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This study analyzes a driary owned by Soe Hoek Gie which is published entitling Catatan Seorang Demonsran. Discourse in Gie's book is a type of critical discourse developed in the society and is made to criticize Indonesian authorities... more
This paper describes a figure called Farid Husain who actively involves in the effort towards the peace of Aceh. This figure is believed to be very successful in playing his role upon searching for peace in Aceh, that he could bring peace... more
At first, marketing practitioners and academics consider standardized approaches to marketing and advertising strategies in globalization, and then some studies proved that the standardization of advertising across culture is not valid.... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current experiences of deaf children in upper primary, secondary and preparatory schools in Gondar City Administration, Ethiopia. A phenomenological study design with qualitative inquiry... more
Dukun, wong pinter, and other terms, commonly constitutes to the term of shamanism, are often interpreted in the same way. In particular, the dukun and wong pinter are generally understood as persons who have extraordinary or even... more
Membaca tulisan Danarto, yang berjudul "Refleksi Perempuan" dalam Republika (1993), menyebabkan penulis berpikir ulang tentang makna karya-karya Danarto yang selama ini hanya dinilai mengungkapkan permasalahan religiusitas.... more
Language is an essential feature of communication for all poeple. It is utilized through various tools and media, and singing songs is one of the traditional forms of communication. Songs are usually written for particular reasons,... more
Based on a library research, this paper aims at introducing the police procedural as a subgenre of detective genre. To achieve the aim, this paper elaborately discusses three definitions of the police procedural. The discussion shows that... more
Well-translated bilingual history textbook can be as a well source of language knowledge. The purposes of this research were to figure out the dominant translation shift, method and the impact of dominant shift and method on accuracy... more
This article discusses the rise of populism in Arabic and Western cultures as well as the connection between them. This study shows that populism in the Arab and Western world have several common characteristics: resistance against the... more
Tourism has emerged as one of the largest and most rapidly growing economic sectors in the world. Nevertheless, many tourist destinations have been periodically confronted by natural disasters that threaten their survival as an industry... more
Media and communication technology plays a crucial role in diasporic communities by helping members to maintain complex connections with their places of origin, and at the same time to live their life in the diaspora. The social... more
Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia and the seventh largest GDP in the world, yet little is known about Indonesia’s organizational culture. This paper develops a deep understanding of kekeluargaan (kinship), which derives... more
This article deals with the investigation of the existence of postcolonial discourse in Coogler’s Black Panther (2018). The study aims to reveal and examine the existence of social issues related to Bhabha’s notion of postcolonialism... more
This article deals with the investigation of the existence of postcolonial discourse in Coogler’s Black Panther (2018). The study aims to reveal and examine the existence of social issues related to Bhabha’s notion of postcolonialism... more
Performing ritual before making gamelan as one of stages of producing gamelan orchestra has changed. The decision of gamelan masters to perform ritual is affected by their worldview, socio-religious and economic changes in their... more