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Attending to ongoing debates about the "meaning of life" in Ecclesiastes, this article determines how Qoheleth addressed meaningfulness by drawing on a threefold scheme of definitions for life's meaning. These definitions are derived from... more
The ultimate purpose of this article is to show the value of Ecclesiastes by using the book's message to restate the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in Christian terminology. To some degree, Christians relatively agree with Buddhists on the... more
Commentators frequently compare Eccl 10:5-7 to examples of the "topsy-turvy" motif in extrabiblical wisdom texts, especially Egyptian exemplars. The topos is found elsewhere, however, and a Neo-Assyrian letter from an unemployed exorcist... more
The book of Ecclesiastes, one of the books of the Old Testament, is thought by most to have been written around the third century BCE. Its influence has been enduring and far-reaching. Its sentiments are so universal that they remain... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the narrative elements of Abel in Genesis 4 supply the underlying structure of Ecclesiastes. The idea of substructure does not require that every detail of Ecclesiastes has a direct... more
The theme of undeserving suffering is apparent in the book of Ecclesiastes. The predicament of the righteous is obvious in the speech: a righteous person dies in his righteousness while a wicked person’s life is prolonged in his... more
This paper is a study of the interrelationship between science, philosophy, and the Bible. A relationship between the three is found in that all of them deal with the fundamentals of reality. In particular my interest is in quantum... more
Faith of Ecclesiastes is put to a severe trial - as the faith of Abraham, Moses and Job. Koheleth has nothing to support his faith: he has no experience of God's love and God's closeness, he has no evidence for God acting for the benefit... more
The Book of Qohelet presents the most elaborate discussion of the topic of time in the Hebrew Bible. Humans experience time as past, present and future. The more distant a period of time is from the present, the less people know about it.... more
This article is a philosophical re-examination of Ecclesiastes using the work of Martin Heidegger, particularly his early work in Being and Time. Heidegger's focus on death, temporality, and history provides a powerful and compelling... more
הבל is a key word in Ecclesiastes. This article seeks to analyse the meaning and function of הבל in relation to worthwhile purpose of life. Considering that substantial research has been done on this theme, the attention will be directed... more
Traditionally, it is believed that human thinking is captured and shaped by the so-called logic, and the relationship between language and meaning/thought is based on the notions of “true” and “false” that Aristotle chose and on which the... more
In the recent years, Qoheleth studies have seen a number of scholars argue that the royal ‘persona’ in its autobiographic sections (1:12-2:26) was adopted to illustrate Qoheleth's initial thesis that all of one’s toil is but hebel. Once... more
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to... more
The study and evaluation of the worldview & deeds of the divine rulers has always been considered by the followers of religions due to their value position and because of they have been a valuable models for others especially for... more
ABSTRACT The historical-critical method that characterizes academic biblical studies too often remains separate from approaches that stress the history of interpretation, which are employed more frequently in the area of Second Temple... more
The book of Qohelet was probably written in the Persian era, in the middle of the fifth century B.C. Here speaks a philosopher, a psychologist, someone who makes research in a conspicuously original way about human conditions. The... more
Abstract: Greek-Portuguese translation of Ecclesiastes 1.1.1-1.8.1, bilingual and mirrored, with introduction.

Keywords: Ecclesiastes; Skepticism; translation.
A number of important books on Ecclesiastes have appeared in recent years, including works by Sneed, Barbour, Weeks, and Robinson. The first two of these began as doctoral dissertations (which usually means a fresh approach). Sneed... more
Io, l'Ecclesiaste, sono stato re d'Israele a Gerusalemme, e ho applicato il cuore a cercare e a investigare con saggezza tutto ciò che si fa sotto il cielo: occupazione penosa, che Dio ha data ai figli degli uomini perché vi si... more
Many contradictory proposals have been made with regard to the literary structure of Micah 4-5. This study shows that three coherent units (4:1-7; 4:8-14; 5:1-14) can be distinguished and that they form a triptych, each panel of which... more
‘FOR EVERYTHING ITS SEASON’ IN TRANSLATION INTO THE KIRIWINA LANGUAGE Citation (formatted-apa) Szczerbowski, T. (2003). "Wszystko ma swój czas" w przekładzie na język Kiriwiny. W: I. Bobrowski (red.), Anabasis. Prace ofiarowane Profesor... more
James Patrick McGrath, Masters by Research thesis: The Lyrics of U2: A Christian Band in a Secular World? (School of English, University of Leeds, 2002).