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Seconda edizione:
copia degli appunti a mano del professore.
Geometria differenziale (varietà, spazi tangenti, tensori, campi vettoriali, fibrati, connessioni, metriche, forme)
In this non-academic study, we will cover the manifold concept with some non-trivial examples and introduce calculus on manifolds, namely, exterior derivative, integration with the Stokes' theorem. Then we will cover the notion of... more
Over the last two decades, many unexpected relations between exotic smoothness, e.g. exotic R 4 , and quantum field theory were found. Some of these relations are rooted in a relation to superstring theory and quantum gravity. Therefore... more
The aim of this study which consist of four sections is to examine some characterizations for surfaces and submanifolds with simple geodesics in n -dimensional and four dimensional Euclidean spaces. Theorems given in both of the papers... more
In this paper, a general methodology is introduced for the determination of potential prototype curves used for the drawing of prehistoric wall paintings. The approach includes 1) preprocessing of the wall-paintings contours to properly... more
M/F-theory manifolds admit (O,gamma)=(G, g) X (M, g_E) product orbifolds (G a Calabi-Yau 4-orbifold with special holonomy (8-D) producted with a 2T Einstein manifold M with signature (3,2) for F-Theory and G a 7-D G-2 an eliiptically... more
In this paper, we will describe a topological model for elementary particles based on 1 3-manifolds. Here, we will use Thurstons geometrization theorem to get a simple picture: fermion as 2 hyperbolic knot complements (a complement C(K) =... more
In this paper we introduce B k α,β-manifolds as generalizations of the notion of smooth man-ifolds with G-structure or with k-bounded geometry. These are C k-manifolds whose transition functions ϕ ji = ϕ j • ϕ −1 i are such that ∂ µ ϕ ji... more
A novel methodology for accelerating the solution of PDE-constrained optimization is introduced. It is based on an offline construction of database of local ROMs and an online interpolation within the database. The online flexibility of... more
In this paper we consider the existence problem of affine connections on $C^{k}$-manifolds $M$ whose coefficients are as regular as one needs. We show that if $M$ admits a suitable subatlas, meaning a... more
We construct an explicit example of dimensional reduction of the free massless Dirac operator with an internal SU(3) symmetry, defined on a 12-dimensional manifold that is the total space of a principal SU(3)-bundle over a... more
The emergence of low-cost sensor architectures for diverse modalities has made it possible to deploy sensor arrays that capture a single event from a large number of vantage points and using multiple modalities. In many scenarios, these... more
In this paper, we focus on some aspects of smooth manifolds, which appear of fundamental importance for the developments of differential geometry and its applications to Theoretical Physics, Special and General Relativity, Economics and... more
This paper was originally written around 2011, and it is now being adapted to the system of equations of difference between two arc lengths (a liberated system with without constraints) instead of difference between the circumferences of... more
In this paper we determine the cosmological constant as a topo-logical invariant by applying certain techniques from low dimensional differential topology. We work with a small exotic R 4 which is embedded into the standard R 4. Any... more
It is well-known that the Harish-Chandra transform, f → Hf, is a topological isomorphism of the spherical (Schwartz) convolution algebra C p (G//K) (where K is a maximal compact subgroup of any arbitrarily chosen group G in the... more
In this paper, we will describe a topological model for elementary particles based on 3-manifolds. Here, we will use Thurston’s geometrization theorem to get a simple picture: fermions as hyperbolic knot complements (a complement C ( K )... more
This paper gives an explicit realization of the Fourier image of Harish-Chandra transform of a general semisimple group, thus extending our earlier results to reductive groups which are not in Harish-Chandra class.
The emergence of low-cost sensing architectures for diverse modalities has made it possible to deploy sensor networks that capture a single event from a large number of vantage points and using multiple modalities. In many scenarios,... more
We propose a framework for exploiting dimension-reducing random projections in detection and classification problems. Our approach is based on the generalized likelihood ratio test; in the case of image classification, it exploits the... more
Presentación en formato PDF y PPT editable. En ella intento resumir las alucinantes confusiones en que se extravía Gilles Deleuze en las obras escritas con Félix Guattari, en particular en Mil Mesetas. Una de las más desopilantes se... more
This paper is a survey of results obtained by the authors on the geometry of connections with totally skew-symmetric torsion on the following manifolds: almost complex manifolds with Norden metric, almost contact manifolds with B-metric... more
In this paper a general methodology is introduced for the determination of potential prototype curves used for the drawing of prehistoric wall-paintings. The approach includes a) preprocessing of the wall-paintings contours to properly... more
We propose a framework for exploiting dimension-reducing random projections in detection and classification problems. Our approach is based on the generalized likelihood ratio test; in the case of image classification, it exploits the... more
The emergence of low-cost sensing architectures for diverse modalities has made it possible to deploy sensor networks that acquire large amounts of very high-dimensional data. To cope with such a data deluge, manifold models are often... more
In this non-rigorous, possibly inconsistent paper where I talk about quite a few things I do not understand properly, I build a set to describe a very exciting notion: "Infinite-dimensional manifolds are compact surfaces without interiors... more
Let M be a topological space.A covering of M is a collection of open subsets of M whose union is M.A covering is said to be locally finite if each p has a nhood which intersects only finitely many of the sets. A Hausdorff space M is... more
We give the exact contributions of Harish-Chandra transform, (Hf)(λ), of Schwartz functions f to the harmonic analysis of spherical convolutions and the corresponding L p − Schwartz algebras on a connected semisimple Lie group G (with... more
In this paper, we propose novel gossip algorithms for the low-rank decentralized matrix completion problem. The proposed approach is on the Riemannian Grassmann manifold that allows local matrix completion by different agents while... more
Stochastic variance reduction algorithms have recently become popular for minimizing the average of a large, but finite, number of loss functions. In this paper, we propose a novel Riemannian extension of the Euclidean stochastic variance... more
In this paper, a general methodology is introduced for the determination of potential prototype curves used for the drawing of prehistoric wall paintings. The approach includes 1) preprocessing of the wall-paintings contours to properly... more
Topological information is a promising resource to research in shape-understanding as it provides a high-level description of the characteristics of a shape, and such high-level description often has strong association with the semantics... more
While manifold structure is often exploited for dimensionality reduction or feature extraction, this structure is rarely used by classification algorithms. We present a class of algorithms that utilize the low-dimensional manifold nature... more