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Dimensional Anthropology: a conception of the person and a conception of human health. Logotherapy and its practical applications in the field of health. The human encounter: first therapeutic tool. The relationship of help as a... more
This study aims to examine the effects of a psychoeducation program developed on the basis of logotherapy, for the development of a healthy sense of identity among emerging adulthoods. The Solomon Four-Group Design was used in the study.... more
From my current vantage, my “journey of becoming” remains shrouded in mystery, defined as much by the unknown before me as the lived experiences behind. Yet, throughout my life, the experiences of undeniable synchronicity—and the... more
Objectives: This study has been conducted to investigate the efficacy of group therapy based on logo-therapy on depression in Love Trauma Syndrome (LTS) of female students. LTS includes a constellation of intensive signs and symptoms... more
Il senso della vita tra logoterapia e cognitivismo esistenziale è un libro che ha come obietto quello di dare un contributo alla psicologia clinica e alla ricerca, con un approccio umanistico-esistenziale, centrato sul senso della vita... more
آزادی چیست؟رهایی چیست؟ آزادی انتخاب یکی از ابعاد هستی انسان است.غریزه،توارث و احوال محیط،چیزی رابرای ما تعیین نمی کنند.فرانکل بر این باور است که اگر بخواهیم سلامت روان داشته باشیم،آزادی انتخاب رفتار خود را داریم و به نظر فرانکل آزادی به... more
Logotest is a psychological test created in 1971 by Dr. Elisabeth Lukas (Germany), being recognized internationally as one of the most effective techniques to measure the possibility of realizing the meaning of life.
Viktor E. Frankl put forward a revolutionary approach to psychotherapy known as logotherapy, referring to the Greek word ‘logos’ for ‘meaning’. The following article outlines the basic assumptions and ideas of Viktor E. Frankl’s... more
The book deals with contemporary ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy from the aspects of logotherapy and existential analysis. Despite considerable achievements professionals sporadically encounter issues that are ethically unclear.... more
La raccolta di saggi qui presentata vuole riunire tre diversi indirizzi – l’Analisi Esistenziale, la Logoterapia e il Counseling Filosofico – che, sebbene a prima vista appaiano differenti, presentano analogie e similitudini, in... more
When assisting a family with the esistential-logotherapy approach, Systemic Family Therapy can contribute with some tools to our work as therapists
Es conocido el intento de V. Frankl de fundamentar, aun filosóficamente, una patodicea, término análogo al de teodicea, utilizado, entre otros, por el gran filósofo Leibniz. En la historia de la cuestión, merece estudiarse la propuesta de... more
Summary This article is in response to a recent question: what are the origins of the recent construct of self-directionality in the DSM-5®? This question has been articulated in three points: (1) Research most recent on the four LPFS-BF... more
Maurice-Merleau Ponty’s phenomenological philosophy provides the basis for a form of cultural existential therapy. Through an examination of Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of the phantom limb and anosognosia, we develop a cultural-existential... more
One Knower: Different Modes of Knowing In all philosophical and psychological traditions knowing has many different meanings. In Tibetan Buddhism there is nondual Dzogchen and in Hinduism there is nondual Kashmir Shaivism. In both these... more
Mind Alone For many years psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy was singularly centered on the unconscious mind and conscious mind. There was only mind and the mind could become aware of its own self and its own representational... more
For those of us who walk the paths of Logotherapy, it is known that human work can be an area of concreteness of meaning, through the realization of the values of creation. When this does not happen it can result in a series of symptoms... more
Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy is based on Max Scheler's theory of values and anthropology. Frankl builds his psychological thinking based on critical concepts of Scheleri-an thinking such as (i) value and goods, (ii) will and feelings,... more
The present study is based on a clinical case treated by individual psychotherapy for approximately one year. A logoterapeutic treatment, although inconclusive, could be effective. Because of the particular anthropological orientation of... more
This paper compares the analytic and experiential approaches to dreams in order to illuminate the intrinsic and necessary relationships between the two understandings. It describes how dream work reflects the bimodalness of symbolism,... more
ویکتور فرانکل معتقد بود : مشکل انسان امروز بی معنا بودن زندگی،خلا وجودی و ناکامی وجودی است.انسان سالم از نظر فرانکل، انسانی از خود فرا رونده و معنا خواه است.معنا خواهی قوی ترین نیرو در انسان است.معنا چشمه ای است که هرگز خشک نمی شوداما... more
Summary. This article pursues the objective of notifying an update and making a proposal to logotherapists and other psychotherapists with humanistic-existential training. The updated notification is the one on the opening of the DSM-5®... more
As I explored in Part 1 in my reflection on my own process of individuation and the accompanying themes of fate, responsibility, and synchronicity—with Becvar (1997), I have come to hold all of life is a spiritual process, and therefore,... more
An important key to emotional self-healing is to fully embrace our emotional pain and relationship pain with an open, nonjudgmental, nonpartisan, compassionate, warmly loving heart. That warmhearted, compassionate, loving embrace of our... more
Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy is based on Max Scheler’s theory of values and anthropology. Frankl builds his psychological thinking based on critical concepts of Schelerian thinking such as (i) value and goods, (ii) will and feelings, (iii)... more
This study aims to examine the effects of a psychoeducation program developed on the basis of logotherapy, for the development of a healthy sense of identity among emerging adulthoods. The Solomon Four-Group Design was used in the study.... more
I think this paper should be called "Tribulations, misadventures and reunions of a logoterapeuta in Patagonia", since it deals with a personal journey accompanying changes in the paradigms of psychological science between the end of the... more
Viktor E. Frankl put forward a revolutionary approach to psychotherapy known as logotherapy, referring to the Greek word 'logos' for 'meaning'. The following article outlines the basic assumptions and... more