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The recent bailout of Invest Bank of Sharjah, UAE was a relatively discreet and undramatic affair. Capital and liquidity support were provided by the Sharjah Government and the Central Bank respectively after real-estate and construction... more
The following working document summarizes our work on the clustering of financial time series. It was written for a workshop on information geometry and its application for image and signal processing. This workshop brought several... more
This study determined to find the critical factors that affect the accessibility of credit by small scale dairy farmers in Trans Nzoia County of Kenya. A survey study design was used and the study purposively selected a sample size of 100... more
this may be of interest to those who have not seen our case. in 2015 i caused a Notice of Default to be filed against BONYM et al. It is in the case and filed into the country recorders. The Waiver of Tort was violated, leaving over 15... more
Turkish banking system has re-emerged after the great 2001 Turkish financial crisis. After the crisis, many of small and primitive (rent-seeking) banks collapsed and banks’ assets/liabilities were transferred to the Saving Deposits... more
The Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2012 is widely considered to be second in severity to only the Great Depression of the 1930s. Sardonically coined as the ʻGreat Recessionʼ by commentators and media alike, what began as a housing crisis... more
This paper analyses the impacts of introduction of central counterparties (CCPs) on the credit default swaps (CDSs) market, particularly in the European domain. Our data collections are mainly retrieved from the secondary sources which we... more
Finansal piyasalardaki aktörler açısından risk son derece önemli bir kavramdır. Tüm finansal kuruluşların karşı karşıya olduğu temel risk faktörlerinden birisi kredi riskidir. Kredi riskinin piyasada görünür hale gelmesiyle birlikte bu... more
Lo Stato, in misura e con velocità diversa da luogo a luogo, è oggetto di detronizzazione. La sua sovranità politica si trova a fare i conti con un’altra sovranità che si va affermando, a prima vista irresistibilmente, perché su... more
There is a long history in social science that connects urbanization to capitalism. This entry discusses how the work of Manuel Castells and in particular David Harvey informs our understanding of the urbanization of financial crises in... more
Using efficient market hypothesis and structural break frameworks, this paper examines insider trading during the Ottoman sovereign default, as historical narratives claim information leakage. If the narratives were true, informed... more
This article looks at the analysis of the Middle East and North American Countries (MENA Countries) Credit Default Swaps CDS Spread and the relationship they have with Government Bonds. The sample of data for this study comprises the... more
This paper investigates the dependence structure between default risk premium, equity return volatility and jump risk in the equity market before and during the subprime crisis. Using iTraxx CDS index spreads from Japanese and Australian... more
Recent studies suggested that financial markets correlations and volatilities change during crisis periods. This paper presents a practical framework to test the volatility of sovereign credit default market and sovereign bond market... more
One of the most successful applications of Bayesian inference is the Kalman filter. Even if very simple, Kalman filtering may constitute a very powerful tool on a trading desk. Here we briefly discuss some of the issues concerning... more
This paper investigates both short and long-run interaction between BIST-100 index and CDS prices over January 2008 to May 2015 using ARDL technique. The paper documents several findings. First, ARDL analysis shows that 1 TL increase in... more
Bachelor's thesis January 2015 Technical University of Munich, Department for Mathematical Statistics The paper starts with the mathematical fundamentals for random graphs and models for random graphs. Over the course of the paper,... more
Resumen: a pesar de que el Gobierno de España anunció el pasado 9 de junio su intención de recebar ayuda financiera de la Unión Europea (un " rescate " encubierto), puede afirmarse que España se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de rescate... more
In recent years, the spreads of CDS that are crucial aspects in detecting the financial risk level of countries have been taken more notice of by investors. In this paper, we investigate the relation between CDS spreads and countries’... more
As international organizations adopt new legal standards to promote access to credit through the modernization of national secured transactions law, the lack of coordination with regulatory standards for banking institutions thwarts the... more
This study was set to determine the critical factors that affect the accessibility of credit by small-scale dairy farmers in Trans Nzoia County of Kenya. This was through the establishment of factors influencing small scale dairy farmer’s... more
This paper aims to develop a multiple regression model for country risk assessment using its economic and political factor and analyze the effect of changes in these factors on risk ratings. The ratings are as per Standard & Poor’s... more
FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD in In the prolonged battle against european non-performing loans (NPLs) and systemic risk, Authorities have ultimately devised and made available to the affected credit... more
Over the last few years populism has exploded across the globe and appears to be the dominant political theme of the 21st century. As a result, fears of populist-induced market turmoil exist in financial society and mainstream economic... more
A synopsis of the American Insurance Group (AIG) before and during the financial crisis is presented in this paper, financial analysis of the company's position revealed that the company was swamped in a pool of illiquidity amidst the... more
"ARE CREDIT SCORES RELIABLE"? Credit Scoring, hasn't been around that long, but when evaluating risk, it is a tool that is used more frequently then most realized. However, the real question that should be asked is, Do Credit Scores... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye özelinde CDS primleri, borsa endeksleri, tahvil faizleri ve döviz kuru arasındaki ilişkilerin analiz edilmesidir. Bu amaçla değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi tahmin edebilmek için 29.04.2018-22.11.2020 tarihleri... more
This chapter presents in a very concentrated manner the fundamentals of major legal instruments used in contemporary finance, notably futures and options. It also deals extremely succinctly with some aspects of monetary law and of... more