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Dengue’s increasing trends raise concerns over global health and pose a challenge to the Brazilian health system, highlighting the necessity of a strong surveillance system to reduce morbidity, mortality, and the economic burden of this... more
Calls for a political ecology of health have recently emerged in geography. This article builds on these to suggest a practice of a political ecology of health by incorporating the insights of medical anthropology, STS, and history of... more
Social science researchers interested in human health have generally neglected the production of health care spaces and the experience of medical workers, particularly physicians. Health care researchers have contributed to our knowledge... more
Since 2003, more than twenty hospitals in New York City have closed because of debt and a state-driven downsizing program. During this same time period, the labor market for nurses has tightened substantially, shifting from an overall... more
The public health approach to alcohol control focusses on efforts to reduce overall consumption and therefore the prevalence of “harmful” drinking and its negative health and social consequences. Within this logic, evidence is corralled... more
A 2007–13-as európai uniós fejlesztési periódus egyik sok figyelmet kapott infrastrukturális fejlesztési eleme a járóbeteg-szakellátási kapacitások fejlesztése volt. Cikkünkben a zöldmezős kistérségi járóbeteg-szakellátó központok... more
In the National Health Service (NHS) system General Practices (GP) are providers of Primary Health Services (PHSs). PHS are managed by Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and are generally conceived as the first point of access to public health.... more
Public health and health care are important aspects to consider when looking at all developing countries in the world. Zimbabwe is one of the world`s developing countries that is striving to achieve a good health care environment for all.... more
Healthy living environments and housing conditions are important foci of Nordic health and welfare policies. However, policies and research on living conditions have mostly explored people’s permanent living environments, adhering to... more
Öz: Sağlık sorunları insan hayatı buyunca önemini yitirmemiştir. Günümüzde şehirlerde artan nüfus yoğunluğu sağlık alanında bazı sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Doktor başına düşen hasta sayısının artması, verilen sağlık hizmetinin kalitesinin... more
Energy projects may profoundly impact Indigenous peoples. We consider effects of Canada’s proposed Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion on the health and food sovereignty of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) through contamination and... more
This article examines the entanglement between feelings of stress and discomfort, physiological arousal and urban experiences of persons living with early psychosis. It adopts a biosocial approach, using mixed methods combining ambulatory... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
In this twenty-first century, electricity has become the pivot of global activities. Electricity has become the engine for social development and economic growth (Pachauri et al., 2011). The world lives and... more
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
Human-wildlife conflicts impact upon the wellbeing of marginalized people, worldwide. Although tangible losses from such conflicts are well documented, hidden health consequences remain under-researched. Based on preliminary clinical... more
Cette thèse défend l’intérêt d’appliquer une démarche d’analyse exploratoire de données spatiales pour examiner un phénomène complexe irréductible, dans un contexte limité en données : le paludisme-infection à Dakar. Chaque partie du... more
This thesis examines the shifting relationship between the state and its subjects with regard to responsibility for and entitlement to care. Using Malaysia as a case study the research engages with international medical travel (IMT) as an... more
This study entailed a review of 63 scientific articles on geospatial and spatial-statistical analysis of the geographical dimension of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The diversity of themes identified in this paper can... more
Lies and disinformation have always existed throughout human history. However, disinformation has become a “pandemic within a pandemic” with convergence of COVID-19 and digital transformation of health care, climate emergency, and... more
Cette recherche vise à analyser les logiques, les dynamiques et les impacts locaux de la mondialisation contemporaine dans la province d’Almería (Andalousie, Espagne). La région s’est globalisée suite au développement récent de... more
Bu kitapta Türkiye'deki intiharın mekansal dokusu incelenmiştir. İntihar ve coğrafya ilişkisi tartışılmış, Dünya'da intihar ile intihara genel bir bakış yapılmıştır. İntihar sonucu ölümler yıllara, yaş gruplarına, nedenlerine,... more
Increasingly, governments are experimenting with ways to provide public goods by involving the private sector in the planning, financing, building and operating of a range of services, facilities, infrastructure, etc. In the geographical... more
Esta investigación expone los elementos conceptuales de la determinación en la salud en el ámbito de la geografía y la epidemiología. Se abordan los Determinantes Sociales en la Salud como una propuesta para abatir las causas de... more
Kitapta sağlık coğrafyası, sağlık ceomatiği, sağlık coğrafyası ile ilgili araştırmalar ile konuya genel bir bakış yapılmaktadır. Ölüm oranı haritalarının hazırlanmasına ilişkin bilgiler verildikten sonra 14 ölüm nedeninin mekansal dokusu... more
Whereas anthropologists have long been concerned with how people regard non-human animals, the politics of multi-species entanglements appear to be increasing in prominence within anthropology. Meanwhile, an interdisciplinary field... more
‘Ageing in place’ is a well-established concept within gerontological and geographical literatures as well as continuing to be mobilised as a potentially effective policy mechanism for addressing the needs and choices of ageing... more
La présente recherche visera à comprendre au moyen d’une approche féministe matérialiste, les répercussions de la douleur et de la fatigue chronique, provoquées par la spondylarthrite ankylosante et la fibromyalgie sur la spatialité des... more
Introduction: Immunization, as a process of fighting against the COVID-19, has gained important research appeal, but very limited endeavor has been paid for vaccine behavioral studies in underdeveloped and developing countries. This study... more
Scholars in the field of population health need to be on the constant lookout for the danger that their tacit ideological commitments translate into systematic biases in how they interpret their empirical results. This contribution... more
The aim of this rapid analysis was to investigate the spatial patterns of COVID-19 emergence across counties in Colorado. In the U.S. West, Colorado has the second highest number of cases and deaths, second only to California. Colorado is... more
Air pollution is an important public health problem in Europe and there is evidence that it exacerbates health inequities. This calls for effective strategies and targeted interventions. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to... more
Background and Objectives: Research regarding the role that cherished possessions play in experiences of aging and daily life has tended to focus on how possessions assist individuals in "looking back" and remembering important... more
This paper addresses the question of how older adults’ experiences of home maintenance issues shape their opportunities to maintain ageing in place. We explore this question through a case study of ageing in place on Waiheke Island, near... more
Reumo: A presença de metais em águas superficiais pode promover uma série de agravos à saúde de uma população local que venha a consumir destas águas. Deve-se considerar o estudo das bacias hidrográficas e das complexas interações em seu... more
Research on sexual orientation and gender identities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ), has been limited in health geography compared with other sub‐fields of the discipline. The reasons for this gap include... more