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This article looks at the doctrinal sources of violence in Islamic Law and proposes vectors for a response.
Ο Καρλ Φον Κλαούζεβιτς είναι αδιαμφισβήτητα ο θεωρητικός του πολέμου ο οποίος, περισσότερο από οποιονδήποτε άλλο, επηρέασε τη σκέψη τόσο των συγχρόνων όσο και των νεωτέρων του θεωρητικών της πολεμικής τέχνης. Ο Κλαούζεβιτς ανέπτυξε τη... more
Dynamic stability of vehicles is a major concern to vehicle manufacturers, as this determines how safe a vehicle will be on the road, to passengers and other road users. The location of centre of gravity (CG) on a vehicle determines its... more
The article asks the question, Is the Center of Gravity (CoG) concept still relevant in today’s Operational Environment (OE)? It explores the two main schools of thought that argue irrelevancy: unsettled theory and the technological, and... more
The Clausewitzian Center of Gravity (COG) concept is central in western military strategic thinking and serves as a core concept in military planning. However, several interpretations of the concept exist, which contributes to... more
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
In this paper we present a methodology based on multiple models and switching for realtime estimation of center of gravity (CG) position in automotive vehicles. The method utilizes well-known simple linear vehicle models for lateral and... more
This paper aims at developing a technically sound and conceptually engineered ATV called quad bike. This paper describes in detail the procedure followed, methodology used and the considerations made in the entire design process. First... more
Abstract—We study models of a quadrotor UAV. These models include various aerodynamic effects of the propellers and their interactions with the motion of the rigid body of the UAV. Two main assumptions are formulated: the twisting of the... more
Because we love Carl von Clausewitz and the center of gravity concept, we need to grant them a divorce-for our sake. We tried for years to make it work, but it's time to face reality, together they are just too abstract and confusing for... more
Did living standards stagnate before the Industrial Revolution? Traditional real-wage indices typically show broadly constant living standards before 1800. In this paper, we show that living standards rose substantially, but... more
"Elevated age in cyber warfare Malware has become focused SCADA Systems (Stuxnet) Malware performs Operational Preparation of the Environment (OPE) Conficker (Millions still infected) Ransomeware Data is being held hostage The... more
We provide data on Centers of Gravity (COG) and resonances of two spectral peaks (P1 and P2) in bark-scaled acoustic spectra of N|uu lingual (L) (ʘ, ǀ, ǃ, ǁ, ǂ) and linguo-pulmonic (LP) stops: (ʘ°q, ǀ°q, ǃ°q, ǁ°q, ǂ°q). COG, P1 and P2... more