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İ.Ö.1.binyılda, Helenistik dönem Anadolusu'nda güçlü bir krallık kuran Pergamon'un, güçlü kadınları ve kraliçelerinin kişilikleri bağlamında kısa tarihi. The Brief History of Pergamon Kingdom with the Context of Identity of Powerful Women... more
The fact that the Achaemenids controlled Anatolia for two centuries provokes a question about the extent of Greek, Anatolian, and Persian contacts and exchange during this period. The growing evidence for foreign domination has been... more Nováková, L. 2019. Greeks who dwelt beyond the sea: people, places, monuments. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 333. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt. ISBN 978-3-7749-4216-5. The Greek civilization,... more
The knowledge which the students of Tourist Guiding Program have acquired on the archaeology and art history of Anatolia through the formal education process focuses basically Classical Antiquity including Hellenistic and Roman period,... more
The Kizilbash were at once key players in and the foremost victims of the Ottoman-Safavid conflict that defined the early modern Middle East. Today referred to as Alevis, they constitute the second largest faith community in modern... more
The Marby rug, claimed by many eperts to be 15th century or earlier was discovered in a church in Sweden many decades ago and since has occupied a special place in oriental carpet history. The author of this paper, Jack Cassin,... more
The main purpose of this article is to make a comparative interpretation of petroglyphs and rock paintings and to try to date them considering many criteria. Anatolian geography has always been the focal point with its historical culture... more
Mordoğan is a sea-side township in the district of Karaburun in Izmir, western Turkey. It is situated on the eastern shoreline of Karaburun Peninsula within the Gulf of Izmir at about 20 km to the south of the district center of... more
Dear Colleague, We would like to thank you very sincerely for your presentation at the international symposium, entitled “Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine... more
This volume discusses diseases that affected human and non-human populations in areas stretching from the Red Sea and Egypt to Anatolia, the Balkans, and the Black Sea, in the early modern and modern eras.
This paper collects and evaluates all available data from the Byzantine and Eastern (Armenian, Arabic, Syrian, Turkish) sources that demonstrate that the Battle of Mantzikert (August 26, 1071 AD) was not, at least in diplomatic terms, a... more
Buharlı makinelerin sanayide kullanılmaya başlanması hem üretim hem de ulaşımda bir devrim niteliğindeydi. Bu devrim, üretim ve satış için yeni pazar ve yeni hammadde alanlarının açılması demekti. Dünyanın bakir her noktası gibi... more
Chapter III (55) How Roman Arms Came to Conquer the Successors of Alexander (55) How Much More Successful Was the Roman Legion than the Macedonian Phalanx? (57) The Best Soldiers versus the Best Formation (59) Why the Greeks... more
Our study opened as a window to an understanding of the process of Christianity in Early ages. The process of being a religion recognized by universal empire which Romans rather than an individual communion of Christianity seems to be... more
The palace complex of Kubadabad near Beyşehir - regarding its good state of preservation - provides an ideal object for the study of palace architecture and the (courtly) rhetoric under the reign of the Rum-Seljuk Sultan ʿAlaʾ al-Din... more
A Day in the Hittite Capital: 5. revised edition 2020 / Hitit Başkentinde bir Gün: gözden geçirilmiş 5. baskı 2020 / Ein Tag in der hethitischen Hauptstadt: 5. überarbeitete Auflage 2020
Summary In 546 BC, the Lydian King Croesus launched a military campaign against the Persian King Cyrus, who threatened his country. During the campaign, narrated by Herodotus in detail, passing over the Halys River was only possible... more