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Comprehensive overview of the development of garden and gardening in Ireland from early times to the mid-17th century. Sections on Prehistoric Gardening, The Early Christian Period, The Medieval Period, The Elizabethan and Early Stuart... more
Falun has been the subject of numerous archaeological excavations over the years, not the least since it became a world heritage town in 2001. In recent years, new perspectives and methods have resulted in unearthed traces of urban... more
"Ancient Egyptian Gardens - the Oldest Gardens of the World" - Written and published version of a lecture held at 2016 lecture series "Sommerakademie Herrenhausen". - (in German)
Le piante dei giardini romani e il Viridarium di Orticola di Lombardia Abstract Lo studio della storia dei giardini è un campo di studi che ha un forte carattere multidisciplinare, esattamente come prevede la disciplina della... more
Tottenham Park and Savernake Forest in Wiltshire comprise an extensive area of wood pasture and parkland that was formed into a large unified forest park from the remnant of a royal forest during the eighteenth century. The traditional... more
"The Oldest Gardens of the World - Egypt at the Times of the Pharaohs" - Contribution to the book published in conjunction with the exhibition "Gardens of the World - Places of Desire and Inspiration (Museum Rietberg, Zurich /... more
This article suggests an alternative to the common formal approach to Roman gardens. Traditional research has considered how the gardens were laid out and how they were planted, more important than which functions they filled. Here... more
Abstract of a lecture given at the TRAC 2018 Edinburgh.
Session: Defining Viridia: New Perspectives on Roman Gardens and Designed Landscapes
The ancient tell (mound) of Ramat Rahel sits on the outskirts of Jerusalem. It features an impressive residency and palatial garden that flourished during the seventh to fourth centuries BCE, when biblical Judah was under the hegemony of... more
During a GPR-survey of in the area surrounding the late 18th century manor of Rosenlund in Jönköping. Sweden, an unexpected find was made. An almost complete formal garden was hidden some 50 cm beneath the turf. It was laid out around... more
Az Európai Régészeti Tanács (EAC) 2019 februárjában Írországban tartotta 20. konferenciáját. A dublini várban megrendezett találkozó a műemléki helyszínek és régészeti területek megfelelő kezelésének, vala-mint a nagyközönség számára... more
In 2010 a hitherto unknown formal garden from the 1790s was found during a GPR-mapping of the park at Rosenlund Manor in Jönköping, Sweden. This presentation describes the history and layout of the garden as well as the methods used in... more
The manor of Rosenlund was built between 1786 and 1788 just outside the town of Jönköping. With it's architecture influenced by classical ideals the manorhouse is today a good reflection of ideas and visions of the constructor, baron... more
Among Shâh ‘Abbâs I’s palaces in Mâzanderân, the ‘Abbâsâbâd estate is outstanding by its original features: it linked an informal garden, the elements of which are loosely assembled around an artificial lake to a formal space, on higher... more
This is a reconstruction of the career of bishop Cipriano de São José and the historical garden he built for his palace in Mariana, Minas Gerais, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The grounds, which, like most of... more
The 20th conference of the European Archaeological Council (EAC) was held in Ireland in February 2019. The meeting took place in Dublin Castle and focused on the proper management of monuments and archaeological sites as well as the... more
In view of the general uneasiness that still prevails over the use of the term" picturesque" it was deemed useful but also salutary to review the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century uses of the word, especially as... more
La première moitié du XVIIIe siècle ayant longtemps été enfermée dans une phase dite" classique," et la deuxième moitié, dans une phase" pré-romantique" ou"... more