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Jeremias Falck (c. 1605/09–1677) is considered to be the greatest engraver of early modern times working in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Graphical representa- tions of ower forms constitute a signi cant part of his oeuvre. So far... more
The impression given by art history surveys and civilisation courses can often be that Byzantine art is 'flat, flat figures on gold, gold ground.' Take, for instance, the ninth-century mosaic over the imperial door in the narthex... more
In latino “locus communis”, in greco “κοινοί τόποι”, in francese “lieu commun”, in inglese “commonplace”: non solo un concetto retorico aristotelico, ma anche un vero e proprio genere a stampa che trovò la sua massima fortuna nel... more
The introduction of printing to England at the beginning of the early modern period intersected with an ongoing interest in matters concerning the querelle des femmes. One result was the production of fourteen translations from Latin and... more
The Knight's Tale has often been cited as an example of Chaucer's use of "conventional" or formal style, in contrast to the naturalism of the General Prologue. As Charles Muscatine observes, "When Chaucer writes at... more
the chief academic focus has rested on three strands: the radical restructuring of the twelfth century, popular devotion in the immediate pre-Reformation period, and the dramatic events of the sixteenth-century Reformation. This does not... more
The commentary to follow was originally published by Figure/Ground (2014) in magazine format, as it appears here. It concerns a pseudonymously published poem entitled Serial Kitsch (Austin and New York: Hworde, 2014). This commentary was... more
In the middle decades of the thirteenth century, the use of torture was introduced into papal inquisitions, which were often administered by members of the Dominican Order. In these same decades, Dominican authors created a new literary... more
In recent Scottish historical research on issues of ecclesiastical renewal and reform, the chief academic focus has rested on three strands: the radical restructuring of the twelfth century, popular devotion in the immediate... more
While illustrations for many Holy Books are created especially for the rel­ evant texts, the iconography of the Psalms has mostly been borrowed.1 In early manuscripts the rich imagery of the visual scenes occupied large por­ tions of the... more
Les médiévistes savent bien qu'avec la Dame des troubadours, librement redessinée par les premiers romanciers du Nord de la France, l'écriture médiévale a réinventé la femme en élaborant une figure de mots capable de rivaliser... more
In the middle decades of the thirteenth century, the use of torture was introduced into papal inquisitions, which were often administered by members of the Dominican Order. In these same decades, Dominican authors created a new literary... more