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El presente artículo pretende describir el proceso de transformación de la práctica de tres equipos del programa Primer la Llar. Se trata del primer programa piloto (2015-2018) con filosofía Housing First lanzado por una Administración... more
While some progress has been made in addressing chronic homelessness through supportive models, a comprehensive solution for housing loss must include prevention. The purpose of this article is twofold: to conduct a review of the... more
Projekt Rapid Re-Housing v Brně se zaměřil na pečlivé testování a demonstraci, zda je přístup Housing First (Bydlení především) vhodný k řešení bezdomovectví rodin v České republice. Hlavní ověřovaná hypotéza předpokládala, že stabilní a... more
Across North America and elsewhere in the world, Housing First is recognized as an effective and humane approach to addressing homelessness. The need for a consideration of how Housing First works for young people (aged 13-25) is based on... more
Housing First (HF) has emerged as the dominant paradigm in homelessness policy and has been praised for bringing an "end" to the homelessness crisis. Others claim, however, that HF facilitates further sociospatial exclusion of people... more
Housing First has emerged as an effective and humane approach to addressing homelessness. In spite of the strength of the evidence, questions remain regarding the applicability of Housing First to sub-populations, including youth. The... more
Document diffusé suite à la communication dans le cadre du Séminaire ORSPERE, Santé mentale et Habitat, « Intervenir à domicile : enjeux professionnels, pratiques et éthiques », Lyon, Mai 2017.
This rapid evidence review shows that Housing First is highly effective in ending homelessness among people with high and complex needs, but it does not constitute an entire solution to single homelessness, or rough sleeping, in itself.... more
Housing First es una metodología utilizada en la acción con personas sin hogar, centrada en la recuperación personal y basada en el reconocimiento del derecho a la vivienda, así como en la plena autonomía del individuo en su toma de... more
The goal of this report is to present an argument for approaching how we respond to youth homelessness in a new way. The report achieves this by pulling together key information about youth homelessness, to better inform how we respond to... more
Le programme « Un chez-soi d’abord » est présenté comme une innovation sociale pour l’accès au logement des personnes sans-abri avec des troubles psychiatriques sévères. D’abord expérimental pendant cinq ans dans quatre villes... more
Housing First (HF) is a model of intervention on homelessness established in New York City in 1992. It is growing and spreading in US and Europe and is heavily challenging the traditional staircase approach, whose underpinning logic is... more
The active role of homeless citizens in Germany. The case of the Initiative Bauen Wohnen Arbeiten in Cologne. Countless organizations are working in the homeless sector; nevertheless, Germany has 1.2 million citizens living this reality... more
The State of Homelessness in Canada: 2013 is the first extensive Canadian report card on homelessness. This report examines what we know about homelessness, the historical, social and economic context in which it has emerged, demographic... more
Tesi di laurea triennale svolta presso il Politecnico di Milano. La tesi indaga un progetto di residenza temporanea nato da una occupazione abusiva allo scopo di rispondere in maniera efficace all'emergenza abitativa milanese.... more
This study was commissioned by Crisis, withfunding from the (UK Government) Department for Communities and Local Government and the Housing First Europe Hub. It was conducted by a consortium led by Imogen Blood & Associates and including... more
With the 2013 application Tanudjaja v. Attorney General of Canada, a Charter challenge based indirectly on the right to housing, many jurists and housing rights’ champions have been revisiting the question of access to social housing as a... more
L’articolo offre un’introduzione critica a una politica per la casa e si sostegno diretta a persone senza dimora chiamata ‘Housing First’. Vengono illustrate le ragioni del successo di tale politica evidenziando come, nel suo viaggiare... more
In the winter of 2018, high profile debates about 'rough sleepers' intensified following reports about men who died in freezing conditions. Government since pledged to cut the number of rough sleepers by half by 2022 and eliminate it by... more
In recent years, a peculiar homelessness policy that goes under the name of ‘Housing First’ has become increasingly popular all over the world. Epitomising a quintessential case of policy-mobility, Housing First can today be considered an... more
This piece of work was commissioned by Homeless Link. This report draws on data collected across England, from Housing First service providers, people using Housing First and local authorities which were commissioning Housing First,... more
Housing First is highly effective in ending homelessness among people with high and complex needs, but it does not constitute a solution to single homelessness, or rough sleeping, in itself. The international evidence shows that Housing... more
As the Housing First approach to homeless service provision has proliferated in the United States in recent years, varied understandings of the model have emerged and a wide range of outcomes have been reported. This study seeks to better... more
evaluation of Western Australia's Housing First program
Social innovation rises and grows within specific social and institutional conditions and relations, being at once an outcome and a driver of change of the contexts in which it is embedded. Tis paper sheds light on these processes, by... more
Résumé L’article décrit les contextes entourant les politiques qui soutiennent l’application du modèle d’intervention qui accorde la priorité au logement (Housing First) pour les personnes itinérantes présentant des troubles mentaux au... more
El presente artículo pretende describir el proceso de transformación de la práctica de tres equipos del programa Primer la Llar. Se trata del primer programa piloto (2015-2018) con filosofía Housing First lanzado por una Administración... more
Resumo: O artigo aborda a situação de rua na perspectiva da insegurança habitacional, buscando encontrar nas experiências acumuladas nos serviços de assistência social, ele-mentos para a crítica e integração das políticas habitacionais.... more
With the aim of ending long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Ireland, a range of homeless policy changes have been made since 2008, most notably in the Dublin area. This paper sets out to analyse these changes in the... more
This study was commissioned by Crisis, with funding from the (UK Government) Department for Communities and Local Government and the Housing First Europe Hub. It was conducted by a consortium led by Imogen Blood & Associates and including... more
This report is a qualitative evaluation of the Futures Forward six-month Housing First pilot-project. As such, it provides an analysis of: (1) the pathways to youth homelessness in order to provide broader context of the social conditions... more
Článek si klade za cíl zodpovědět následující otázku: Reflektují současné modely řešící obtíže s bydlením v kontextu sociální práce v českém prostředí diverzitu životních situací a způsoby jejich zvládání? S využitím Paugamových fází... more
The author's rights re this report are protected with a Creative Commons license that allows users to quote from, link to, copy, transmit and distribute for non-commercial purposes, provided they attribute it to the authors and to the... more
Abstract_While the Pathways to Housing First (HF) model was designed for ending homelessness of individuals with complex needs, the use of a housing-led approach with families has been documented since late 1980s in the US. New target... more
This thesis examines the narratives that explain the existence of washrooms for customers only (W4CO) rules in the City of Toronto. Fifteen interviews were conducted with workers and managers at both chain and independent fast food... more
Na poklade skúseností s 12 rodinami s maloletými deťmi, ktorým bolo poskytované dlhodobé sociálne bývanie v Sociálnom dome sv. Norberta v Jasove Spoločnosťou Úsmev ako dar v kontexte nedostupného bývania, najmä pre rodiny ohrozené... more
V této publikaci se věnujeme popisu inovačního řešení projektu Rapid Re-Housing pro rodiny s dětmi ve městě Brně. Cílem projektu bylo ukončení bezdomovectví 50 rodin s dětmi v bytové nouzi (žijících v ubytovnách či jiných formách... more
This research note focuses on the client selection process of the "Un chez-soi d'abord" programme, an implementation of Housing First services in France first carried out in 2011. At the end of 2016, a randomized control trial... more
This report is protected under a Creative Commons license that allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work for non-commercial purposes, provided you attribute it to the original source. The Homeless Hub Research Report... more