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Inilah kisah kemenangan Yesus Kristus atas iblis. Gereja dengan teguh memegang prinsip hanya ada satu Allah, Pencipta segala sesuatu yang kelihatan dan tidak kelihatan. kehadiran iblis dan balatentaranya pun mengklaim dirinya sebagai... more
The Qur’an describes Iblis-Satan as an important element in the cosmic fate of the human being since he asked to play the role of tempting and leading man astray in his difficult test in the world and God allowed for him. As known, he... more
menelaah tentang jejak pemahaman Gereja katolik tentang malaikat dan iblis dalam sejarah spiritual umat
Katekese kita tentang Allah, Pencipta segala sesuatu yang tidak kelihatan juga, menerangi dan menguji iman kita tentang segala sesuatu berkaitan dengan kebenaran tentang kejahatan atau iblis, yang tentu saja tidak dikehendaki oleh Allah... more
Angelika Neuwirth/Dirk Hartwig, "Beyond Reception History: The Qur’anic Intervention into the Late Antique Discourse about the Origin of Evil", Religions 2021, 12(8), 606, Academic Editor: Roberto Tottoli. This article belongs to the... more
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Allah created the angels and jinn before He created the Prophet Adam. They were glorifying Allah with praise. Then, Allah created Adam (as), the first human being, and commanded the angels to prostrate... more
The book covers up different kinds of supernatural beings in Islam, such as angels, houris, genies, Shaitan and demons, and gives an analysis of the views on this subject attested in the Qur’ān, Ḥadīth and Tafsīr litera-ture and major... more
Claude Gilliot « On the impossible censorship of legendary narrative Adab and tafsīr. Tow paths for the ethos construction of the homo islamicus », in Compilation and creation in adab and lugha. Studies in memory of Naphtali Kinberg,... more
İblis, şeytanın özel ismidir. Müslüman filologlar bu kelimenin, " Allah'ın rahme-tinden tümüyle ümit kesmek " anlamında b-l-s kökünden türemiş olduğu kanaatin-dedirler. İblis " Allah'ın düşmanı " ve/veya sadece " Düşman " diye de... more
Eğer şeytan ile İblis'i aynı şey zannediyorsanız, şeytan veya İblis denince aklınıza keçi sakallı, boynuzlu, kırmızı gözlü, vb. birşey geliyor ise Hristiyan kaynaklardan fazlaca beslenmiş bir gelenek etkisi altındasınız demektir. Adem ile... more
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Geçmişi 1700'lere dayanan satanizm son yıllarda şiddet, vahşet ve intihar olayları ile bir kez daha gündeme geldi. Satanistlerin kendilerini tarif etmek için kullandıkları ifadeler, hayata bakış açıları,... more
The common error of thought about Adam is his commission of disobedience, that incurred him ousting from paradise. In this book, not only his; even the infallibility of all prophets has been vindicated. It could not be accomplished... more
Dari Aisyah (w.58 H) radiyallahu ‘anha dia berkata; Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa salam bersabda: "Malaikat diciptakan dari cahaya, jin diciptakan dari api yang menyala-nyala dan Adam diciptakan dari sesuatu yang telah disebutkan... more
Ce livre essaye de scruter à travers six siècles de l'histoire du Maghreb médiéval les origines et les séquelles d'une peur collective et individuelle qui a sclérosé trop longtemps des populations et des communautés suppliciées, et qui a... more
This thesis revisits Milton’s employment of mythology and the demonic, by shedding a light on a neglected, yet intriguing possible presence of Middle-Eastern mythology – or as identified in this thesis – Judeo-Arabic mythology in Paradise... more
In Sufism, one may find a very interesting feminine approach according to which the feminine is the source of life. Though it is roughly distinguished from modern feminism in principle and aim, it would be very critical to see how this... more
The two concepts of guidance and misguidance in the Qur'an conceptualized based on the mega-metaphor WORSHIP OF THE GOD IS TO BE ON A PATH. These two concepts are completely dependent on the category of movement. This mega-metaphor... more
This thesis revisits Milton’s employment of mythology and the demonic, by shedding a light on a neglected, yet intriguing possible presence of Middle-Eastern mythology – or as identified in this thesis – Judeo-Arabic mythology in Paradise... more