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Modern radio telescopes like the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will need to process in real-time exabytes of radio-astronomical signals to construct a high-resolution map of the sky. Near-Memory Computing (NMC) could alleviate the... more
Abstract-Simulating spatiotemporal neurons is fundamental to understanding motion detection mechanisms in the primary visual cortex and cloning these mechanisms in digital systems. We present a hardware accelerator that leverages the... more
This thesis was prepared at DTU Compute in fulfilment of the requirements for acquiring an M.Sc. in Engineering. The goal of the thesis is the implementation of a hardware accelerator on FPGA technology for a specific financial... more
A new approach to analyze injection locking mode of oscillators under small external excitation is proposed. The proposed approach exploits existence conditions of the solution of HB linear system with degenerate matrix. The method allows... more
This paper proposes a parallel hardware architecture for real-time image classification based on Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Bag of Features (BoF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. The proposed architecture... more
Modern radio telescopes like the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will need to process in real-time exabytes of radio-astronomical signals to construct a high-resolution map of the sky. Near-Memory Computing (NMC) could alleviate the... more
In India nearly thousands of people die every year due to pesticide poisoning. Toxic pesticides like chlorpyrifos, ethion, acetamiprid are used without knowing the side effects. Detection of the pesticides using image processing can bring... more
The significant decline in the cost of genome sequencing has dramatically changed the typical bioinformatics pipeline for analysing sequencing data. Where traditionally, the computational challenge of sequencing is now secondary to... more
Coarse-grained reconfigurable array (CGRA) is a promising solution that can accelerate even non-parallel loops. Acceleration achieved through CGRAs critically depends on the goodness of mapping (of loop operations onto the PEs of CGRA),... more
Do formal verification tools and methodologies require a drastic overhaul to move beyond equivalence checking? Equivalence checking catches errors in synthesis and local hand-modifications to designs. However, powerful formal verification... more
The most pervasive compute operation carried out in almost all bioinformatics applications is pairwise sequence homology detection (or sequence alignment). Due to exponentially growing sequence databases, computing this operation at a... more
Do formal verification tools and methodologies require a drastic overhaul to move beyond equivalence checking? Equivalence checking catches errors in synthesis and local hand-modifications to designs. However, powerful formal verification... more
Several Elliptic Curve Processors (ECP) have been proposed in the literature associated with various architectures using different and sometimes confusing terminologies. This paper is a short review study of ECP architectures, considering... more
— This paper gives an overview of low-power techniques proposed in the literature for mobile multimedia and Internet appli-cations. Exploitable aspects are discussed in the behavior of differ-ent video compression tools. These... more
Assisted by recent advances in programmable graphics hardware, fast rasterization-based techniques have made significant progress in photorealistic rendering, but still only render a subset of the effects possible with ray tracing. We are... more
Matrix Algebra and Deep Neural Networks represent foundational classes of computational algorithms across multiple emerging applications like Augmented Reality(AR) or Virtual Reality(VR), autonomous navigation (cars, drones, robots), data... more
In this paper we present a novel real-time cartoon-style rendering approach, which targets very large meshes. Cartoon drawing usually uses a limited number of colors for shading and emphasizes special effects, such as sharp curvature and... more
Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control (NOILC) is state of the art control strategy that is being used in Gantry robot and rehabilitation robotics. However due to the memory requirement for storing trial data and matrix... more
Coarse-grained reconfigurable array (CGRA) is a promising solution to accelerate loops featuring loop-carried dependencies or low trip-counts. One challenge in compiling for CGRAs is to efficiently manage both recurring (repeatedly... more
Several many-cores tackle scalability issues by leveraging tightly-coupled clusters as building blocks, where low-latency, high-bandwidth interconnection between a small or medium number of processors and L1 memory achieves high... more
Overlay architectures implemented on FPGA devices have been proposed as a means to increase FPGA adoption in general-purpose computing. They provide the benefits of software such as flexibility and programmability, thus making it easier... more
Do formal verification tools and methodologies require a drastic overhaul to move beyond equivalence checking? Equivalence checking catches errors in synthesis and local hand-modifications to designs. However, powerful formal verification... more
Overlay architectures implemented on FPGA devices have been proposed as a means to increase FPGA adoption in general-purpose computing. They provide the benefits of software such as flexibility and programmability, thus making it easier... more
In this paper we present a novel real-time cartoon-style rendering approach, which targets very large meshes. Cartoon drawing usually uses a limited number of colors for shading and emphasizes special effects, such as sharp curvature and... more