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This papers examines three early Christian memorial sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (church of the Nativity, Eleona church on the Mount of Olives, and Church of the Resurrection) erected in the 330s in the time of Constantine the Great... more
‘Jerusalem in Rome and the Cult of the Cross’ in: Pratum Romanum: Richard Krautheimer zum 100. Geburtstag. R. Colella et al. eds. Wiesbaden 1997, 55-73
""Two related types of silver medallions appear to have been struck for the dedication of Constantinople on 11 May 330 A.D. The first, whose reverse depicts a seated figure of Constantinopolis, has been widely catalogued in numismatic... more
Il file caricato è l'Introduzione (pp. 9-17) del volume A. Barbero, Costantino il Vincitore, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2016, pp. 850
Summary The life and work of Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus; from 306 to 337 AD) is one of the most researched topics when it comes to ancient historiography. Thanks to the famous Edict of Milan... more
В статье предлагается разбор ранних свидетельств о страстных реликвиях и делается попытка показать обстоятельства появления, видимо, первой "священной короны" в европейской истории.
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
La aniversarea a 17 veacuri de la publicarea Edictului de la Mediolanum este şi firesc să ne îndreptăm atenţia asupra documentului care a marcat istoria creştinismului, istoria civilizaţiei şi, implicit, istoria universală. Fie că îl... more
Au printemps 310 , l’empereur Constantin, visitant en Gaule un temple anonyme, y aurait vu Apollon, accompagné de la Victoire, apparaître devant lui . En 1926, Camille Jullian proposa de localiser à Grand le sanctuaire visité par... more
Traditionally, Roman history is divided into three periods. Although their dates are not very precise, the first is Regnum Romanum or the Kingdom Period (B.C. 753-509), the second is Res Publica Romana or the Republican Period (B.C.... more
This volume explores one of the most complex, multifaceted and momentous of all western cultural transformations: the refashioning of the Roman principate under Constantine in the early fourth century AD. It does so through the... more
Who is the "scholasticus" responsible for the Roman Canon? Answer: Lactanctius. The study principally concentrates on reconstructing the Roman Canon to approximately AD 325. The reconstruction takes advantage of traditional sources and... more
Throughout confrontations between material and literary documents, this thesis demonstrates another perspective from written sources, that is, Constantine was not only represented as a Christian emperor. Having a hard analysis on... more
The article attempts to construe the chronology of Constantine’s campaigns against the Goths and Sarmatians in 332 and 334, respectively, and to assess the extent of Roman control of Gothia (the former Roman Dacia) in the following years.... more
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
More than 2 millennia of Jewish presence in Thessaloniki have shaped both the city and its Jews. The Jews of Thessaloniki, in most instances, were subject to the fortunes and misfortunes of their coreligionists in the realms of the... more
DE LA CRISIS A LA RESTAURACIÓN DEL ORDEN: EMPERADORES ILIRIOS, LA TETRARQUÍA Y CONSTANTINO (268-324). Conferencia dentro del congreso "Edicto de Milán: 1700 años de libertad religiosa para los cristianos (313-2013). Universidad Católica... more
Master's thesis with a focus on the developments that have led to the acceptance of the use of spolia in early Christian Church buildings in Rome (300-600 A.D.), as well as whether the practice of reuse matched the ideologies as they are... more
The largest necropolis of Naissus (modern Niš, Serbia) in the late antiquity period was formed on the right bank of the river Nišava, east of the fortification, along the road that led to Ratiaria. It is located on the site of today's... more
The rock of Golgotha is situated inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Church itself hasn't kept the initial design (4th c.) by reason of the earthquakes, fires or invasions. After 614, there was no century without demolishing.... more
The emperor Constantine's family is referred to by scholars as either the Constantinian Dynasty, or the Neo-Flavians. The reason that they have been called the 'Neo-Flavians' or New Flavians, is not because scholars have traced back their... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
The Donatist Movement represents a phenomenon that can be studied as a paradigm for the emergence of schisms and their evolution from a canonical-disciplinary deviation to a dogmatic-moral one, transforming the dissident group into a... more
Archaeological evidence from urban contexts in central and southern Greece (the Peloponnese, Attica, and Boeotia) and the Aegean Islands (the Cyclades, the Dodecanese, and Crete) makes clear that “public expressions of Christian identity”... more