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The article studies the relationship between the well-being and the ludic principles of human agency. According to Gwen Gordon the research of the connection between the play and the health (well-being) is highly omitted in contemporary... more
The article highlights connections between Fink's phenomenology of play, his concept of garden of delight, and some medieval texts that situate the action into spaces enveloped by wall, dream, or both. Written in Czech.
В статье предлагается экзистеницальная деконст-рукция феномена шаманского камлания, которое у ряда тюркских народов, включая кыргызов, называлось игрой (оюн, ойно). Понимание обряда как игры позволяет по-но-вому вписать в общекультурный... more
The creative industries are a growing economic contributor to many developed and developing economies, with the expert use of technology (hardware and software) being critical components. This research sought feedback from graduates and... more
Wir möchten zunächst einigen Begriffen nachdenken, die für Fink und Nietzsche, aber vor allem für Finks Nietzsche von Bedeutung sind. Welche Begriffe könnten uns als Leitfäden behilflich sein? Als ein erster Begriff bietet sich jener der... more
Магистерская работа. Э. Гуссерль определяет феноменологию как «дескриптивную философию», и соответственно, вопрос о том, как осуществляется дескрипция, требует рассмотреть проблему языка феноменологии, связь ее с общим пониманием задач и... more
This is the German version of an essay published in polish
Das Buch entwickelt eine weltliche Metaphysik: Es sagt sich von einem Denken los, das auf eine Transzendenz setzt, die ihren Kulminationspunkt in der Überschneidung von Unbezüglichkeit und Weltbeherrschung findet. Demgegenüber zeigt die... more
This final work is focused on Eugen Fink’s meditations upon the problem of the beginning of philosophy. He approaches this primary issue with the question “Is an introduction to philosophy possible?”. In a course of lectures held in... more
A partir de la reciente publicación del segundo volumen de El Zaratustra de Nietzsche se abre la posibilidad de estudiar en nuestro idioma una de las aproximaciones más singulares a la obra cumbre del filósofo. La Psicología Analítica de... more
In Ecce Homo, Nietzsche in prophetic mode envisioned a day in which chairs in philosophy would be endowed in Universities devoted to the interpretation of his work. Half a century later, Nietzsche's vision materialized temporarily at... more
À partir du milieu des années 1930, Heidegger définit l’orientation de sa pensée, de manière de plus en plus affirmée, en prenant pour point de repère la parole poétique. S’il est vrai que l’expérience poétique ouvre un horizon de sens... more
Testo sui fenomeni fondamentali dell'esserci (Eugen Fink) pubblicato in polacco su: Analiza i Egzystencjaî 6 (2007)
ISSN 1734-9923
After two years of interruption due to the health crisis, the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University Venice (Italy) is pleased to host the eighth edition of the SSPPP (Summer School of Phenomenology and... more
Die Frage nach der Freiheit gehört zweifellos zu den zentralsten Problemen der Philosophiegeschichte und ist in verschiedenen Theorien unterschiedlich beantwortet worden. Innerhalb der vielverästelten Denkströmung der phänomenologischen... more
Abstract – The project of a « philosophical cosmology » that Fink formulates in his post-war writings is motivated by the requirement of « thinking the world itself ». I aim to bring out the originality of this philosophical programme by... more
Stanisław Czerniak: Helmuth Plessner: Philosophical Anthropology as Social Critique Stanisław Czerniak: The Category of “Contingency” in Contemporary Anthropological Discourse. Odo Marquard, Richard Rorty, Jürgen Habermas Stanisław... more
Explicitly in the wake of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche conceived the notion of his "Artists' Metaphysics" in the first instauration of his first book on tragedy as a metaphysics presenting the universe under the aspect of a work of art. So... more
In the literature on Derrida’s philosophical formation, the name of Eugen Fink is usually forgotten. When it is recalled, it is most often because of his 1930s articles on phenomenology. In this paper, I claim on the contrary that Fink’s... more
As a phenomenological concept, absorption refers to the ego's capacity to experience the world from a displaced standpoint. The paper traces the emergence and development of this concept in Husserl's and Fink's writings and demonstrates... more
Este estudo pioneiro acerca de um filósofo ainda pouco conhecido no Brasil e atualmente ainda em vistas de ser redescoberto mesmo na Alemanha — Eugen Fink — é o resultado de um trabalho conjunto que os autores realizam desde 2017, no... more
Edith Steins „wertvolle Dienste bei der Ordnung und Verarbeitung meiner Manuscripte“, wie Edmund Husserl die Tätigkeit seiner Assistentin 1919 zum Zweck eines Arbeitszeugnisses bezeichnet hat, dient seitdem als eine der intellektuell... more
Titelbild von: Phenomenology to the Letter Phenomenology to the Letter Husserl and Literature Reihe: Textologie, 7 Herausgegeben von: Philippe P. Haensler, Kristina Mendicino, und Rochelle Tobias De Gruyter | 2021 DOI:... more
As we know, it was Nietzsche’s project to reconceptualize Kant’s “judgment.” His choice of force managed to elude the problem of units of quantity, opting instead for an early dynamics. Nietzsche’s dynamics introduced interpretation,... more
My paper aims to lay out the main tenets of the philosophical project Eugen Fink unfolded in his post-war writings and argues that his enterprise is situated at the crossroads between two compatible yet distinct lines of inquiry: a... more
譯自:Hans Rainer Sepp: "Husserl als Stenograf" in: Archiv für Stenografie-Maschinenschreiben-Bürotechnik. Bayreuther Blätter. Heft 1, 1989。
Cette étude se propose de traiter du problème de l’intersubjectivité tel qu’il peut être posé à nouveaux frais par une lecture de la Sixième Méditation cartésienne. Ce, du point de vue de deux de ses principales contributions... more
This article deals with the way Sartre attempts to resolve the paradox that subjectivity appears to be part of the world and acted upon, but at the same time it also ‘founds’ the world and bestows sense up-on it. The guiding principle is... more
Transcendental Illusion and Phenomenological Originality – The World-Experience in Husserl and Fink: This paper holds that the philosophical relation between Husserl’s and Fink’s phenomenological philosophies can be characterized in... more
Entgegenwärtigung bei Husserl und Fink: In der vorliegenden Abhandlung zielt der Verfasser darauf ab, sozusagen „Nähe und Distanz“ zwischen dem späten Husserl und frühen Fink kurz darzustellen. Hierbei gilt der Begriff... more
While Eugen Fink was working on the revision of Husserl’s five Cartesian Meditations and preparing them for publication as a magnum opus for the German public, which – as Husserl itself claimed – required a truly phenomenological... more
This is a pre-publication version of the essay Published in: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2018, Vol 49, Issue 1 Online version located: Commentators have claimed... more