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Mafia (also called Werewolf) is a party game. The participants are divided into two competing groups: citizens and a mafia. The objective is to eliminate the opponent group. The game consists of two consecutive phases (day and night) and... more
We introduce a new family of continuous distributions called the transmuted geometric-G family which extends the transmuted family pioneered by Shaw and Buckley (2007). Some of its mathematical properties including... more
We consider compositions of n, i.e., sequences of positive integers (or parts) (σi)ki=1 where σ1 +σ2 + · · ·+σk = n. We define a maximum to be any part which is not less than any other part. The variable of interest is the size of the... more
The theory of partitions has interested some of the best minds since the 18 th century. In 1742, Leonhard Euler established the generating f unction of P(n). Godf rey Harold Hardy said that Sriniv asa Ramanujan was the f irst, and up to... more
Special functions are expressed as differential and integral representations of some elementary functions. This general representation leads to a unique and unified representation of special functions. The integral representation gives... more
In 1970 George E. Andrews defined the generating functions for P r (n) 1 and P r (n) 2 . In this article these generating functions are discussed elaborately. This paper shows how to prove the theorem P r (n) P r (n) 3 2 = with a... more
We analyze properties of the 2-adic valuations of an integer sequence that originates from an explicit evaluation of a quartic integral. We also give a combinatorial interpretation of the valuations of this sequence. Connections with the... more
We study the enumeration of Hamiltonian cycles on the thin grid cylinder graph $C_m \times P_{n+1}$. We distinguish two types of Hamiltonian cycles, and denote their numbers $h_m^A(n)$ and $h_m^B(n)$. For fixed $m$, both of them satisfy... more
We consider an infinite-capacity buffer receiving fluid at a rate depending on the state of an M/M/1 queue. We obtain a new analytic expression for the joint stationary distribution of the buffer level and the state of the M/M/1 queue.... more
ABSTRACT A bargraph is a lattice path in with three allowed steps: the up step , the down step and the horizontal step . It starts at the origin with an up step and terminates as soon as it intersects the -axis again. A down step cannot... more
— Tumour immune interaction is modelled to evaluate the tumour cell size as a stochastic time dependent model. The life of a tumour cell is assumed to be in hypothetical phases of independently distributed time duration. The analysis uses... more
We investigate the probability that a random composition (ordered partition) of the positive integer n has no parts occurring exactly j times, where j belongs to a specified finiteforbidden set'A of multiplicities. This probability... more
In this paper we develop a general method to enumerate the congruences of finite summations $\sum_{k=0}^{p-1} \frac{a_k}{m^k} \!\pmod{p}$ and $\sum_{k=0}^{p-1-h} \frac{a_k a_{k+h}}{B^k} \!\pmod{p}$ for the the infinite sequence... more