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The programmability of smartphones is a crucial feature, since it transforms a cell phone into a pocket-sized computer. Since 2008, when popular operating system providers allowed independent developers to write application software... more
Matlab and Psychophysics Toolbox Introduction (in German), extended version (2009, past version was 2007) aimed at students, not experts Not a paper but class material; put in this section because provides nicer stats for... more
El artículo busca delinear una experiencia estética vinculada a la utilización de lenguajes digitales en la creación literaria. La principal hipótesis es que las características hipertextuales de la literatura digital, así como la... more
The article addresses the relationship between open and closed texts. The aim of the study is to analyze the specifics of relationship between the open and closed text in the general context of communication between the author and the... more
Page 139. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, Vol. 31 (1996), 137-156 METAPHOR-A SEMIOTIC PERSPECTIVE SVEND ERIK LARSEN Odense University Signs and metaphors Semiotics is not a theory of right or wrong sign uses ...
This paper is concerned with the changing nature of space. More and more of the spaces of everyday life come loaded up with software, lines of code that are installing a new kind of automatically reproduced background and whose nature is... more
The objective of this paper is to outline the implementation of the Walking Skeleton Strategy in the environment of the test driven development. It is often observed that the project build is time consuming which, delays the project... more
The weight enumerator of a binary doubly even self-dual code is an isobaric polynomial in the two generators of the ring of invariants of a certain group of order 192. The aim of this note is to study the ring of coefficients of that... more
This essay studies the source code of an artwork from a software studies perspective. By examining code that come close to the approach of critical code studies (Marino, 2006), I trace the network artwork, Pupufu (Lin, 2009) to understand... more
In an interview recorded in 1994, Andre-Georges Haudricourt described himself as a “passe-muraille,” a person capable of walking through walls (Bertrand 2002: 251). The passe-muraille , best known to French readers from the short story of... more
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
Dans cet article, l'auteur a tenté de distinguer les notions de paysage et de territorialité en montrant qu'elles ne se réclamaient pas des mêmes fondements épistémologiques. La notion de paysage procède du « vu » tandis que la... more