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There is ample evidence that anti-Christian polemicists asserted that Jesus' true father was neither God nor Joseph, but a Roman soldier named Pantera. This was long dismissed as ahistorical, but for the past century, some interlocutors... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar brevemente os documentários televisivos cujo tema central seja a questão do Jesus Histórico. Para isso, foi escolhido previamente um filme dentre os muitos existentes ("A Vida Desconhecida de... more
Das jüdische Interesse an Jesus von Nazaret Rabbiner Walter Homolka beschreibt in seinem Buch die wichtigsten jüdischen Perspektiven auf Jesus. Trotz der christlichen Unterdrückung, die Juden im Namen Jesu jahrhundertelang erfuhren,... more
Jesus the Magician by Morton Smith is his attempt to produce a portrait of Jesus based on the traditions among Jesus’ detractors who opposed or did not follow him. He asserts “Jesus the Son of God” is pictured in the gospels; the works... more
This article argues that the concept of “memory”, perceived as a hermeneutical category for the interpretation of the past from the perspective of the present, is a useful tool for the interpretation of the early Jesus tradition. In... more
To the chagrin of conservative Christians, Jesus has been characterised in many ways ranging from hippie and communist to rebel. While I would agree to a certain extent with such characterizations, I believe the most accurate way of... more
The first volume in the series Documenta Q is concerned with the reconstruction of the Q text behind Luke 11:1-4 par. Matt 6:7-13 (The Lord's Prayer). The database and evaluations are expanded and revised versions of those presented and... more
British art historian Thomas de Wesselow, trained at Courtauld, claims that it was the image on the Turin Shroud that prompted Jesus' disciples to believe in the Resurrection. While appreciating the author's study of the relic, the review... more
The contribution maps the possibility to acquire intellectual skills int the first century CE in the area of Galilee and Judea, where Jesus of Nazareth supposedly spent his forming years. The aim is not to introduce the educational... more
The synoptic gospels agree in telling how Jesus, after being baptized at the Jordan River, driven (or guided) by the Spirit, goes to the desert and remains there forty days, during which or at the end of which, he is tempted by the devil.... more
Le Fils de l'Homme des Evangiles - Jésus ou un autre ? -
Les occurences non eschatologiques - Rôle des Evangélistes - Problèmes d'authenticité historique.
" The Gospel According to Luke " was meant to be read aloud to 1 st century Christians (1:1-4). This oral medium creates a dramatic dimension that is often lost on modern readers. Even a brief analysis of the literary conventions in Luke... more
È grazie alla modernità se possiamo oggi riscoprire la natura storica di Gesù e del cristianesimo originario. Il cristianesimo non nasce con Gesù e, quando prende forma definita, appare come una religione avversa all’ebraismo. Gesù,... more
T he historical authenticity of Jesus' prayer to God to forgive his enemies (Luke 23:34a: Πάτερ, ἄφες αὐτοῖς) is still debated by New Testament scholars. The disputed textual tradition underlying the verse and the ambiguous status of the... more
The Name “Jesus” has been used for many centuries in the English language. In other languages, like Afrikaans and Dutch, the spelling is exactly the same, although it is pronounced slightly differently. The question asked in this paper is... more
Paper demonstrating the origin of Popes (or Bishops of Rome) from the Calpurnius Piso family, giving the actual identities of the first 10 Popes. 18 pages. This paper also makes the case for the mention of Christ in the works of Flavius... more
Corroborating contemporary biographers report that Jesus of Nazareth was born of a virgin, changed water to wine, made the blind see, healed the lame, raised the dead, walked on water, calmed a violent storm, fed 5,000 people with five... more
In this study, the relationship between Jesus and his biological family is examined. The Gospel of Mark bears witness to a complete break between Jesus and the rest of his family (Mark 3:20-35; 6:1-6). Researchers have traditionally... more
Este no es un argumento sustantivo acerca de la responsabilidad sobre la muerte de Jesús, sino un comentario a la forma casi natural y orgánica en la que se tomó como elección cultural la designación, con ira, de la responsabilidad sobre... more
The Ante Nicene Father's of Schaff include a fascinating document throught to be the work of the third century Church Father Hippolytus. He gives a list of what are considered the 70 evangelists who Jesus sent forth in his second round of... more
Many people seem to think it’s crazy to doubt Jesus existed, but it’s actually the belief he did that’s unreasonable. The claim, made by Ehrman in his book “Did Jesus Exist?”, that he was “a purely human being” who died around 30 CE (e.g.... more
This is the first thirteen lessons in the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series. Walking With Jesus is a complete Bible study (160 lessons) on every event in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as taught in Matthew, Mark, Luke and... more
Discussion of the historical existence of Jesus has become widespread on the internet, with commentators on the subject ranging from well-respected and highly qualified academics, to uneducated and virtually unknown conspiracy theorists.... more
The First Coming traces the evolution of Christian belief in the first century C.E. under three rubrics: • How Jesus Lived and Died’ • How Jesus was Raised from the Dead, • How Jesus Became God. A key element in that evolution is the... more
In this article, Birger Gerhardsson's view on the transmission of the Jesus traditions is critically discussed. Gerhardsson's basic thesis was that the pre-Gospel oral tradition was formally controlled and handed down in manners... more
God has a master plan for reaching and transforming the lost world. Jesus came with the purpose of reclaiming the world with the Gospel. His plan was simple and profound – take twelve ordinary men, training them for three years through... more
This paper contains a list of 40 instances of corollaries between the works of Flavius Josephus & the New Testament texts; including '666'. Purpose: to demonstrate that the mention of Jesus was indeed original and could not have been a... more
El autor resalta la incidencia del drama de la cruz, marcado por claras señales de iniquidad, en la visión de mesianismo cristiano que anhela el advenimiento del Reino de Dios, marcado por la perfección y la realización de la Justicia.... more
This is an extensive introduction to the third volume of the John, Jesus, and History Series (Atlanta: SBL Press, forthcoming in early 2016) written by Jaime Clark-Soles and Paul N. Anderson. A total of twelve volumes of collected essays... more
This article collects and examines data relating to the authors of English-language texts written and published during the past 500 years on the subject of Jesus’ resurrection and then compares this data to Gary R. Habermas’ 2005 and 2012... more
We know Jesus at a time point out by wise men from the east who read the stars. They are called magus in Aramaic and Magoi in Greek. A modern astrologer who claimed she was like the wise men claimed she worked out the birth of William... more