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The Collatz 3x ± 1 Conjectures can be tackled here by Strong Mathematical Induction. So also the Generalized Collatz Conjecture or px ± c. It can be shown that all similar problems can be proved likewise and are therefore decidable.
We investigate the probability that a random composition (ordered partition) of the positive integer $n$ has no parts occurring exactly $j$ times, where $j$ belongs to a specified finite $\textit{`forbidden set'}$ $A$ of... more
The neighbourhood prime labelling of a graph G is defined as a function f : V (G) −→ {1, 2, 3, ..., n} which is bijective and if for every vertex of G with degree greater than 1, gcd {f(u) : u ∈ N(v)} = 1. A graph is called neighbourhood... more
In 1862, Wolstenholme [16] proved that the above congruence holds modulo p for any prime p ≥ 5, which is known as the famous Wolstenholme’s theorem. It is well-known that Wolstenholme’s theorem is a fundamental congruence in combinatorial... more
We analyze the problem of finding combinatorial interpretations of holonomic recurrences and show some techniques that were used to achieve known results. We also try to find a combinatorial interpretation of the holonomic recurrence for... more
In this paper infinite systems of functional equations in finitely or infinitely many random variables arising in combinatorial enumeration problems are studied. We prove sufficient conditions under which the combinatorial random... more
Laguerrian derivatives and related autofunctions are presented that allow building new special functions determined by the action of a differential isomorphism within the space of analytical functions. Such isomorphism can be iterated... more
The expansion of arbitrary power series in various classes of polynomial sets is considered. Some applications are also given.