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Jeremias Falck (c. 1605/09–1677) is considered to be the greatest engraver of early modern times working in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Graphical representa- tions of ower forms constitute a signi cant part of his oeuvre. So far... more
The commentary to follow was originally published by Figure/Ground (2014) in magazine format, as it appears here. It concerns a pseudonymously published poem entitled Serial Kitsch (Austin and New York: Hworde, 2014). This commentary was... more
The introduction of printing to England at the beginning of the early modern period intersected with an ongoing interest in matters concerning the querelle des femmes. One result was the production of fourteen translations from Latin and... more
The Regensburg Rhetorical Letters are fictional letters composed in the 1080s at the Regensburg cathedral school. They imitate Ciceronian texts to fashion a valorized masculine identity based in learning, eloquence, and public service for... more
This article analyses the florilegium Flores Lucii Annei Senecae Cordubensis summo labore selecti ex omnibus illius operibus attributed to Erasmus of Rotterdam and inserted in an opuscule published for the first time in 1528, including... more
The impression given by art history surveys and civilisation courses can often be that Byzantine art is 'flat, flat figures on gold, gold ground.' Take, for instance, the ninth-century mosaic over the imperial door in the narthex... more
Les médiévistes savent bien qu'avec la Dame des troubadours, librement redessinée par les premiers romanciers du Nord de la France, l'écriture médiévale a réinventé la femme en élaborant une figure de mots capable de rivaliser... more
Digital manuscript and text representation provides such a wealth of information that it is now possible to see the incessant versioning of works like the Roman de la Rose. Using the Rose manuscript of the Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon... more
The subject of this paper is the female of the species opifiaes and tabemarii, "craftsmen and shopkeepers and all that scum of the cities," as Cicero once indiscreetly called them. We need not believe him when he claims that... more
Arianna CAPIROSSI (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Titre de la communication : « La diffusion des
lieux communs dans les recueils au XVIe siècle ».
The article is devoted to the role of quotations as a tool to measure the impact of humanism on the example of letters of Piotr Wolfram – a Polish lawyer educated in Italy, participant of the Council of Constance, and ambitious official... more
In a childhood florilegium composed by duke August of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel after 1592 (Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 22 Noviss. 8o, p. 438.), there is a series of curious characters following the Rumanian version... more
Those who have disputed Shakespeare's authorship of the plays and poems usually attributed to him have been inclined to name the eminent Shakespeare scholars who have vilified the anti-Stratfordian cause. In the Preface to his 1908... more
This article aims to complete and correct the existing analyses of the unpublished Expositum in Heptateuchum of John the Deacon (mid-sixth century) by studying sixteen fragments of patristic works that have not or not properly been... more
While illustrations for many Holy Books are created especially for the rel­ evant texts, the iconography of the Psalms has mostly been borrowed.1 In early manuscripts the rich imagery of the visual scenes occupied large por­ tions of the... more
In recent Scottish historical research on issues of ecclesiastical renewal and reform, the chief academic focus has rested on three strands: the radical restructuring of the twelfth century, popular devotion in the immediate... more
the chief academic focus has rested on three strands: the radical restructuring of the twelfth century, popular devotion in the immediate pre-Reformation period, and the dramatic events of the sixteenth-century Reformation. This does not... more
As Edward Said, Norman Daniel, and Dorothee Metlitzki have pointed out, the purportedly Muslim figures who appear in medieval western literature usually bear little or no resemblance to historical Muslims of the period. Said states,... more
The introduction of printing to England at the beginning of the early modern period intersected with an ongoing interest in matters concerning the querelle des femmes . One result was the production of fourteen translations from Latin and... more