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Desde a instituição da Academia de Belas Artes de Lisboa, em 1836, surgiram as preocupações com a manutenção das colecções de pintura que então passaram para a sua guarda. Ao longo dos anos, vamos encontrando múltiplas referências... more
La conservazione programmata è una procedura innovativa, pensata come passaggio dal restauro come evento alla conservazione come processo di lungo periodo. Essa è qualcosa di più della manutenzione e del monitoraggio: è una strategia... more
This text describes the pattern that has been followed for drafting the conservation plan of the mural paintings in S. Maria Maddalena church. The conservation project of the building and its interiors is focused on a multidisciplinary... more
This contribution discusses the emergent field of Intergenerational Justice (IJ) with an aim to drawing new light upon issues in conservation. Several key issues in IJ are discussed that allow heritage conservation to be contextualised.... more
5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HERITAGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Throughout the development of the museums architecture, despite many advances and achievements of this architectural typology, there has been a gap between architecture... more
The collection environment, including temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), is an important consideration in formulating management strategies that can have a long-term effect on collections and institutions. To meet specific needs,... more
PROCESSOS DE MUSEALIZAÇÃO : UM SEMINÁRIO DE INVESTIGAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL. Ao longo do desenvolvimento da arquitetura de museus, apesar dos inúmeros avanços e conquistas dessa tipologia arquitetônica, houve um distanciamento entre... more
Textile objects were inadequately stored in an overstuffed wardrobe in the sacristy. First, the objects were inspected and photographed. A short condition report was generated for each object. The objects were then neatly stored in a... more
Η φωτογραφική καταγραφή των έργων τέχνης είναι απαραίτητη πριν από κάθε εργασία συντήρησης, ώστε να καταγραφεί και αποτυπωθεί η παθολογία των φθορών όπως και τα ιστορικά στοιχεία ενός αντικειμένου. Η φωτογραφική τεκμηρίωση είναι... more
Preventive strategies for the conservation of heritage sites have gradually been preferred to curative approaches because of their ability to maintain their significance. Furthermore, most experts now agree that conservation management of... more
Advice on preventive conservation of prehistoric rock art and runestones in Blekinge county
The need to have a Plan of Preventive Conservation, it is essential with regard to the processes of conservation of the heritage. This article presents a methodology developed by the project "Ciudad Patrimonio Mundial", which contributes... more
In recent years the importance of risk assessment within the practice of condition surveys in the field of built heritage conservation has been gaining ground, thus acknowledging the positive results of a risk management approach,... more
Presentatie op de studiedag:
Herkomst Van Herck. Reconstructie van de verspreide archieven en collecties van een prominente Antwerpse kunsthandelaarsfamilie. Antwerpen, Rubenianum, 5 april 2019.
Download here: Heritage Conservation and Social Engagement is an edited volume that explores different kinds of engagement, participation,... more
Esse e os demais planos de aula de Políticas de Preservação foram elaborados pelos Professores Fabiano Cataldo e Stefanie Freire como resultado de discussões constantes para o aprimoramento do trabalho. Se usar, por favor, não deixe... more
The paper aims at enlightening the positive effect that a shift from restoration as an event to conservation as a planned process.could have on regional economy and local development processes; the empowerment of actors is identified as... more
Los monumentos en espacio público son un reto para las instituciones encargadas de su conservación, dada la complejidad de factores que confluyen y que pueden atentar contra la preservación de los bienes. Para afrontar este problema, un... more
Abstract This report was compiled as part of a work placement assessment required for the completion of an MA in Preventive Conservation at Northumbria University. This report examines the risks to the collections of Andover Museum and... more
Un exceptionnel sanctuaire à armes daté de la période laténienne, découvert lors d’une opération de diagnostic archéologique conduite à Ablis (Yvelines) par l’INRAP en novembre 2013, a suscité la réalisation d’une fouille programmée et la... more
O gerenciamento de riscos é uma ferramenta valiosa que auxilia na preservação de acervos bibliográficos. Diante disto, a pesquisa objetiva propor um Plano de Gerenciamento de Riscos para a salvaguarda do acervo da Biblioteca Francisca... more
This is the proof version. See the citation for the final version. Vibrations due to heavy construction work continue to be a major concern for museums. Although there has been an increase in research on the effect of vibrations on... more
Plaster is an ideal casting material, but it is dust-sensitive and difficult to clean – a problem that was already the subject of lively public and professional discussion in the 19th century. The Archaeological Institute of the... more
Resumo: O museu atual advém do colecionismo privado que depois de transformações na sociedade culmina na criação de museus nacionais e depois na criação do Icom, promotor da difusão e proteção do patrimônio musealizado. Sua definição de... more
The history of museum climate guidelines is developed through three overlapping strands:awareness of problems, doing something about them, and the slow development of the science. Topics covered are nineteenth-century discoveries of... more
Arquitetura Moderna e sua Preservação: Estudos para o Plano de conservação Preventiva do Pavilhão Arthur Neiva Este livro pretende apresentar ao público a pesquisa desenvolvida pela Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, no... more
The conservation field has produced various preventive conservation tools to support the organization and interpretation of data and contribute to sound decision-making. This paper examines selected tools for the analysis and... more
Desde a instituição da Academia de Belas Artes de Lisboa, em 1836, surgiram as preocupações com a manutenção das colecções de pintura que então passaram para a sua guarda. Ao longo dos anos, vamos encontrando múltiplas referências... more
Contemporary art installations and sculptures are made of a large variety of materials. The modern concept of light art emerged with the development of artificial electric light sources and experimentation by modern artists of the... more
this article introduces the reader to the considerations that had to be taken when cleaning and refreshing two of its large display cases at the Jewish Museum of Greece. The staff of the museum planned in advance, ensuring the safety of... more
Storage space is a major concern for most museums all over the world, yet practical guidance to assess current space usage or future space needs may not be entirely adapted to the needs of non-specialized users. Six published storage... more
Kathy PERRIN, Duncan H. BROWN, Guus LANGE, David BIBBY, Annika CARLSSON, Ann DEGRAEVE, Martin KUNA, Ylva LARSSON, Sólborg Una PÁLSDÓTTIR, Bettina STOLL-TUCKER, Cynthia DUNNING, Aurélie ROGALLA VON BIEBERSTEIN The activities of the... more
This publication is a translation of 'Het loopt in de papieren' - geïntegreerde bestrijding van insecten in collecties', first published by the Instituut Collectie Nederland in 2003. Compared with the Dutch original, this English version... more
This is the 2019 English translation by Louise Sire-Nieman of the Dutch guidelines for museum lighting that were published by ICN in 2005. These guidelines obviously lean heavily on the work by Stefan Michalski from CCI and follow the... more
This publication is a translation of 'Pluis in huis, geïntegreerde bestrijding van schimmels in archieven' first published by the Instituut Collectie Nederland in 1999. Compared with the Dutch original, this English version contains a few... more
Στουπάθης Κ. (2015). «Η Tεκμηρίωση και η Συντήρηση της συλλογής του Ελληνικού Θεάτρου Σκιών του Μουσείου Ελληνικής Λαϊκής Τέχνης». Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου «Η Συντήρηση της Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς, Αθήνα 25-29 Μαϊου 2015 (υπό έκδοση).
This manual was developed during the ICCROM-CCI-RCE course on risk management of collections. The method has been generalized to buildings and sites. It is available in English and French, as pdf or web page. English pdf here:... more
The main goal of this undergraduate thesis was to outline recommendations regarding the physical security of the special collections inside Guilherme Figueiredo Room in the Central Library of the Federal University of the State of Rio de... more