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We tested the hypothesis that the El Niño Southern Oscillation influences forest-wide fruit production, which, in turn, limits frugivorous and granivorous mammals on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. Observations of BCI mammals have... more
Along with other causes, such as rapid urbanization, the high intensity rainfall has significant contribution in urban area flooding. Understanding this high intensity rainfall over urban area may help us to reduce the damage caused by... more
Este artículo, ampliado con figuras y referencias bibliográficas, tiene por objetivo mostrar la necesidad de considerar con la importancia debida la ocurrencia de grandes “Niños” en la concepción del desarrollo infraestructural de la... more
This is an advance preview of sections of my principal anthropological study/monograph of personhood, environment and climate change in the Torres Islands. This is the extended version in Spanish, of which a more compact version in... more
L’ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) è il fenomeno climatico ciclico derivante dell’interazione tra oceano e atmosfera. Si verifica, infatti, una variazione dei comportamenti e delle forze delle componenti coinvolti: la temperatura... more
La hambruna que estalló en 1912 refleja años de desequilibrio social, económico y material, y no únicamente las consecuencias de una extensa ausencia de precipitación en la zona. El desastre de 1912 es la materialización dramática de un... more
Menurut (Kailaku 2009) ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) merupakan salah satu bentuk penyimpangan iklim di Samudera Pasifik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan suhu permukaan laut (SPL) di daerah katulistiwa bagian Tengah dan Timur. Fenomena... more
A workshop was organized in Shanghai, China, from 20−23 October 2003 on the topic of “Early Warning Systems: Do’s and Don’ts.” It was sponsored by NCAR, NSF, CAMS, and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The focus of... more
Daytime fog at Maddens Plain along the Illawarra escarpment south of Sydney between 1975-1990 can be related either to expansive cooling of air directed onshore against the escarpment, or to cloud under conditions of convective... more
The linkage between large scale weather patterns that are recurring and persisting is called ``teleconnection``. The teleconnections have a large impact in the nature, the humans and the society. Most of them can be understood by... more
Compuesto de tres capítulos, recopila de manera sencilla información sobre el efecto climático en Colombia del ENOS, sus efectos socioeconómicos directos e indirectos y sectoriales y las actividades de gestión de riesgo de desastres... more
The Patos Lagoon estuary (PLE; BR-LTER Site 8; approx. 1,000 km2), located in the extreme south of the Patos Lagoon (32 ° 00 ‘S, 52 ° 05’ W) has a high biological productivity, ecological complexity, and great economic importance due to... more
Influencia del fenómeno de El niño en la cuenca hidrográfica del río Guayas Resumen (Tiene que ser elaborado al final del artículo, incluye resultados y conclusiones) Palabras clave (Introducción (También hay que citar) El fenómeno El... more
The level of Cliff Lake, a small, subalpine, moraine-dammed lake in California’s south central Sierra Nevada, was approximately 5 m lower than present for 50 years or more approximately 600 years ago, this determined by radiocarbon dating... more
The study analyzes drought using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Mann-Kendall (MK) Trend Test in the context of the impacts of drought on groundwater table (GWT) in the Barind area, Bangladesh during the period 1971-2011. The... more
The Pole-Equator-Pole (PEP) projects of the PANASH (Paleoclimates of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere) programme have significantly advanced our understanding of past climate change on a global basis and helped to integrate... more
This study examined the spatial effects of El Niño and vulnerability on cholera in Peru across the epidemic period of 1991 to 1998. Using Wavelet and GIS analyses, relationships between sea surface temperatures and department-level... more
El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) merupakan salah satu bentuk penyimpangan iklim di Samudera Pasifik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan suhu permukaan laut (SPL) di daerah katulistiwa bagian Tengah dan Timur (Kailaku 2009). Fenomena tersebut... more
The Southern Oscillation was named in 1924 and its discovery can be traced back to colonial attempts to forecast the Indian monsoon in the late-nineteenth century. The first use of the name ‘El Niño’ to describe a climatic phenomenon... more
Climate (in)stability can manifest in the size of mollusks attesting to variable impacts on growth, seasonal exploitation, and cultural persistence. We present population statistics of the height of a bivalve species (Donax obesulus)... more
Project Report: To be released in mid March 2014, Executive summary: Working with a changing climate, not against it. Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Risk Reduction: A survey of Lessons Learned for Resilient Adaptation to a Changing Climate
NOAA’s Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) is used to record for historical purposes the occurrence and duration of El Niño episodes, based on the monitoring of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central Pacific Ocean. The ONI is used to... more
Un grupo de variables oceánicas y atmosféricas en los océanos Pacifico y Atlántico fueron analizadas durante las sequías de gran cobertura (SGC) sobre el territorio venezolano en el periodo 1950-2000. El índice de precipitación... more
Many modelling studies suggest that the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), in interaction with the tropical Pacific background climate, will change under rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Solar geoengineering (reducing... more