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The method for appraisal of the degree of natural sand inclusions in raw material for the pottery paste is discussed in the paper. Selection of clay according to the amount of natural sand in it reflects the various cultural traditions in... more
Монография посвящена системному изложению теории и методов историко-культурного подхода, разработанных А.А. Бобринским и его школой, к изучению древнего гончарства и его продукции как источников исторической информации. Автор подробно... more
Aquamanilia—the word comes from the Latin words for water (aqua) and hand (manus)—were used for washing the hands. They have two openings, one for filling and a second for pouring.
Führer und Schriften des LVR-Freilichtmuseums Kommern – Rheinisches Landesmuseum für Volkskunde Nr. 76, Jülicher Forschungen, Bd. 15 Die neuzeitlichen Töpferzentren zwischen Rhein und Maas stehen erst am Anfang einer systematischen... more
In the paper according to Historical-and-Cultural approach the author has formulated and founded 37 of the most important, from his point of view, scientific issues which could be decided by scholars in close and distant future.... more
This review of Russian investigations into ancient pottery production considers the following three questions: 1) scientific approaches to the investigation of ancient pottery production and their development within archaeology, 2) the... more
Co-Direction of the documentary-film "In Their Hands - Reshaping pottery of the European Bronze Age" With the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union CREATIVE EUROPE In the framework of the Crafting Europe in... more
Hellenic history, being the longest continuously recorded history of a nation and the one that formed the basis of our modern world, provides an ideal basis for the development of a prominent experimental archaeology sector in the... more
The hypothesis of the origins of pottery shapes based on long-term experiments, ethnographic, archaeological data and primitive e cooking practices is discussed in the article. The experiments conducted have shown that it is possible to... more
Günümüz ile geçmiş arasında bağlantı kurarak, eski çağlarda var olan toplulukların yaşayış biçimleri hakkında bilgi edinmemizi sağlayan arkeoloji, aynı zamanda kazılarda bulunan eserlerin yorumlanması ve korunmasına da hizmet etmektedir.... more
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares de una investigación actualmente en curso acerca de las técnicas y motivos decorativos presentes en la cerámica de la Edad del Hierro en el Noroeste Peninsular, aplicando la... more
This paper is dedicated to the principles and method of conducting experiments in the study of ancient ceramics. Various kinds of experiments are described, along with scienti􀏐ic framework and set-up. The historical-and-cultural approach... more
This is the syllabus for our 2015 Archaeological Ethnography Summer School, to be held in Gonies Malevyziou, Crete, Greece, from June 21st to July 19th. If you are interested in applying, please send an email to
First published in 1991. The article is devoted to analysis of clay vessels “covers”, i. e. the curved lines of vessel shapes. Different functional parts are distinguished in a vessel structure. If points that mark the functional parts’... more
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to new, additional criteria for singling out vessels made by one craftsman. It has been proven experimentally that the vessel body is the most stable element. Regarding its characteristics, the maximum... more
Pottery technology is a complex social phenomenon and it reflects complex social behavior, so possibilities of its reconstruction can be very limited. However, preliminary results of this research show that experiments have a very... more
During the Early Bronze Age III in Anatolia, potters slowly shifted their ceramic forming techniques from hand-made to wheel-made. This change can also be seen across the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East. Since 1989 archaeologists have... more
Freshwater reservoir offsets (FROs) occur when AMS dates on charred, encrusted food residues on pottery predate a pot's chronological context because of the presence of ancient carbon from aquatic resources such as fish. Research over the... more
Abstract. This paper is dedicated to the study of clay vessels’ firing treatment. It is one of the most important scientific tasks in the field of ancient ceramic investigations which is low provided by the reliable methods till now. The... more
Abstract. The paper contains the results of the field experimental firings in fireplaces and in ovens made on the basis of Samara pottery experimental expedition (Dr N.P. Salugina is the leader of the expedition) in 2013. The author put... more
La sesión llamada "Experimentación en Arqueología" del JIA 2009 buscó reunir trabajos que emplearan específicamente a la experimentación como vía prioritaria para el conocimiento en arqueología. Esto se decidió así porque es un hecho que... more