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The book provides a sentence-by-sentence translation of Die Judenbuche (1842) by Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, arguably one of Germany’s greatest female poets. Often thought of as a detective novel, The Jews’ Beech Tree is as much a... more
Teżi mressqa lid-Dipartiment tal-Malti fil-Fakulta' tal-Arti fl-Universita' ta' Malta għall-grad ta' M.A. fil-Malti (2010).
Teżi mressqa lid-Dipartiment tal-Malti fil-Fakulta' tal-Arti fl-Universita' ta' Malta għall-grad ta' B.A. (Unuri) fil-Malti (2008).
Current postcolonial theory maintains that most emerging nationalist movements inevitably construct a post-revolutionary society that mimics the colonial structure they sought to overthrow. During the decolonization process in Ireland,... more
Between the Middle Ages and modern times there was in Castile a phenomenon of feminine prophetism with great public impact. Among its main exponents are two tertiaries, the Dominican Mary of Santo Domingo and the Franciscan Juana de la... more
Ana Plácido (1831-1895) foi uma autora portuguesa que viveu e escreveu na sombra do seu amante, e posterior marido, Camilo Castelo Branco. Sendo hoje praticamente esquecida pela crítica literária, a sua obra é, ainda assim, de extrema... more
This 3000-word essay explores how the novel "Belinda" by Maria Edgeworth is a satire of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's book "Emile" and will evidence it by comparing the characters Belinda and Virginia St. Pierre.
This paper examines the Fables of Marie de France as instructive examples addressed to a public that did not necessarily have access to the Latin Fable tradition. A first section analyzes the authority of Fables, and the ways in which... more
Ana Plácido (1831-1895) is a Portuguese female author who lived and wrote mostly in the shade of her lover and husband Camilo Castelo Branco. Her work, though almost forgotten and rarely read, is invaluable to the study of the Portuguese... more
این ترجمه‌ها در مجله‌ی اقتصاد و هنر منتشر شده‌است
Louise Gluck translated to Persian by Rosa Jamali