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En este trabajo se expone las dificultades que presenta el estudio y dilucidación gramatical del puquina del Rituale seu manuale Peruanum (Oré, 1607), el único vestigio textual de importancia que ha sobrevivido de aquella lengua. Esto... more
The paper aims to provide a comprehensive description of Hittite clause structure. The picture that emerges is quite different from both the view of Hittite clause architecture as codified in (Hoffner, Melchert 2008) and as documented in... more
This paper examines the problematic concept of dead language as exemplified by the Hebrew language. The first section presents a brief history of the concept of dead language in European linguistic thought. Originating in Italy of the... more
Cet article est la version approfondie et élargie de la communication présentée au colloque de sciences politiques "Les parlements en question. La permanence d'institutions subordonnées?", CESSP, Paris, les 8-9 novembre 2018. La... more
This article aims to analyze everyday Hebrew dialogues, printed in the Manual of the Russian Language by Zalkind Epshteyn (1869). The status of the Hebrew language of the 19th century — whether it was a dead language or not so much —... more
ÖZET: Bu çalışma Mısır hiyerogliflerinin çözümü konusunda yaşanılan uzun ve karmaşık süreci incelemekte ve bu bağlamda, Mısır medeniyetinin gizli kalmış sırrının çözümünde dilbilimin oynadığı anahtar rolü ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.... more
Language revitalization benefits speakers of languages through acquisition as well as comprehension, community, and immersion. While the languages discussed originated from different continents, they share the common outlet of technology... more
Languages in Symbiosis and Evolution: An Observation on an Interactive Mechanism in the Natural Development of Vernaculars, published in Tradition and Postmodernity. English and American Studies and the Challenge of the Future.... more
This article presents research on the system of T/V distinction in He- brew from the 16th to the 20th century. As the article is the first attempt to describe the phenomenon, it aims to give a general overview of the T/V distinction in... more