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The Collects of Veit Dietrich, based on the Historic Lectionary, compared with the original source, 'Summaria Christlicher Lehr' 1548 with newly translated collects that were not in 'The Lutheran Hymnary' or in 'Evangelical Lutheran... more
"Here I Stand. I Can Do No Other!" Art of the German Reformation is a longer review of an exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and a symposium at the Getty Research Center in February 2017.
La traduzione italiana completa degli scritti e delle lettere di una delle figure principali degli anni aurorali della Riforma non necessita alcuna giustificazione. Essa giunge in un momento di rinnovato interesse nei confronti degli... more
루터의 칭의 교리는 그의 신학 전체를 지배하는 중요한 교리이다. 하지만 그의 칭의론은 성화론을 말살시킨다는 비판이 있어 왔다. 본 논문은 루터의 1535년판 『갈라디아서 주석』에는 매우 건실한 칭의론과 성화론을 발견할 수 있음을 논증한다. 루터는 『갈라디아서 주석』(1535)에서 인간의 공로적 행동으로 발생하는 “능동적 의(activa iustitia)”와 하나님이 그리스도를 통하여 신자에게 주시는 “수동적... more
"This chapter reconstructs, for the fist time, the history of crucial intellectual controversies about the value and meaning of Greek tragedy in general and Sophocles' Oedipus Rex in particular in 16th- and 17th- century Europe, from... more
First artist of our selection about "Protestant drawing ?", Hans Baldung Grien is here, after a short biography, examined in his drawing (and particularly his obsession for death and sexuality) and his controversial protestantism.... more
루터는 그의 신학의 시작이라 볼 수 있는 “제 1차 시편 강의”부터 그의 말년에 이르는 “창세기 강의”까지 “교회의 감춰져 있음”이라는 개념을 줄곧 사용했다. 하지만 그는 그 개념을 자신이 처한 시대적 상황에 따라 강조점의 차이를 가지고 다르게 사용했다. 첫째로, 루터는 1519년에서 1525년 사이에 “교회의 감춰져 있음”의 개념을 교회 비판적 기능을 위해 사용했다. 그는 교회의 영적인 측면을 강조하기 위해서 이 개념을... more
"Georg Rörer (1492–1557). The Chronicler of the Wittenberg Reformation [see german version below] Georg Rörer (1492–1557) was fascinated by Martin Luther and his theology to such a degree that, starting in 1522, he began to assemble... more
A study is a subcategory of drawing in which an artist tests elements that may not be worked out with the full clarity of a finalized composition. When such sketches depict fragments of bodies or forms in freefall with no contextualizing... more
Martin Luther’s appreciation for music as a practical instrument to promote the message of the reformation by the creation of vernacular hymnody and specifically Lutheran liturgical music has dominated studies on Luther and music. The... more
This paper explores the contributions of humanism to the sixteenth century reformation movements in Germany.
An examination of the main alchemical treatise of the Austrian doctor Stefan Michelspacher who fled the Tyrol to settle in Augsburg to avoid Jesuit persecution. Alchemy is inter-related with religious history and Renaissance artistic... more
This article discusses the mission theology and practice of Martin Luther. The author demonstrates that the popular view which claims that the German Reformer was neither interested in the mission of the church nor made any noteworthy... more
Archaeological objects from four adresses, owned by the family of Cranach in the 16th and 17th century. On the one hand different objects from their households, showing a special lifestyle, on the other hand some stove tiles influenced by... more
Jáchymov (St. Joachimsthal) was in the 16th century one of the major centers of the Bohemian kingdom. Mining of a silver ore meant a expansion of mining in the western part of the Ore Mountains and brought here also many scholars events,... more
An essay to be published in a volume accompanying 'Here I Stand', an international exhibition on Martin Luther to be held in the United States (New York, Minneapolis and Atlanta) from October 2016 to January 2017
Christian Speer beschäftigt sich in seinem Buch mit der Frage nach den lebenspraktischen Funktionen von religiösem Handeln am Beispiel spätmittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Frömmigkeitspraxis. Dabei legt er den Schwerpunkt der... more
The rediscovery of Hermanni Buschii Annotationes in Petronii, Honorius Cubitensis as the first German editor of Petronius and the denominational conversion of the original by Melchior Goldast In 1501, the humanist Hermann von der... more
Beyond the magisterial Reformation, in the early sixteenth century, Europe witnessed religious mutations and consequent variations of intellectual and social impulses as well as Christian motifs that brought about a ferment of so-called... more
*** UPDATE: I have now included a complete text of the essay in a pre-publication version. Please consult the published text before citing. *** This paper focuses on the largely negative memory of Anabaptist rule at Münster in scholarship... more
Il problema storiografico ed ermeneutico “Thomas Müntzer” sembra infinito e senza soluzione. Fu egli un pensatore mistico, apocalittico o spiritualista? Fu un riformatore della chiesa o una mitologica figura antesignana del comunismo, del... more
The present paper explores the repression of Lutheran and evangelical theological writings and bibles in the Habsburg Low Countries during the 1520s, in the aftermath of the Edict of Worms. The way in which different jurisdictions dealt... more
Westminster College, Cambridge, UK 8-10 April 2015 During the course of the sixteenth- and seventeenth centuries, Christianity in western and central Europe underwent dramatic, and often violent, transformation. Where there had been... more
Preview of my paper due to be published in 2017 together with the other papers of the 2016 autum meeting of the Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg ( On the example of his interpretation of the eucharistic... more
From 10-12 September, the Reformation Studies Colloquium will be held in Cambridge. We are hoping to get many people (both at the conference and outside) involved in the discussions through twitter. Use the hashtag #RefStud to live-tweet... more
Doubting Christianity; the Church and Doubt’ is the theme of the fifty-second volume of Studies in Church History. Under the presidency of Professor Frances Andrews, historians explored the myriad ways in which doubt has tested and... more