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This course is a collaborative inquiry into theoretical principles and practical knowledge that are essential to understand issues of diversity and inclusion in education. By engaging in critical literacy, we investigate how the... more
This work aims to present reflections on the relationship established between Rural Education and the ways of thinking and building politics in society. This proposal invites us to reflect on the ways in which teachers, students, social... more
This research focuses on conducting action research in collaboration with teachers in a private, international school in Egypt. It aims at empowering teachers as agents of changes through a process of developing school improvement plan.... more
Araujo, Flores Carmona, Parra, & Chavez Chavez, 2014. Pedagogical strategies that use technologies for connecting and communicating across differences, provide us with opportunities to disseminate historically excluded voices in academia... more
In this chapter, I first discuss current understanding of style and register, as well as prestige and stigma, and the way that these are related to, but distinct from, questions of formality. Next, I describe a critical pedagogical SHL... more
Resumen La reflexión sobre la producción audiovisual y sobre su estatuto debe preguntarse sobre las fórmulas que fundan la creencia en una transparencia de la representación en la imagen contemporánea, de modo que sirvan en el... more
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made explicit what many of us already knew and some of us are constantly made to feel: good health and the abilities of our bodies & minds1 are fluid and uncertain. We can only ever hold them precariously... more
El ensayo destaca los aportes de las pedagogías críticas para repensar el papel de la universidad y sus maestros en la sociedad. Reivindica la autonomía, la crítica, la libertad académica y la recuperación del maestro como intelectual... more