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In India two factors override others by their sheer magnitude: • a building is the outcome of a handmade craft tradition and not industrial production & • the majority of the population lives in small towns and villages and builds... more
The second workshop of the Delos Network took place in Athens (Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe, amphitheater) on September 15th, 2018. The workshop addressed the ways in which the Delos environmental ideals were implemented in many... more
Το καλοκαίρι του 1968 ο συνθέτης Γιάννης Χρήστου λαμβάνει πρόσκληση του Αθηναϊκού Κέντρου Οικιστικής, του Αθηναϊκού Τεχνολογικού Ομίλου του Κωνσταντίνου Α. Δοξιάδη, προκειμένου να συνεισφέρει με μια ομιλία στις εκδηλώσεις του Athens... more
Τα τελευταία χρόνια τα ζωής του, ο Κ. Α. Δοξιάδης συνέταξε ένα σχέδιο τυποποίησης της Οικιστικής θεωρίας και γνώσης με τη μορφή ενός πλέγματος σχέσεων, το οποίο ονόμασε Μοντέλο του Ανθρωπόκοσμου. Ο σκοπός του μοντέλου αυτού ήταν να... more
The first workshop of the Delos Network took place at the University of Birmingham on March 17, 2018. The Delos Network is a collaborative research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council that brings together an... more
For the past decades Detroit has been synonymous for urban decay, while today its apocalyptic landscape poses a challenge for professionals and investors claiming to provide a vision for its future. This study aims to understand the... more
Der griechische Architekt und Stadtplaner Constantinos Doxiadis (1913–75) war einer der letzten klassischen Modernisten. In der Wiederaufbauphase nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg trat er einerseits als versierter Verwaltungsbeamter in... more
The third workshop of the Delos Network will take place in Loughborough on May 4, 2019. This workshop builds upon the earlier ones (Delos Ideals and Delos Practices) to explore the legacy of Delos in contemporary environmental thinking... more
The Delos Network is an AHRC-funded collaborative project that brings together an international network of scholars, architects and planners to re-interrogate the history and legacy of the Delos symposia (1963-75), which were organised by... more
In recent years planning discourse and ideology have been dominated by the smart city movement and yet the past is full theories that address the challenges of the increasingly urban world drawing on scientific concepts and technological... more
While most Australian human settlements are large, densely networked urban systems located on the east-south-eastern seaboard and the coastal footholds of Perth and Adelaide, a particular class of settlements have long maintained... more
Despite numerous publications, conferences, and excavations focused on the suburbs (or ‘suburbium’) of ancient Rome over the last several decades, current definitions of this space, its extent, and its functions remain frustratingly... more
While most Australian human settlements are large, densely networked urban systems located on the eastsouth- eastern seaboard and the coastal footholds of Perth and Adelaide, a particular class of settlements have long maintained... more
La investigación deja en evidencia el fenómeno de transformación urbana del área urbana de la ciudad de Cúcuta, en particular sobre zonas formales antiguas de estratos medios-altos con casos del estudio que comprenden el polígono... more
Constantinos A. Doxiadis (1913-1975) was a complicated, prominent, and long-neglected figure in the history of Cold War architecture and urban planning. This work aims to 1) situate Doxiadis in the history of Athens planning, 2) assess... more
While most Australian human settlements are large, densely networked urban systems located on the eastsouth- eastern seaboard and the coastal footholds of Perth and Adelaide, a particular class of settlements have long maintained... more
The fascinating career of the Greek architect-planner Constantinos Doxiadis (1913-1975) unfolded against different episodes/periods of the Cold War rivalry. He emerged as a public administrator of the Greek Reconstruction program that was... more
This dissertation examines the settlement pattern changes on the Cycladic islands during the Postpalatial period and the Early Iron Age (ca 1200-700 B.C.). An analysis of all the Cycladic sites with archaeological data of the period... more
The Discourse Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University continued to challenge academic psychology's of itself through holding a day conference on 'cyberpsychology': the implications of cyberspace, cyberpunk, and cyberfeminism for... more
While most Australian human settlements are large, densely networked urban systems located on the east-south-eastern seaboard and the coastal footholds of Perth and Adelaide, a particular class of settlements have long maintained... more
In 1963, the greatest city planner in the world was neither Oscar Niemeyer nor Robert Moses—at least, according to The New Yorker, which gave the title to an “energetic Greek of forty-nine named Constantinos Doxiadis.” Indeed,... more
Aspra Spitia, Constantinos A. Doxiadis' only European example of a complete realisation of his ekistic theory, was originally planned and constructed between 1961 and 1964 for the French aluminium company Pechiney and its Greek subsidiary... more
While most Australian human settlements are large, densely networked urban systems located on the east-south-eastern seaboard and the coastal footholds of Perth and Adelaide, a particular class of settlements have long maintained... more
Welcome to this Special Edition of the Journal of Economic and Social Policy (JESP). We have compiled the final papers of leading researchers who participated in an unprecedented and ambitious program between 2006 and 2009 to investigate... more
Οrganisers of the network: Mantha Zarmakoupi and Simon Richards. The Delos Network is an AHRC-funded collaborative project that brings together an international network of scholars, architects and planners to re-interrogate the history... more