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I have been asked to post these old numismatic/palaeography guides, long out of print. I caution they are likely out of date, and may well have been superseded by newer, more complete compilations. “A guide to the reading of ancient... more
At the end of the fourth century, the Western bishops, many of them already considered ‘holy men’ by the Latin hagiographic tradition, emerged as an image of goodness posthumously admired even by those who, like the Jews and pagans,... more
Following the previous patristic tradition, the Hispano-Christian authors oriented the historical interpretation as an essential element in the antiJewish discourse around the concept of the Salvation History. With the coming of the... more
Статья посвящена проверке давно и прочно утвердившегося в востоковедении тезиса о том, что конфуцианская философия и тем более историография, будучи нацеленными прежде всего на конкретные и рациональные задачи общественного управления,... more
Il libro esplora in dettaglio la storia della gens Fannia, una famiglia romana di origini plebee, rilevante soprattutto durante la Repubblica e l'inizio dell'Impero. L'opera guida il lettore attraverso testimonianze numismatiche,... more
395 Thomas LEBLANC La stathmologie et le marché des antiquités 403 Marie-Laure LE BRAZIDEC, Michel AMANDRY Photographies inédites du médaillon d'Hadrien découvert à Reims (Marne) en 1894 retrouvées dans les archives d'Adrien Blanchet 411... more
The dynamics of rural churches thrones’ dedications reflects the local features of the formation of parish structure, both in Western and in Eastern Christian space. There is significant historiography on the theme of medieval and early... more
Il 3 marzo di quest'anno, Franco Sarnari avrebbe compiuto 90 anni. Ne ricordiamo la data e la memoria con alcune sue riflessioni, pubblicate nel catalogo della Vallecchi Editore del 1983, curato da Lorenza Trucchi.
I am grateful to my fellow editors, Cristina Carusi, Francesca Maltomini and Emilio Rosamilia, for their help and encouragement as I worked on this project, as well as to the useful comments of the audience at the workshop Documenti,... more
This research paper delves into the historical significance of Goregaon, an inland port in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India. Through thorough research into historical records, travel accounts, and on-site explorations, the paper... more
The paper proposes and substantiates a new graphical reconstruction of the chryselephantine colossus of Hera in Argos, created by Polykleitos the Elder in 400
A Phoenician inscription found in Larnaka (Cyprus) in 1990 records the offering of a trophy to the god Baal Oz, “Lord of Strength”. The object was dedicated by Milkyaton, king of Kition and Idalion, during the first year of his reign... more
In occasione delle celebrazioni per i 70 anni dalla sua istituzione (1955-2025), l’Archivio di Stato di Ragusa promuove una call for papers per l’invio di proposte di interventi per un Convegno di studi sui 70 anni di attività... more
This contribution highlights the largely untapped potential of local collections in Italy as a complement to archaeological research projects. It does so by using the example of the so-called Liboni collection, a large collection of... more
From the later decades of the twentieth century, the intensive archaeological investigations have been carried out in the interfluvial region of the Ajay-Damodar. The present article reviews the architectural characteristic of the early... more
A fine bronze Buddha image (ca. 9th century), from Rejoso near Candi Plaosan in Central Java province, was recently found in storage at the Museum Ranggawarsita in Semarang. The Buddha is seated in bhadrāsana, the posture with two legs... more
Resumen: el siguiente trabajo establece un balance historiográfico de los estudios sobre gladiatura y anfiteatros en la región de la zona oriental de la Tarraconense, particularmente en las ciudades con evidencia de anfiteatros romanos y... more
considerados como vehículo de producción de alimentos para el difunto, y cuyo número resulta muy reducido en el suelo de Asturias 3 , las figuraciones de los astros, especialmente en el caso del disco solar, resultan mucho más abundantes.... more
The scant representation of women from the territory of the Vascones in Antiquity constitutes a topic of significant interest, not only because of their limited representation in classical historiography but also because of their absence... more
Este artículo analiza la conocida inscripción procedente del desaparecido palacio real de Oviedo, caracterizada por la preeminente presencia en ella de la cruz de Asturias. Su estudio parte de la consideración publicitaria del mensaje y... more
Սոյն յօդուածը կը փորձէ հասկնալ եւ քննարկել Ս. Ներսէս Շնորհալին իբրեւ Հովուապետ։
IN the religions history of Greece there is no subject more important than that of the Eleusinian mysteries; and, at the same time, there is none concerning which ideas more false are generally prevalent, even in a public composed of the... more
Il quartiere di Stufles a Bressanone (BZ) è conosciuto per i rinvenimenti archeologici che testimoniano la sua frequentazione in vari periodi dell’antichità: Mesolitico, Neolitico medio (inizio della Cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata),... more
Interlinear or marginalia authorial notes as peculiar textual offshoots are particularly characteristic of self-revised holographs. It is not always easy to distinguish this kind of inscriptions from textual additions, expansions, or... more
Se ofrecen ilustraciones, tanto gráficas como textuales, que complementan el artículo "alfabetos de talia y el alfabeto latino".
Attraverso due grandi autori di splendidi volumi su Catania, il Rasà Napoli e Lucio Sciacca, è stato possibile descrivere cos’era la contrada S. Giorgio, un quartiere periferico della città di Catania prima che si trasformasse oggi,... more
Акчурин М.М. Отражение событий Смутного времени начала XVII века в преданиях о предках Каюма Насыри // Из истории и культуры народов Среднего Поволжья. 2024. Т.14, №4. С.14–23. В данной... more
Per il corredo iconografico, tutti gli oneri dei diritti d'uso delle immagini sono stati assolti dagli autori, che restano comunque a disposizione di eventuali detentori dei diritti che non è stato possibile contattare. È vietata la... more
Un capitel califal con el nombre de Nas . r Virgilio Martínez enaMorado * Jesús MoraiMe ** (*) doctor en Historia Medieval (**) investigador independiente El objeto de estudio en este trabajo es un capitel califal con la inscripción del... more
Son muy numerosas las piezas arqueológicas encontradas de manera casual o mediante intervención a las que dificilmente se les puede dar interpretaciones claras sobre su uso y funcionalidad. Muchas de ellas pertenecen al registro... more
Un’iscrizione frammentaria in lingua latina di provenienza incerta, esposta all’interno del Museo Archeologico dell’Università di Catania 1 , desta interesse per le notizie che contiene: attestazione del duovirato e menzione di un... more
Part 1 of 5 Ciphers needed to crack the real location of the Tower of Babel.
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology is home to an extensive Accredited collection and archive - but also to 19th and early 20th century "ephemera" numbering in the hundreds: makeshift museum packaging and archival... more
The publication of the 11th volume of ICI, edited by Valeria Cipollone, presents a fundamental point in the study of early-Christian epigraphic material from the city of Chiusi, giving a broad picture of evidence relating to the area's... more
Il caso di Pyrgi, il principale porto di Caere, può rappresentare un punto di partenza significativo per la possibilità di indagare l’incidenza del dono delle armi in un complesso sacro articolato in due distinte e ben diverse aree ,... more
The editor of this volume is grateful to the Organizing Committee, all of the invited lecturers, and Brill Academic Publishers for their collaboration in readying this Congress Volume for publication as quickly as possible. It will help... more
This article presents a new Phoenician inscription found by chance in a small cove in the town of Alcossebre (Comunitat Valenciana, Spain). It is a short text dating from the end of the 7th or the first half of the 6th century BC, written... more
-Technical and Structural Study of Iron Age Gray Pottery; A Case Study of Pottery from Zavarehvar Site Excavation in Varamin Plain Fatemeh Alimirzaei, Gholamreza Rahmani -Microscopic Structure Analysis of Qoli Darvish Pottery from the... more
La province de Mardin bénéficie depuis quelques années de projets archéologiques dynamiques qui demeurent peu connus. Pourtant, leur essor est évident depuis les années 2010. Le Musée de Mardin (Mardin Müzesi) s'est pleinement investi... more
Doutorando em Design (FAU USP). Mestre (UFCG) e bacharel em Design (UFPE). Membro da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Cemiteriais (ABEC). Realiza pesquisas acerca da relação entre design, tipografia e patrimônio cemiterial. Bolsista... more