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The present study draws on corpus stylistics (cf. [38]; [19]; [26]; [20], to name a few) to investigate the narrative style in Stephenie Meyer’s The Twilight Saga (2005-2008). In particular, it focuses on keywords generated using... more
In James Joyce’s short story, ‘Eveline’, a young woman is thinking about a new life away from an unhappy existence which involves caring for a violent father. In the story, Eveline is to elope with Frank to Buenos Aires, but Eveline fails... more
Foregrounding (e.g. Leech 1965, 1985; Leech and Short 1981), whereby certain linguistic elements in literary works differ consistently and systematically (Mukařovsky 1958: 44) from norms represented by a particular benchmark, has often... more
According to Merriam-Webster, the act of leaving out one or more words that are not necessary for a phrase to understood a sign used in printed text to show that words have left out. Ellipsis as an index style of literary text is a... more
The language of Shakespeare’s plays has received substantial treatment in various ‘dictionaries', ‘glossaries’, ‘lexica’ and ‘concordances’. However, the classic works are written in the philological tradition that characterised the... more
In this chapter, we propose a novel theoretical framework for the literary translation of fictional characters. This framework develops the cognitive corpus linguistic notion of mind- modelling to account for process-, product- and... more
In recent years, many of George MacDonald’s narrative, poetic, critical and theological works have been made available in digital formats — which has opened up new possibilities for investigating these works. The aim of the present paper... more
The aim of this paper is to detect the linguistic construction of fe/male characters in a specialised literary corpus. The corpus (GHANEM) consists of Qais Ghanem's three novels Final Flight from Yemen (2011), Two Boys from Aden College... more
This article explores how the phrase 'mad woman' is used to construct gendered face-threatening actions in Early Modern dramatic writing. Although literary scholars are familiar with the more canonical mad women, I show that feminine... more
Η παρούσα μελέτη ασχολείται με τις υφολογικές εκφάνσεις των μηνυμάτων του Έλληνα Πρωθυπουργού, υπό τη μορφή διαγγελμάτων, κατά τη διάρκεια της καθολικής απαγόρευσης κυκλοφορίας στην ελληνική επικράτεια την περίοδο της πανδημίας του... more
This article discusses ways that dramatic structure can be analyzed through the use of social titles in Shakespeare's plays. Freytag's (1863) pyramid of dramatic structure is based on patterns he found in Shakespearean and Greek tragedy;... more
Several tools are developed to facilitate the quantitative analysis of interpretation style, a matter that has hitherto been discussed only in vague terms. These tools can allow the investigation of questions such as: How does an... more
Bang, Minhee. 2016. " A Corpus Analysis of Representation of Mothers in the South Korean Press: collocates of 엄마 (mom) ". The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 157~189. This study analyses the main lexical collocates of 엄마 (eomma:... more
ชุดรหัสคดีเรียงตามล าดับอักษรของซู กราฟตัน (Sue Grafton) เป็นที่ แพร่หลายในหมู่นักอ่านชาวอเมริกันเป็นเวลาหลายทศวรรษแต่การศึกษาในแง่ ภาษาศาสตร์และวรรณคดียังไม่เป็นที่แพร่หลายมากนัก... more
Μαθιουδάκης, Ν. (2015). Η γλωσσική ποιητική ταυτότητα του Καβάφη και του Καζαντζάκη: μια συγκριτική μελέτη. Στο Κ. Α. Δημάδης (επιμ.), Πρακτικά του Ε΄ Ευρωπαϊκού Συνεδρίου Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών/ Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of... more
The present study draws on corpus stylistics (cf. [38]; [19]; [26]; [20], to name a few) to investigate the narrative style in Stephenie Meyer’s The Twilight Saga (2005-2008). In particular, it focuses on keywords generated using... more
This paper examines the fragmentation of the fe/male characters in a one-novel corpus (henceforth, FFFS Corpus). The text is Final Flight From Sanaa, a Yemeni novel written by Qais Ghanem and published in 2011. The paper unfolds how the... more
This study is an exploratory investigation into lexico-grammatical items specific to a large corpus of English-language postwar novels, as compared to corpora of conversation, news and academic English. Its overall aim is threefold:... more
The pruning of the Pauline Canon is considered one of the signal achievements of contemporary New Testament studies. Quite intriguingly, however, no such consensus on the Pauline Canon exists among researchers who have actually executed... more
Despite a growing awareness of methodological issues, the literature on APPRAISAL has not so far provided adequate answers to some of the key challenges involved in reliably identifying and classifying evaluative language expressions.... more
Studying the stylistic aspects of literary works in fact began since the Safavid dynasty, when many biographers in Iran and in India attempted to study and criticize the poems of Iranian and Indian poets. Although biographers were more or... more
Bir corpus bir yazarın niyetlerini nasıl açıklayabilir? Bir Osmanlı tarihçisi bir eser yazarak kendi düşüncelerini anlatabilir miydi? Bu sorular kapsamında ‘‘Tarih-i Naima’’ diğer Osmanlı Türkçesi metinlerine kıyasla belirsiz bir şekilde... more
Изучение авторского идиолекта и его эволюции осуществимо только на основе текстологически корректного и хронологически дифференцированного корпуса текстов, отражающего историю каждого авторского произведения путем учета существовавшей в... more
The Corpus-stylistic Approach: Ways and Means In recent years, many of George MacDonald’s narrative, poetic, critical and theological works have been made available in digital formats —which has opened up new possibilities for... more
The amount of surviving inscriptions from the Ottoman Times in Greece is astonished. This paper is the first ever study announces these inscriptions throughout Greece in a quantitative approach. Through statistical methods, this research... more
Great advances in Corpus Linguistics have led to new approaches in Literary Studies. This paper applies these new tools to the analysis of Golden Age Spanish poetry written by Fernando de Herrera, the author of Anotaciones a Garcilaso de... more
The paper presents a corpus stylistics view on empathy, seen as a mechanism of sharing textual meaning that subsists between authors and their readers. After a brief mention of the relevant developments in psychology and empirical... more
In spite of the highly beneficial applications of corpus linguistics in language pedagogy, it has not found its way into mainstream EFL. The major reasons seem to be the teachers' lack of training and the unavailability of resources,... more
A novel distinction is proposed between two types of closed similes: the standard and the non-standard. While the standard simile presents a ground that is a salient feature of the source term (e.g. meek as a lamb), the non-standard... more
This conference paper advocates a method of translating literary style which combines traditional close reading with computer-assisted literary analysis, or ‘distant reading’, to use a term coined by Franco Moretti in his studies of 19th... more
There is a long history of stylometric approaches to questions of authorship of the Íslendingasögur, most particularly the question of whether Snorri Sturluson wrote Egils saga. Wieselgren (1927) used the frequencies of a series of... more
This article demonstrates how studies which work on the interface between language and literature can resort to Corpus Linguistics to develop evidence-based analyses. In this sense, they avoid – to a certain extent – the subjectivism of... more
In linguistics, the term deixis is used to describe the use of general words and phrases by speakers to point to persons, objects, specific place and time from their physical or psychological positions while communicating their... more
In spite of the highly beneficial applications of corpus linguistics in language pedagogy, it has not found its way into mainstream EFL. The major reasons seem to be the teachers' lack of training and the unavailability of resources,... more
We proposed a corpus approach to the study of the poetics of related Indo-European folklore traditions. Since in folk poetics, lines’ clausules play a primary role in organizing the text, acting as "nests" of formulas and syntactic... more
An Ottoman prose work Tarih-i Naima (Naima’s History) for a long time has been the subject of special interest for literary critics, historians and linguists due to its stylistic features. The general comparison of the chronicle frequency... more
A popular interest in Shakespeare has been matched in recent years by an increasing number of computer-assisted analyses of the plays. Although not without their critics, corpus stylistic studies have offered scope and reliability in the... more
In about 350 BC Aristotle committed to writing in one of his major works (Metaphysics) what may well be judged today to be the most enduring linguistic and philosophical paradox of all time. He states it as follows: 'The objects of... more
This study, which is a revised version of a 2015 Ph.D. dissertation (supervised by S. Dollinger & M. Meyer), systematically analyzes the influence of political affiliation on early 19th-century Canadian English. By correlating the... more