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— CVSD (continuous variable slope delta) modulation is popular effective scheme for companded delta modulation for audio signal. CVSD is best coding technique for improving receiver sensitivity. Here in this paper, we discuss brief... more
During the last 40 years research of causativity belonged to the central themes of the general and comparative or better typological linguistics. In this respect it is astonishing that in my opinion from the Slavic side this subject was... more
Asking what can be a substantive word in natural language is closely related to asking what can be a basic lexical concept. However, studies on lexical concepts in cognitive psychology and philosophy and studies on the constitution of... more
Falls der Euro unkontrolliert auseinanderbricht, droht Chaos. Daher lohnt es sich zu fragen: Wie ließe sich ein kontrolliertes Ende des Euro organisieren? Auf diese Frage geben zwei Denkschulen entgegengesetzte Antworten. Die Schule der... more
Decision Support System (DSS) is equivalent synonym as management information systems (MIS). Most of imported data are being used in solutions like data mining (DM). Decision supporting systems include also decisions made upon individual... more
A graph G   is 3-domination critical if its domination number γγ is 3 and the addition of any edge decreases γγ by 1. Let G be a 3-domination critical graph with toughness more than one. It was proved that G   is Hamilton-connected for... more
The paper represents the first deciding of construction the Knowledge Mining concept. It illustrates the schema of translation the data into the knowledge with usage of its six formal features Keywords: Data Mining, Knowledge Mining,... more
Swierczkowski's Lemma - as it is usually formulated - asserts that if f is an at least quaternary operation on a finite set A and every operation obtained from f by identifying a pair of variables is a projection, then f is a... more
Let (n; e) denote the class of all simple graphs on n nodes and e edges. The number of spanning trees of a graph G is denoted by t(G). A graph G0 ∈ (n; e) is said to be t-optimal if t(G0)¿ t(G) for all G ∈ (n; e). The problem of... more
Due to its parallelism property in processing the data, the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has been gaining wide interest in recent years as a tool for processing data. Different ANN architectures have been defined for various... more