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Research indicates that cultures differ in the ways they approach social conflicts, with Japanese being more motivated to maintain interpersonal harmony and avoid conflicts than Americans. Such cultural differences have developmental... more
The portrayal of women has long been a matter of concern as well as discontent. The patterns reflected in the media mostly deal with stereotyping females in very limited roles, and frequently as sex objects. Magazine content could be a... more
INB20009 Managing Global Market Place
Presentation Slides for Case Study Report

Semester 2, 2015 (August - December)
This study shows that in order to develop their social media advertising strategies and obtain optimal results, global luxury brands that wish to enter the Chinese market, must consider a number of Chinese cultural peculiarities. Several... more
Whiteness, like all racial categories, is a mythic and cunning construct with little biological credibility but tremendous social power. Historically, White social dominance has been propped up not only by violence, political control, and... more
In organizational research and practice, prolific communication is significantly linked with quality leadership traits. Leadership quality helps in mitigating the failure of an organization to survive the increasing business challenges... more
The portrayal of women has long been a matter of concern as well as discontent. The patterns reflected in the media mostly deal with stereotyping females in very limited roles, and frequently as sex objects. Magazine content could be a... more
If, as is widely argued, we live in a cosmopolitan moment, the processes of cosmopolitanization are sometimes fraught with danger. Describing contexts in which cosmopolitanism is censored, this article considers recursive erasures of... more
This article is about translating oral literature in indigenous societies, especially in multilingual and multicultural areas such as Northwestern California, where shared, regional material becomes ethnically marked when seemingly small... more
Cultural differences between native and Indonesian culture makes foreign students in Indonesia experience a culture shock. Such case occurs on students from Pattani, South Thailand, who study in IAIN Tulungagung. To overcome that culture... more
In this article I propose a Yin Yang perspective to understand culture. Based on the indigenous Chinese philosophy of Yin Yang, I conceptualize culture as possessing inherently paradoxical value orientations, thereby enabling it to... more
Resumen: Se analizan los hábitos de consumo de infor- mación de millennials universitarios de Loja, Ecuador, tomando como base estudios previos sobre consumo mediático, características de la población y competencias mediáticas. A... more
Abstract: The article examines Polish translations of the Derridian term différance. Polish philosophical discourse uses the following renditions of différance: róż (ni (c) oś) ć by Bogdan Banasiak, różNICa by Tadeusz Sławek,... more
Globalization and mass migration cause living of different cultures together. Immigrants take their own culture to foreign countries. Hence, cultural varieties occur in target countries. Foreign cultures cannot be reshaped, so different... more
The style of ceramics from Cogotas I have been a very contentious issue. Therefore, the identification of the «nuclear area» needs a regional valuation. In these areas there may have existed distinct levels of communication, interaction... more
Higher education is dynamic global industry with highly competitive and developed market. Universities strive to communicate their international programs to impress prospective students interested in studying abroad. International... more
Participants in an intercultural situation of communication, trying to understand the intentions of their co-Iocutors from their own cultural perspective, can frequently commit misinterpretations that lead to misunderstandings of... more
An attempt towards cutting-edge theoretical explorations in translation studies. Starting from the identity crisis in cultural globalization known as “Jihad vs. McWorld” by Benjamin Barber, this paper draws inspirations from Annie... more
The present chapter explores the way Chinese and Scandinavian (Norwegian and Swedish) engineers working together on transnational projects in an international company perceive and make sense of their work collaboration with regards to... more
Globalisation is quickly making the world smaller, but the work challenges larger. Our colleagues, clients and teams are not only becoming more diverse, they are often working from different locations across the globe. How do we stay... more
People from different cultures vary in the ways they approach social conflicts, with Japanese being more motivated to maintain interpersonal harmony and avoid conflicts than Americans are. Such cultural differences have developmental... more
Personal photos and their associated metadata reveal different aspects of our lives and, when shared online, let others have an idea about us. Automating the extraction of personal information is an arduous task but it contributes to... more
Translation problems due to the different distribution of the pronouns on the T and V levels, even though they are sometimes briefly commented, are not commonly given much attention in translation studies. Allegedly, a translation can be... more
Participants in an intercultural situation of communication, trying to understand the intentions of their co-Iocutors from their own cultural perspective, can frequently commit misinterpretations that lead to misunderstandings of... more
My thesis discusses the style subject according to Gadamer’s approach via clarifying questions. The clarification presents possible statements regarding the components and mechanisms of style. The thesis assumes that style is anchored in... more
Participants in an intercultural situation of communication, trying to understand the intentions of their co-Iocutors from their own cultural perspective, can frequently commit misinterpretations that lead to misunderstandings of... more
Diversity enriches professional spaces and ethics, whereas an uncritical perpetuation of privileged norming threatens the fragile hope that the theory and practice of professionalism can evolve alongside commitments to equity and... more
This paper describes how bodily positions and gestures were used to teach argument diagramming to a student who cannot see. After listening to short argumentative passages with a screen reader, the student had to state the conclusion... more
Presented as part of the symposium: "Making Sense of Parenting across Culture", organised by Professor Merideth Gattis, University of Cardiff and Professor Terry Kit-Fong Au, Hong Kong University Observational data from dissertation... more
Επιτόπια έρευνα: Γενάρης 1979, Αύγουστος 1982, Μάρτιος 1983, Ιούνιος-Δεκέμβριος 1983, Δεκέμβριο 1985-Φεβρουάριος 1986, Αύγουστος-Νοέμβριος 1986, Δεκέμβριος 1987-Ιανουάριος 1988. Προϊόν επιτόπιας έρευνας, η μελέτη αποσκοπεί σε μια... more