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Philosophy of technology has never been a consolidated field of inquiry, involving as it does the interaction of diverse fields of knowledge. Recently however, under the influence of sociology and pragmatist philosophy, something... more
This paper has its origins a lecture given at the invitation of The Royal Town Planning Institute in Scotland at the Royal Society of Edinburgh in May 2009. It reflects the thinking that finds fuller expression in my book Patrick Geddes’s... more
In March 2005, I presented a paper at the European Academy of Design conference in Bremen, Germany. It introduced the concept of the ‘natural design movement’ and discussed the relationship between eco-literacy, ethics, and... more
Quelle est la nature du travail ? Oui ou non est‐il le propre du phénomène humain ? Offre‐t‐il vraiment un sens à notre existence terrestre, voire à ce qui pourrait lui faire suite ? Seule une approche anthropologique articulant les... more
Lewis Mumford argued that the physical design of cities and their economic functions were secondary to their relationship to the natural environment and to the spiritual values of human community. The city, he writes, is “a theater of... more
Η παρούσα έρευνα σκοπό έχει να ανακαλύψει και να κατανοήσει τους λόγους για τους οποίους ο άνθρωπος της πόλης σήμερα απαρνιέται ό,τι αυτή του έχει προσφέρει και καταφεύγει σε μία καθημερινότητα με πολύ λιγότερες επιλογές, σε μία οικιστική... more
In this book I shall develop the urban regional thought of Lewis Mumford in terms of a civic environmentalism concerned with the achievement of a public life fitted to the contours of an ecological civilization. I shall examine Mumford’s... more
in Le Grand soir, 30 06 2013 Une société sans guerre(s) est peu probable. Une société capitaliste sans guerres est impossible.On peut le montrer très facilement en systématisant les elements d’analyses parfois epars que l’on... more
in René Lebrun, Julien De Vos et É. Van Quickelberghe (éds), Deus Unicus. Actes du colloque « Aux origines du monothéisme et du scepticisme religieux » organisé à Louvain-la-Neuve les 7 et 8 juin 2013 par le Centre d’histoire des... more
ISBN-10: 9383243120 ISBN-13: 978-9383243129 20th Century Compulsions Modern Indian Architecture from the MARG Archives edited by Mustansir Dalvi Published by MARG, 2016 The spirit of architecture completely transformed in the 20th... more
"La visée de cette étude se résume en peu de mots : abandonné à lui-même, le système économico-politico-social actuel est condamné et son trépas sera douloureux, à moins qu’une réforme profonde ne survienne. Les pistes de réflexion qu’il... more
En el marco de los debates sobre “el futuro del trabajo” y/o “el trabajo del futuro”, nos proponemos abordar la cultura del trabajo en el marco de la sociedad informacional, entendida como el orden social emergente que deriva de las... more
Too often the history of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is wrenched out of the history of technology and presented as something altogether separate and therefore different, rendering previous analyses irrelevant.... more
There are two images of Sir. Patrick Geddes that have been received by subsequent generations, Geddes the Liberal and Geddes the Mystic. This paper examines the ways in which revived sensitivity to the wisdom and limitations of Geddes the... more
Traduzione in italiano del saggio di Lewis Mumford "Il valore della storia locale" (1927), in cui viene spiegato l’interesse e l’importanza della storia locale per conoscere la vita di una nazione, in quanto non solo fornisce aneddoti... more
This paper addresses works and archives of transnational anarchist intellectual Marie-Louise Berneri (1918-1949), author of a neglected but very insightful history of utopias and of their spaces. Extending current literature on anarchist... more
J.G. Ballard's The Concentration City and Billennium are both short stories that depict an utterly dystopian vision about the future of urban development. The Concentration City provides a glimpse of an overgrown, gigantic city with no... more
The Condemned Playground, Balliol College, Oxford University, September 1 / September 4, 2013.
Catterall's (2018) editorial note for issue 22.2 of CITY, like the final footnote in Barnesmoore's (2018a) editorial for the same issue, raises the question of 'what/whose order is to be asserted in the city'. This question leads us back... more
Introductory Note: this nomadic exploration was developed through the nomadic exploration of the first of three lists I am reading for my comprehensive examinations… I'm feeling a bit tense. That's the design. Oh the unhealthy nonsense of... more
in 26 novembre 2017 Michel WEBER « Les meilleurs livres [politiques] sont ceux qui vous disent ce que vous savez déjà. »-(Orwell, 1949) Pourquoi le Trône de fer — dont le titre original est... more
The purpose of this paper is to establish that Lewis Mumford’s historical and philosophical writings were heavily influenced by the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud. It is argued that Freudian ideas and concepts played a... more
South African architecture is currently searching for a unique identity and character. Globalisation, amongst others, contributed directly to an absence of architectural character. The result is a degree of placelessness in the South... more
Avui, les ciutats globals són, més que mai, el centre d’una ingent activitat mercantil, financera, creativa i religiosa. Podríem afegir que les ciutats són a l’ull de l’huracà d’allò que anomenem progrés, que és l’hegemonia indiscutible... more
Syllabus of a course for graduate students of 60 hours (namely 20 3-hours lessons). Starting from the complex historical-theoretical evolution of the topic “technology” (i.e. from the idea of techné in the ancient Greek to modern and... more
Third European Summer School in Process Thought, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, August 25-29th 2014.
The framework for this paper is taken from the one that Mumford outlined in Technics and Civilisation (1934). Mumford distinguishes between three successive phases of development. The eotechnic phase is the age of wood, wind and water;... more
Riflessione incentrata principalmente su due contributi, importanti nell'ambito della metodologia storica, entrambi intitolati "The Value of Local History": il primo (1927) di Lewis Mumford e il secondo (1940) di Constance McLaughlin Green.
Lo studio si occupa di ricostruire l'interpretazione che il sociologo Lewis Mumford ha dato, nel corso principalmente degli anni '30, dell'opera di Oswald Spengler. Lo studio si avvale di risorse bibliografiche di Mumford mai tradotte in... more
L’uso dei nostri sensi, i rapporti tra di essi, il modo cioè in cui sentiamo, percepiamo e facciamo esperienza del mondo è connaturato all’esistenza stessa dei media. Ogni medium nasce, infatti, per mediare il nostro rapporto col mondo, e... more
Week 3-4: Origins of Western Colonial Worldview(s) and the Colonial Ontology of the Land Therein