national preventative measures to slow the spread of the... more
When the OT prophets looked ahead to the future redemption, they anticipated a string of redemptive-historical events to be recapitulated in the future. Such recapitulation involves a new deliverance in a new Passover, new exodus, and... more
The biophilic design hypothesis uses nature-based environmental design for optimising people’s health and well-being. Stephen Kellert in 2008 developed a list of biophilic attributes that was further refined in the Biophilic Interior... more
The essay introduces the conception of the interior as interiority. It is also the introduction to the collection "Interiorities: artistic, conceptual and historical reassessments of the interior". To consult or download the entire... more
This paper addresses the question of becoming in relation to interior design as a practice of designing interiors both physical and mental. An understanding of ‘interior’ in a substantive way shapes current interior design practice. This... more
Following the principle of “spatial inversion” (Attiwill, 2011), whereby spaces between buildings habitually referred to as exteriors become interiors, this paper presents the background research, methodology and key findings from a case... more
This essay examines Maya Deren's most famous film, Meshes of the Afternoon through the visual manipulation of space, and the body represented in space.
From: ELH Volume 74, Number 3, Fall 2007 (pp. 655-679). On portraits in the Victorian novel, mimesis and caricature, Lacanian theory and characterization.
This article addresses the uniqueness of Aubrey Beardsley’s late nineteenth-century Poe “illustrations” as works that enjoy a complex relationship with the writer’s theory of graphicality—specifically the dichotomy that exists between... more
Paper presented at [in]arch conference - THE STORIES OF INTERIOR Multiple Perspectives on Interiority, 30-31 January 2018 Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. This paper addresses the current emphasis on interiority in the discipline of... more
“Presence” is a key category of Christian anthropology and theology, and joy is a basic human emotion: together they form the foundation of any “interior” architecture. A second fundamental step in the interior construction of the human... more
PUERTAS ADENTRO Interioridad y espacio doméstico en el siglo XX Aníbal Parodi INTRODUCCIÓN Puertas Adentro, dentro y fuera, interior y exterior, envolvente y espacio. Existen, sin duda, pocos diálogos que se vinculen de un modo... more
(From the cover) Se oggi la maggiore occasione professionale per gli architetti, specie se giovani, è quella di «ristrutturare» case ed uffici, ossia progettare arredamenti, il libro della Forino ne propone una chiave di lettura del tutto... more
A B S T R A C T Interiority, the inner being, consciousness, is the core theme of this essay. My main concern is the application of rather marginal approaches to address future potentials for sustainable urban development variously... more
This presentation explores two case studies of courtyard houses to expand the sense of interiority into exterior realms. Both houses fuse interiors, architecture and landscape into a continuous flow of space that challenges the notion of... more
"""""Abstract In the twentieth century, a multitude of people used psychoanalysis to explain their actions and gestures to one another. Their reliance on psychoanalysis, is an indication of how deeply they trusted its theories. This wide... more
Literature is almost unique among the arts for its ability to represent the internal workings of the mind. In this course, students will learn about the evolution of literary techniques for conveying mental experience, from the medieval... more
This essay examines the use of camouflage, artifice, and abstraction – as strategies of surface-play – by Mickalene Thomas, a contemporary painter. Many scholars have focused on Thomas's use of painting materials (e.g. enamel,... more
RESUMEN El desarrollo sostenible ha tomado impulso desde que los Estados Miembro de las Naciones Unidas se comprometieron a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para el año 2030. Pero la sostenibilidad viene siendo... more
This article addresses the uniqueness of Aubrey Beardsley’s late nineteenth-century Poe “illustrations” as works that enjoy a complex relationship with the writer’s theory of graphicality—specifically the dichotomy that exists between... more
"The limit between interior and exterior seems no longer to exist and the two domains increasingly influence each other to the point where they blur into one. In contemporary representations of interior spaces in particular, the private... more
Goffman: Reality as Self-Fulfilling Expectation and the Theatre of Interiority A critical exposition, in Spanish, of Erving Goffman's theories on the semiotic organization of social reality and on the structure of subjectivity and... more
The Big Brother House (is Watching You!) is part of the publication of refereed papers from an international conference held at the University of Brighton in 2009 and was published in 2013. The book contains the abstracts of 49 conference... more
in G. Puccini (dir.), "L'intime, de l'Antiquité à nos jours. 1. Espaces de l'intime", Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, coll. "Eidôlon", p.109-121.
Different from the door, the window is an enigmatic threshold. It invites us to discovered the world, but its framing puts a geometrical order and establishes a border. This essay analyzes the window’s threshold as a “space”, little but... more
Watteau's fêtes galantes break with key aspects of academic art theory in early eighteenth-century France, particularly as put forward by Roger de Piles, to elicit an experience of reverie in the spectator. Watteau's formal innovations... more
Una delle immagini più importanti nelle opere di Teresa d’Ávila, il castello come simbolo del mondo interiore, è il punto di partenza per manifestare un contributo possibile per l’antropologia teologica odierna. A partire dalla questione... more
This article constitutes one of the first comparisons between the philosophies of Peter Sloterdijk and the philosophical tandem Gilles Deleuze-Félix Guattari. Subject of the discussion between both philosophical positions is how the... more
Revisiting Richardson's _Pamela_ as a site of "spatial formalism," this essay maintains that the notion of the domestic interior as a setting conducive to psychological interiority requires further materialist analysis. The interiority... more
The article examines how artists and writers were affected by Haussannization, the term for a mid-19th century urban renewal project in France under the direction of George-Eugene Haussmann ordered by Emperor Napoleon III. Citing... more
Michel Henry radicalises phenomenology by putting forward the idea of a double manifestation: the "Truth of Life" and "truth of the world. " For Henry, the world turns out to be empty of Life. To find its essence, the self must dive... more
Chapitre 7 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
published in INTERIORS, Sternberg Press and the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, 2012. Edited by Johanna Burton, Lynne Cooke and Josiah McElheny With contributions by Anni Albers, Doug Ashford, Gaston Bachelard, Angelo... more
Este capítulo del libro "Contexto y Nueva Evangelización" (Madrid 2007) ofrece una reflexión sobre la experiencia religiosa del sujeto contemporáneo construida a partir de 3 dimensiones de todo sujeto religioso: la interioridad como lugar... more
La configuración y construcción del nido nace de la propia acción de habitar su interior. Habitar, morar, abrigar, acoger, son todas acepciones asociadas al término anidar. En sentido figurado, así como los pensamientos y los... more